Can You Match the Army Uniform with the War?

By: Olivia C
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can You Match the Army Uniform with the War?
Image: Jose Fernando Ogura/Curitiba/Brazil / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Ah, war. Like that '80s song said, "War, war is stupid." But what could we do? We have so many kinds of wars happening for so many types of reasons that we could probably make a very long list of these wars. And warring is also part and parcel of human existence. Wars were always there, be they big official ones and even the small personal ones. War will always be part of our existence in these aspects.

But setting aside the negative aspects of war, we also have to commend the brave men and women who volunteered, got drafted, and went to serve in a war for their country's honor and glory. We owe them a debt of gratitude for preserving what needs to be preserved, defending what needs to be defended and fighting for what needs to be fought for. For their services, we are forever grateful.

And to look at an interesting aspect of war, how about taking a walk down historical memory lanes by looking at the various uniforms that warring armies have worn over the centuries? In this quiz, we're covering mostly the US Army's look, but we also inserted a few famous international ones here. 

Ready to take a peek? Go ahead and charge!

Persian Gulf War (Desert Battle Dress Uniform)
By BrokenSphere, from Wikimedia Commons
In which recent war did this U.S. Army "chocolate chip camouflage" got a lot of wear time?
Persian Gulf War
This is technically called the Desert Battle Dress Uniform. It was used during the Persian Gulf War.
Colombian Conflict
Zanzibar Revolution
30 September Movement
Spanish-American War (Rough Rider)
Library of Congress, via Wikimedia Commons
This Rough Rider uniform was worn by U.S. fighters during which war?
Spanish-American War
The Rough Rider uniforms were worn by the Volunteer Cavalry during the Spanish-American War. Theodore Roosevelt led the charge!
Iran Crisis
First Indochina War
Greek Civil War
Korean War (US Army soldier)
By Wayne Ray, via Wikimedia Commons
This is what U.S. soldiers typically wore during another Asian war. Which one is it?
Hvar Rebellion
Korean War
Since Korea is in northern Asia, U.S. soldiers had to prepare for wintertime there. That's why they were also provided with overcoats to wear atop their usual olive drab uniform.
Sino-Japanese War
Poor Conrad Rebellion


WWII (Eisenhower Jacket)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
This is called the Eisenhower Jacket, worn by Army officers during which war?
World War II
It's technically called the M44 Wool Field Jacket. But World War II officers also referred to it as the Eisenhower Jacket.
Guelders Wars
Vietnam War
Ottoman Civil War
World War II (SS Nazi uniform)
By Riksarkivet (National Archives of Norway) from Oslo, Norway, via Wikimedia Commons
Perhaps this European enemy army uniform is the most well-filmed as well, since this is from which war?
Aden Emergency
Shifta War
Simba Rebellion
World War II
The German Nazi SS soldiers wore this all black uniform during World War II. Allied forces won't forget how this looks.
Vietnam War (U.S. Army olive drab)
Public Domain Via Wikimedia Commons
This olive drab army uniform is perhaps the most well-filmed and most televised since it's from this U.S.-involved war. What war is it?
Punjab War
Bantam Quest
Vietnam War
This is what the typical Army soldier wore during the Vietnam War. The green blended well with the very tropical setting of this war.
Rum Rebellion


Civil War (Union soldier)
By ExpandUnidentified 19th-century photographerUnidentified, Unattributed, Anonymous or Unknown 19th-century photographerRestored by Adam Cuerden (Library of Congress exhibit), via Wikimedia Commons
The Union soldiers wore this blue uniform in which war?
Tican's Rebellion
Russo-Turkish War
War of the Fourth Coalition
Civil War
This is what the Civil War uniforms of the Union looked like. It's really simple.
Mexican-American War (Sky blue uniform)
History Class via youtube
This sky blue ensemble was worn by U.S. soldiers during which war?
Mexican-American War
This sky blue jacket and trousers uniform was used by soldiers during the Mexican-American War. That one started in 1846 and lasted for two years.
Tuareg Rebellion
Mindanao Crisis
Algerian Civil War
Spanish-American War (Cavalry soldier)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
This cavalry soldier uniform with the trademark neckerchiefs was seen in which war?
Kuomintang Insurgency
Palace Rebellion
Spanish-American War
Cavalry soldiers with neckerchiefs were distinguishable during the Spanish-American War. That was a good addition to their uniform.
Battle of Chamdo


WWII (Pacific Theater Herringbone twill fatigue)
Alfred T. Palmer, via Wikimedia Commons
In the Pacific theater of this war, this herringbone twill fatigue was worn by the U.S. Army. Which war was this?
Brunei Revolt
Sand War
Phantom Wars
World War II
World War II also took place in the Pacific. That's why this uniform was tailor-fit for the tropical weather there.
War of 1812 (Blue coatee)
H. Charles McBarron, Jr., via Wikimedia Commons
In which war did U.S. army soldiers wear this blue coatee with a shako headgear?
Dhofar Rebellion
Ar-Rashid Revolt
Clone Wars
War of 1812
The War of 1812 saw US Army soldiers wearing this somewhat elaborately designed uniform. Yes, the head gear gives them off.
WWII M1941 field jacket
By Second Infantry Division of South Florida , from Wikimedia Commons
In the European theater of this war, U.S. army soldiers wore this M1941 field jacket. Which war was this?
Chadian Civil War
Indo-Pakistani War
World War II
World War II happened in various areas of the world. This uniform was fit for the weather in the European theater.
Six-Day War


