About This Quiz
Where there's a hero, there's also a sidekick. Think you can name some of these TV and movie Western sidekicks off the top of your cowboy hat? Then you can easily hi-ho away with this here quiz of ours, if you're a huge fan of the genre, that is.
A true-blue small screen or silver screen protagonist will always have trusty people around them: if it's not a mentor who teaches them how to be a better person/fighter, then it's someone their heart desires (a love interest, of course!). And there's also the best friend or sidekick to supply their much-needed companion during times when loneliness sticks its nasty head in the door.
Why do stories need to have sidekicks for these gunslinging heroes? Can't they exist on their own? The answer here is simple. From a storyteller's point of view, a hero's journey won't be complete if he went at it alone. If the hero needs to reflect on a personal or moral aspect of their decision, then they need someone to act as a sounding board for them to process their thoughts better. As fighters, these sidekicks also act as their back-up in case the hero is pinned to a corner. And for lighthearted moments or moments of self-doubt, the hero needs to have a few laughs or listen to words of encouragement from their number one cheerleader -- their sidekick.
So yes, a sidekick is not just there for decoration or for extra fun. These characters are also formidable persons in their own right, and their heroes' journeys won't feel the same without them.ÂÂ
So, ready to saddle up to test your knowledge of Western hero sidekicks? Then swing on over and take this quiz!