Compared to Others, How Patient are You?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Compared to Others, How Patient are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Have you ever heard that you have the patience of a saint? Let's find out how patient you are compared to others. Are you saintly or do you have the patience of a caffeinated mosquito? Find out!
Do you find yourself stuck at red lights a lot?
I haven't really thought about it.
No more than anyone else.
All red lights last too long.
Yes, I get stuck all the time.
How long do you take to get ready to go out?
No more than a half an hour.
Under an hour.
About five minutes.
Fifteen minutes max.
What irritates you most in the grocery store?
I don't like needing to rain check an item.
I don't like people talking in the aisles.
Everything about the grocery store is annoying.
It drives me crazy when people pay with checks.


Do you like children?
Kids are cool!
I like my kids.
I can take children in small doses.
What do you do when your Internet slows down?
I just wait.
I find something else to do.
I call my provider and complain.
I reset my modem.
How do you feel about slow drivers?
Maybe they are being cautious.
I politely go around them.
Get off the road!
I pass them as quickly as possible and flip them off.


Complete this sentence: I'm as patient as a ________________.
hungry bear.
Are you ready to find out the results of this quiz?
I will be ready when I'm done answering the questions.
It will be fun to find out.
I knew before I started it.
Yes, hurry up already!
Do you track your packages?
No, I just wait for the arrival notification.
I check every once in a while.
I stalk the shipping tracker.
I check tracking a few times a day.


What would you say to someone who was taking too long to get ready?
"We have to be there in two hours."
"We're leaving in 45 minutes."
"I'll meet you there."
"Get a move on!"
What do you do to pass the time when you are stuck in traffic?
I listen to the radio.
I catch up on texts.
I scream at the person in front of me to move.
I curse a lot.
Would you make a good teacher?
I am a good teacher.
It depends what I was teaching.
No, I wouldn't like to teach.
I'm not sure about that.


Have you ever had to serve on a jury?
Yes, it was a privilege.
No, but I have been called.
Yes, and it was boring.
No, and I hope I never have to sit through a trial.
What do you find most annoying?
Loud rooms.
Chewing loudly.
How would others describe your driving?
They'd say I'm careful.
They'd say I'm slow.
They'd say I'm insane.
They'd say I'm fast.


How do you react to being on hold?
I have no choice but to wait.
I put it on speaker and do something else.
I hang up and call back later.
I curse a lot.
What kind of food do you have for lunch most often?
Microwave meals.
Fast food.
What do you friends come to you for most often?
A kick in the pants.
A pep talk.


Do you think you are a patient person?
I think I do okay.
I think I'm fairly normal in the patience department.
I could use more patience.
What occupation would you perform best?
Bus Driver.
Do you lose your temper a lot?
Not really.
I don't lose my temper as much as I used to.
Every dang day.
Not a lot, but I don't hold anything back.


What is the first thing you do when you get to work?
I say hello to everyone.
I check my messages.
I count how many hours I have left until the day is over.
I make a large pot of coffee.
Do you drink a lot of coffee?
No, it makes me too jittery.
I have a cup in the morning.
I drink a pot of coffee every day.
I have far too much coffee every day.
How do you relieve stress?
I go for a walk.
I do some deep breathing.
I punch something.
I let out a scream sometimes.


How long is your commute?
It's a little over an hour.
It's about a half hour.
Far too long.
It's about ten minutes.
What would you do first if you were arrested?
I would never be arrested.
I would wait for the police to discover that they have the wrong person.
I would scream and demand my phone call.
I would curse a lot.
Do you like to read?
I love reading.
I read a few books a year.
Why read when you can watch the movie?
I like short books.


Would you be a good gardener?
I might be able to grow a plant or two.
No, it takes too long.
No, it requires too much attention.
Yes, I have a green thumb.
What is the first thing you do when you leave work?
I say goodbye to everyone.
I double check the locks.
I run and I don't look back.
I avoid conversation and slip out of the building.
Do you like to go bargain shopping?
Yes, I love couponing too!
I do like a bargain.
No, it takes too long.
I really don't like shopping at all.


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