About This Quiz
Who lives in the "nether" regions of the cosmos? What does that word, "maranatha" mean; you see it all the time on banners at the front of your church's sanctuary. And is an "ephod" related to an "ephah"?
Let's face it, it takes years of study to truly understand the Bible: the historical context, the theological concepts and the lessons to be found in the lives of its saints and sinners. And before you can do any of that, you have to understand the words being used. OK, that doesn't have to be hard: There are extremely modern translations of the Bible. However, maybe you love the poetic sound of the King James Bible. Many people do. But you've set yourself a real task, in that case -- the King James Bible was being translated at about the same time that Shakespeare was writing his plays.ÂÂ
Are you a scholar of these traditional Bible terms? Do you feel confident you can define both "chastity" and "chasteneth"? If so, try our quiz and prove it!
Finally, we'd like to give a shout out here to "preservedwords.com," whose detailed list of Biblical terms was very helpful to us in putting this quiz together, and recommended if you'd like to learn some more. Now, set your mind to the quiz!