Iraq War (Desert Camouflage Uniform)
By Tech. Sgt. Laura Smith, via Wikimedia Commons
This is the Desert Camouflage Uniform worn by the U.S. Army during which war?
Iraq War
The Iraq War started in 2003. The U.S. Army had to adjust to desert-like situations, and applied those to uniform design.
Anglo-Aro War
Venezuelan Crisis
May Coup
WWII (Italian Blackshirts)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
This Italian Blackshirts uniform was also seen during which multinational war?
World War II
Italy's Blackshirts, who also fought during World War II, were named as such because of their predominantly black uniforms. Their official name, though, is Milizia Volontaria per la Sicurezza Nazionale.
Operation Polo
Gulf War
Costa Rican Civil War
WWII (Soviet women snipers)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Soviet women wore this gear when doing sniper duty during which war?
World War II
World War II saw a lot of action from the Soviet female soldiers. They were great snipers!
Border War
Napoleonic Wars
Spanish Civil War


American Revolutionary War (Continental Army soldier)
By Ogden, Henry Alexander (1856-1936), via Wikimedia Commons
This is what the Continental Army typically wore during which historic war?
Korean DMZ Conflict
Multinational Force Lebanon
American Revolutionary War
The American Revolutionary War began in 1775. It was fought to gain freedom for the land to be known as America.
Somali Civil War
Civil War (Confederate soldier)
Library of Congress, via Wikimedia Commons
This gray uniform was worn by Confederate soldiers in what war?
Bale Revolt
Indian Wars
Barbary Wars
Civil War
The American Civil war had the northern states and southern states fighting each other. The southern Confederate states wore this uniform.
WWII (Women's Army Corps)
Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
The Women's Army Corps wore this during which war?
Indian Wars
World War II
The U.S. Women's Army Corps finally saw some action during World War II. Their uniforms were similar in a way with the men's uniforms, with the obvious exception of the skirt.
World War I
Reform War


American Revolutionary War (US Officer George Washington)
By J.W. Paradise (engraving) from a picture by J.G. Chapman after Charles Wilson Peale, via Wikimedia Commons
This is what a U.S. officer such as George Washington wore in which war?
Escambray Rebellion
Mexico-Guatemala Conflict
American Revolutionary War
Officers during the American Revolutionary War wore this kind of elaborate uniform. It looked good on George Washington, didn't it?
Congo Crisis
WWI (US Army soldier)
By U.S. Army Signal Corps, via Wikimedia Commons
This was the typical U.S. Army uniform when it entered this huge war. What was it?
Bosnian War
Kosovo War
World War I
World War I saw the U.S. participate in this largely European war at first. It started in 1914.
Horn of Africa War
WWI (Hello Girls navy blue Norfolk dress jacket)
Dennis Skupinski via youtube
The so-called Hello Girls of this war donned this Norfolk-style navy blue uniform. Which war was this?
Operation Trikora
Sino-Indian War
World War I
Hello Girls were U.S. women who had jobs as communications and telephone operators during World War I. They wore this uniform when on duty.
North Yemen Civil War


Vietnam War (Special Forces Soldiers tiger stripe camouflage)
By U.S. Navy photo by Lt.j.g. Todd Spitler, via Wikimedia Commons
This short-lived Special Forces tiger stripe camouflage was seen in which war?
World War II
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was long and protracted, therefore there were chances of redesigning certain uniforms. This tiger stripe camouflage was used there, but the design didn't really fly.
Siege of Vienna
Balkan Campaign
WWII (Soviet Army)
By User:Urban, from Wikimedia Commons
The Soviet Army wore this winter protection uniform during which war?
Operation Desert Storm
World War II
The Soviet Union was actually part of the Allies during World War II. They were prepared for winter battles with this uniform.
Operation Enduring Freedom
Operation Shock and Awe
Invasion of Panama (US woodland camouflage)
By Staff Sgt. Chris Steffen, U.S. Air Force, via Wikimedia Commons
This U.S. woodland camouflage of the '80s was very visible during which military operation?
Poonch Rebellion
Malagasy Uprising
U.S. Invasion of the Philippines
U.S. Invasion of Panama
This woodland camouflage became the standard for the U.S. Army for many years. It was seen used in the U.S. Invasion of Panama during the late '80s.


