Ever since Snow White burst onto the silver screen in 1937 as the first full-length animated feature film and introduced us to the idea of the animated movie musical, Disney has remained the leading name in thoughtful, inspiring tales about brightly colored characters singing and dancing their way to true love, heroism and coming of age. While only Beauty and the Beast was ever nominated for Best Picture, Disney has repeatedly won Oscars for its songs. Writers like Elton John, Tim Rice, the late lamented Howard Ashman, married duo Bobby and Kristen Andersen-Lopez and more have brought their characters to life with memorable numbers from "Under the Sea" to "Circle of Life" to "He's a Tramp." Indeed, there are some amazingly clever and satisfying lyrics in the less noteworthy songs. Whether it's a hilariously French character singing it up in absurd "franglais" or the intricate and crafty rhymes of Clopin in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, there's a wordplay to make even the finest musical connoisseur smile.
You remember the movies, sure, and you remember the songs - but do you remember any of the lines besides the hook? Are you willing to test your Disney savvy against this fiendishly difficult quiz? Let's find out!
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.
I saw a fireside chat / I saw a baseball bat / And I just laughed til I thought I'd die!
The Crows
The crows who sing about the insanity of an elephant flying sing this lyric to Dumbo. They are led by a crow who is astonishingly named Jim Crow - in a movie that came out 70 years after Jim Crow laws began.
Why can't they understand the way we feel / They just don't trust what they can't explain / I know we're different, but deep inside us / We're not that different at all
This song is a narrative one but no character sings it.
Singing as we fetch the detergent box / Or the smelly shirts and the stinky socks
This clever song satirizes all the "princess and her animal friends" songs by having Gisele's singing call up rats, cockroaches, and mangy pigeons to help clean up in "Happy Working Song" from Enchanted.