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About This Quiz
In 1997, the first "Anaconda" movie was released, and three others followed soon after. Test your memory, two decades after the movie's first appearance on screens!
Where is the movie set?
Amazon Rain Forest
The movie is entirely set in Brazil - more specifically, in the Amazon. This region is known not only for the rich population of snakes but also for the giant size of those snakes!
Rio Bravo valley
What sport does Westridge play on board the boat?
Warren Westridge is a gentleman, therefore he enjoys gentlemen's activities. He cannot disrupt his golf routine, even on a river boat in the heart of the Amazon.
What is the name of the boat?
San Josè
Micaela I
When the group leaves the port, the video maker focuses on the name of the boat, painted on its side. Later, when the same boat nearly sinks, the viewers are able to see only half of the name, the other half being underwater.
In the introduction of the movie, some data is given relating to snakes. How long can an anaconda allegedly grow?
30 feet
60 feet
40 feet
While the longest measured and confirmed anaconda was about 17.1 feet long, greater lengths have been reported for this species, without verification. One of these is the specimen in the movie, which is described as 40 feet long!
25 feet
Which wine does Westridge bring on the mission?
Warren Westridge is a gentleman who always has gentlemen's beverages close at hand. He cannot give up his glass of wine, unless it is knocked out of his hand...
Terry and Dr. Cale begin flirting while looking at what?
On the boat, when the sun is low and the air is chillier, the two main characters can't help flirting, despite the uncomfortable surroundings. Their attention is captured by fireflies glowing in the dark and Cupid does the rest.
Danny Trejo, the first actor we meet in the movie, also starred in what movie?
Sweney Todd
Danny Trejo has an incredibly intense expression and his face is easy to remember, so he is not always cast in "traditional movies." Nevertheless, he won the hearts of thousand of followers.
Fast and Furious
What is the group originally looking for, along the Amazon River?
A hidden treasure
A lost cave
An unknown animal species
A mysterious tribe of natives
The Shirishama tribe is not real, but was imagined for the movie. The explorers begin their adventure by looking for a long-lost native tribe that lives along the Amazon River.
Which of the following actors in "Anaconda" became famous thanks to comedies after 1997?
Eric Stoltz
Jennifer Lopez
Ica Cube
Owen Wilson
Re-watching "Anaconda" 20 years later makes you feel pretty weird because Gary is interpreted by a now-famous actor. Nevertheless, the part of the adventurous sound engineer with a dash of drama is very convincing - especially when he is taken by a giant snake.
Once the group meets Serone, troubles follow shortly after, including which sabotage?
A wasp in the scuba gear.
Soon after Serone is rescued by the group, the boat gets stuck in the vegetation and Dr. Cale dives in order to release it. But Serone has other plans and inserts a bug in the doctor's scuba gear, to knock him out and later overpower the crew.
A net falling on top of the group in the middle of the jungle.
A big hole, filled with snakes.
Sleeping pills in their drinks.
Which of these characters unexpectedly appear together in a picture during the movie?
Terry, Gary and Denise.
Terry, Cale and Serone.
Poacher, Mateo and Serone.
Our crew will soon discover that dangers in the jungle not only come from animals, but also from people. When you go looking for fuel on an abandoned boat in the jungle, you never know which sort of peril awaits!
Terry, Gary and Mateo.
Which of the following is used as a lure for anacondas ?
A monkey.
Bait is used by hunters also to attract other prey, including giant snakes. A dead body, in this case, may prove extremely useful, but once the animal is attracted... who is the prey and who is the hunter?
A shoe.
A cat.
A rotten fish.
On what occasion is dynamite used?
For fishing.
For refloating a stuck boat.
In order to kill the giant anaconda.
For the removal of a wooden wall built across the river.
The group is rushing Dr. Cale to the hospital because he is severely injured, but what once appeared as a shortcut becomes a dead-end side of the river. A wall in their way and blowing it up seems the fastest method to remove it - especially if Serone is a member of the crew.
What is the first wild animal that attacks the group?
A boar.
Even if it seems almost a farm animal, a boar can be extremely dangerous. its pointy tusks are able to penetrate flesh deeply and, when in motion, it is capable of eradicating trees.
A panther.
A snake.
A monkey.
Which crew member dies first and how?
Gary, constricted by the giant anaconda.
Mateo, constricted by the giant anaconda.
Mateo is strong and this is why when things get rough, he is immediately enrolled in the search for fuel on an abandoned boat. When the group leaves the stranded vessel, Mateo is left behind, and anacondas are attracted by immersed warm bodies....
Dr. Cale, soffocated by a wasp.
Terry, poisoned by Serone.
What does the anaconda represent for the native tribe, the Shirishama?
A rite-of-passage.
The arch-enemy.
A protective god.
The Shirishamas are a fictional indigenous population, created for the movie. As a result, writers could devise any belief system for the tribe.
A mystery.
Who played Terri, the main female character?
Jennifer Aniston.
Nicole Kidman.
Jennifer Lopez.
Due to her Latin beauty, Jennifer Lopez is definitely a plus for the movie. With a simple white shirt, tied-up hair and jeans, she has control of the scene most of the time. Terri, her character, lures Serone in an ambush by flirting with him, despite her feelings for Dr. Cale. But the gimmick does not turn out as expected.
Julia Roberts.
What is Serone's "monkey juice"?
Spilled fuel, floating in the river.
The natives' typical drink.
Serone kills a monkey, whose body is used immediately as a lure for capturing the anaconda. The animal's blood is later also used for horrifying Terry and Danny, when they are restrained and at his mercy. Serone pours the "monkey juice" right on their heads.
