About This Quiz
Even if you don't speak a second language, you might be surprised by how many foreign words you can recognize from English words. English is often referred to as a difficult language to learn, partially because of its mixed background. Many words in English come from Greek or Latin origins. However, you'll also find words borrowed from Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Italian. German, Arabic and other languages.ÂÂ
The English language is in a state of constant evolution. If it wasn't, we would all still be talking like we're in a Shakespearean play. With the boom of technological development in the past 30 years, the English language has had to expand to name things that didn't exist when our parents were the age we are now. How would you be able to describe a smartphone to somebody 50 years ago?ÂÂ
Some of the hardest to spell words are actually among the most common. Is it immediately or imediately? Is it squirrel or squirrell? You might not realize how much you rely on autocorrect until you can't use it to help you out.ÂÂ
Even if you think you're a spelling master, you're likely going to have trouble with a few of these words. Are you ready to start the spelling bee? And yes, using your spellchecker is cheating.ÂÂ