WWII (Pacific Theater US Army women service uniform)
Jeff Quitney via youtube
Women who were part of the U.S. Army's Pacific personnel wore this service uniform during which war?
Jelali Revolts
World War I
World War II
US Pacific female personnel uniform also adapted to the needs of the area. World War II saw more use of cotton anklet socks instead of stockings for women, since it's hot there.
Italian War
American Revolutionary War (British Army redcoat)
By Jim.henderson, from Wikimedia Commons
The enemy army soldiers wore this red coat uniform in which war?
American Revolutionary War
The British Army were nicknamed the redcoats during the American Revolutionary War. That's because of what they wore.
War of Attrition
Padri War
First Serbian Uprising
Persian Gulf War (Desert Night camouflage)
By Jesse Ables, from Wikimedia Commons
This discontinued Desert Night Camouflage was briefly used during which U.S. operation?
Dominican Civil War
Persian Gulf War
This simply designed desert night camouflage didn't work so well during the Persian Gulf War. It was supposed to be effective for night vision non-detection, but it reportedly failed miserably in that department.
Cold War
Lebanon Crisis


WWII (Japanese Imperial Army)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The Japanese Imperial Army wore these uniforms during which war?
World War II
The Japanese were the enemy during World War II's Pacific Theater. Those rifles with bayonets were such a nightmare back then.
Shogun wars
World War 1
Cuban Missile Crisis
Operation Enduring Freedom (MultiCam fatigue)
By Master Sgt. David Miller (, via Wikimedia Commons
This is called the MultiCam pattern, used in which operation by U.S. soldiers?
Operation Enduring Freedom
This MultiCam pattern was heavily used by the U.S. Army during the early onset of Operation Enduring Freedom. That means the War in Afghanistan, which was greenlighted after the 9/11 attacks, and it was in search of Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda group.
Battle of Mogadishu
Invasion of Grenada
Operation Eagle Claw
Vietnam War (Special Forces Soldiers duck hunter camouflage)
By Credited to National Archives USA, US Army Photograph (Archivesnormandie 1939-45), via Wikimedia Commons
U.S. Special Forces Soldiers wore this duck hunter camouflage in which war?
Las Cuevas War
Patriot War
Cortina Troubles
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War is perhaps the most filmed and most televised of recent wars, mainly because of U.S. involvement and Hollywood's fascination for it. So they also featured this duck hunter camouflage in the shows.


WWII (US Paratrooper jump jacket)
Neo035 via youtube
The new U.S. paratroopers of this war wore this jump jacket uniform. Which war was this?
World War II
World War II saw the introduction of the paratrooper in the US Army. They wore this uniform to fit that specific task.
Suez Crisis
Ifni War
Vietnam War
Napoleonic Wars (French Dragoon)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The mounted French Dragoon wore this green-dominated uniform in which war?
Cuban Revolution
Revolutionary War
Napoleonic Wars
The Napoleonic Wars saw the riding French Dragoons wearing this uniform. They were mounted and armed.
Manhattan Rebellion
Creek War (Mississippi Militia)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, via Wikimedia Commons
This is what some Mississippi Militia fighters wore in which war?
Creek War
This is what the Mississippi Militia Creek Campaign wore during the Creek War. That one took place around 1814.
Banana Wars
Russian Civil War
Operation Golden Pheasant


Battle of Tippecanoe (Indiana Rangers)
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
These Indiana Rangers' brown uniform was very visible during which battle?
Holy Man's Rebellion
Herero Wars
Battle of Tippecanoe
Aside from fighting during the War of 1812, these brown-clad men from Indiana also fought during the Battle of Tippecanoe, a year before that other war. Very active!
Spanish-American War (Blue uniform)
Chris Butler via youutbe
This blue uniform was worn by U.S. soldiers during the early part of which war?
Civil War
Amicable Grant Revolt
Spanish-American War
The Spanish-American War also took some time to unfold. That's why there were several uniform changes throughout its run.
Franconian War
Seminole Wars (US Army)
Mathew Brady, via Wikimedia Commons
This was worn by U.S. Army soldiers in which Florida-focused war?
Philippine-American War
Puerto Rican Nationalist Revolts
Seminole Wars
Native Americans in Florida known as Seminole engaged in war with the U.S. Army. It lasted for three different war times.
Bay of Pigs Invasion


The Boxer Rebellion (US Army khaki uniform)
IT'S HISTORY via youtube
This khaki uniform was later utilized by the U.S. Army during which uprising?
Rwanda Civil War
Ten-Day War
Djiboutian Civil War
The Boxer Rebellion
The Boxer Rebellion actually took place in China. It was an uprising against western colonialism, hence the U.S. was found on the other side of that fight fence.
Napoleonic Wars (French infantry greatcoat)
By Devon S A (Mr), Royal Air Force official photographer, via Wikimedia Commons
This French infantry greatcoat was heavily used in which war?
Boston Tea Party
Opium War
Whiskey Rebellion
Napoleonic Wars
This is what the French infantry wore for their greatcoat during the Napoleonic Wars. It's like a huge overcoat to cover them from cold.
You Got:
Jose Fernando Ogura/Curitiba/Brazil / Moment / Getty Images