A monkey's brain, dribbling from the skull of the animal.
How do the crew members overpower Serone the first time? And how do they do it again?
A golf club and a syringe.
Serone is the tough guy in the movie, because he escapes the first attempt to knock him out with a golf club and goes right back to causing trouble. This is why the remaining crew members try to knock him out again, with a sedative for snakes.
Dynamite and a knife to his throat.
A gun, both times.
Knocked out with sleeping pills and handcuffed.
What is Serone's plan, regarding the giant anaconda?
He wants to steal its eggs.
He wants to kill it for revenge.
He wants to capture it alive and then sell it.
Live wild specimens represent big business for poachers. Serone is a professional snake hunter and thinks that this is just the right time to make the trade of his life.
He wants to take its skin.
When the dynamite explodes, what does the group lose?
The boat's wheel.
The hull of the boat.
Most of the food.
Nearly all the fuel.
When Serone blows the dam up, wooden fragments impact the group's boat, where the fuel was stocked in barrels. In seconds, the barrels are released from the holding ropes and they fall in muddy waters of the Amazon River.
The movie is introduced with a statement on anacondas' feeding habits. Can you remember which one?
Anacondas poison their prey with a paralyzing substance.
Anacondas regurgitate their prey in order to eat it again and again.
Anacondas are ferocious snakes and it is factual that they eat their prey, regurgitate it and eat it again. But this is not the default rule, because they do so only when disturbed during the digestion process.
Anacondas only eat small animals, such as rodents.
Anacondas must rest at least three weeks after they have a meal.
What job does Terri have?
Documentary filmmaker.
Terri is an adventurous and brave young woman. The documentary about the Shirishama tribe represents the chance of a lifetime to boost her career.
Sound engineer.
In the movie, Dr. Cale is subjected to which surgery with an unexpected object?
Amputation with a chainsaw.
One of his teeth is removed with pincers.
Tracheotomy with a pen.
After being bitten by a wasp, right in his mouth, Dr. Cale is struggling to breathe. No hospitals are available in the jungle, so Serone cuts his throat with a knife and inserts a pen in it, granting Dr. Cale precious time to seek medical help. But things do not go quite as imagined...
He is stitched up with fishing line.
How many people are killed by the giant anaconda during the movie?
The poacher kills himself while chased by the anaconda, so he doesn't count. The anaconda's victims are Mateo, Gary, Westridge and Serone.
What valuable item does Serone find on the poacher's boat?
An ornament crafted by the native Shirishama tribe.
Gold. Lots of gold.
A very long anaconda skin.
Remains of wild animals are popular on the black market. Serone finds an unusually long snake skin on the abandoned boat, but this is not what he is actually looking for.
An old picture of him and other characters.
What does Danny use to make the anaconda stop chasing his fellows?
A net.
A pickaxe.
After regurgitating the body of Serone, the anaconda chases Terri in the muddy water. Danny traps the anaconda by pinning its tail to the ground with a pickaxe, but the strategy works only for a few moments.
A rope.
A chain.
In what unusual way do some baby snakes approach the crew?
The crew eats poisonous snakes and they feel sick due to it.
They crop up from the mainland, when the boat is on shore.
They attack the boat from the inside.
They fall from above, after the explosion.
Baby snakes fall all over the crew of the Micaela I as a consequence of the explosion. After that, Terri starts to understand that Serone might not be focused on seeking medical help for Dr. Cale.
The anaconda does not kill humans only. What animal is also lethally attacked?
A black panther.
Despite the fact that a panther is an extremely dangerous predator, any snake big enough could swallow a panther. However, it is very rare than an anaconda reaches the size required for such a gourmet meal.
Another giant anaconda.
A boar.
Dr. Cale's dog.
There's a mistake in the movie's editing. Can you remember which one?
Items in the boat are set up differently from one scene to another.
The boat has a hole that would actually impair the navigation.
In a scene, the waterfalls runs from the base to the top.
In the final part of the movie, when the boat is finally functioning again, it is possible to see reversed waterfalls. This can be attributed to the editors, who used the same film twice - once in reverse.
A cameraman appears in the background.
Which of the following characters kills the first anaconda, and how?
Serone, with a crossbow.
Danny, with an axe.
Terri, with a rifle.
Some argue whether or not the giant anaconda shown in the final scene is the same one that the characters appear to have killed a few moments before. Actually, the anacondas are two different ones, as is easy to understand by looking at their different colors - one is green, the other is black.
Terry, with a chainsaw.
What is another name for the native tribe, the Shirishama?
The poeple of fog.
Director Terri Flores is shooting a documentary about a long-lost Indian tribe, the Shirishamas, on the Amazon River, along with the members of her crew. This indigenous population is not real, but is an important part of the fictional world created for the movie in 1997.
Snake lovers.
Amazonian people.
Before being killed by the giant anaconda, Westridge has another close encounter with a snake... when?
He is bitten by a water snake while diving near the boat.
He eats snakes with the local tribe chief.
A snake is hidden in his boot.
A baby anaconda bites his finger.
The boat is filled with snakes and the crew members are desperately trying to get rid of them. But they are everywhere and Westridge discovers that no matter the size, local snakes can be very aggressive.
What should you avoid the most, when the giant anaconda is nearby?
Looking into its eyes.
Being loud.
Entering the water.
Anacondas are great hunters, and this is especially true in the water. Nevertheless, the characters seem never to tire of swimming in the muddy waters of the Amazon, crowded with snakes.
Moving suddenly.
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