Create Your Sims Life and We'll Guess Your Favorite Color

By: Heather Cahill
Estimated Completion Time
8 min
Create Your Sims Life and We'll Guess Your Favorite Color
Image: vanessarocksmyworld0 / Pixabay

About This Quiz

Since the beginning of the franchise, "The Sims" has gained a large fanbase of many different types of players. Maybe you're a builder who enjoys creating the cityscape or housing of certain Sims. Or you could be the player who loves to mold the lives of your own Sim family. Another type of player loves to use cheat codes to make things that much easier! No matter which player you might be, from your answers, we can probably tell a lot about you.

Sometimes, players like to create the life that they've always dreamed of for themselves within the game. Others create a life that they would never dream of living. Just like in real life, Sims are quite diverse with many different interests. The fun part is that the player gets the chance to shape and mold everyone, something that we can only dream of doing in real life. (But maybe that wouldn't be such a good thing after all. It's probably best to stick to simulation!)

If you like to make money in "The Sims," you probably love to do the same in real life! We'd say that you're seeing green. Could that be your favorite color? The only way to find out is by taking the quiz to see if we're right!

It's time to create a Sim! What will be their dominant personality trait?
My Sim will be romantic and seduce everyone.
They'll always be cheerful and happy.
The only way to describe my Sim is that they're hot-headed.
My Sim is an all around goofball.
A job is an important part of the Sim world, especially if you don't use the cheat codes! Which job will your Sim have?
An actor/actress is the only choice for mine.
What could be better than being a gardener?
A job? My Sim will make money independently!
My Sim would be a world famous astronomer.
Which skill is your Sim not great at, but they still enjoy doing it?
My Sim tries their hardest to master fishing, but it just doesn't work out.
My Sim loves comedy but isn't the best at telling jokes.
Cooking is right up my Sim's alley, but everyone complains about the taste!
Writing isn't my Sim's strongest skill, but they love it.


Often, but not always, Sims seek out partners. The marital status of your Sim is which of the following?
You'll find my Sim happily married to the love of their life.
Single, but actively looking for a partner
It's complicated, but my Sim just wants a partner in crime.
Single and happy!
Many Sims dream of the day that they get their own bundle of joy. Does your Sim have any children?
Lot's of children would be great for my Sim.
A few wouldn't hurt, but it's not a must.
Just one. They need to carry on the family business.
None for my Sim!
Everyone has a favorite pastime. One of your Sim's favorite activities will be which of the following?
There's nothing like going out on the town and having some fun.
Sports will be a favorite pastime of my Sim.
Causing mischief is the best way to spend time.
My Sim loves to play video games.


While Sims work hard during the day, they too need to unwind as we do. How does your Sim unwind after a long day at work?
They call up their friends and ask if they want to hang out.
They try to go outside and sit in the sun for a little bit.
They think about what they'll be doing tomorrow and devise plans.
They practice one of their many unique hobbies.
Sims can find some pretty creative ways to get themselves some housing. What type of house will your Sim live in?
My Sim will move into an apartment with the love of their life.
They'll live in a modest bungalow.
Only the greatest of mansions is good for my Sim.
My Sim will live with a friend in a nice but small rented house.
Which skill will your Sim work on improving throughout their life?
They'll learn the skill of an instrument or two, probably the piano.
Mixology is the perfect skill. Who wouldn't want to relax with a drink or two?
Logic is an important skill for mine.
My Sim will work on rocket science. They'll be the smartest Sim around!


Some love them, while others aren't a fan. Will your Sim have a furry friend?
Definitely, preferably a dog!
There's nothing better than having a cat by your side.
It would be best if my Sim didn't have a pet. They live a different lifestyle.
A horse would be the perfect fit for mine.
Even in the Sim world, everyone has a little gossip to pass around. What's the reputation of your Sim around the town?
They're known to always be on a date. They have some trouble in love, but they're persistent.
They're known for being bubbly and always happy. But many think that they have a dark side ...
Others think that my Sim is shut in and doesn't like people very much, but really they're just planning their next move!
Most think that my Sim is weird and a little odd.
Part of creating your perfect Sim is by choosing what age you'll start them off as. Will you learn about your Sim as an adult or start them off as a kid?
I'll start my Sim as a young adult.
I would start my Sim as a child so that they have time to enjoy the world.
Mine will start as an adult; I need to get down to business!
Mine will be a toddler so I can guide them into the person that I hope they'll be.


It's time to choose where they'll live. Which Sim neighborhood will they reside in?
Willow Creek
Granite Falls
Does your Sim embrace the unknown or are they terrified of what they don't know?
My Sim likes to keep to what they know.
My Sim isn't very into it unless it's proven.
My Sim likes the unknown but doesn't spend much time thinking about it.
Mine loves to dabble in the unknown. Aliens, monsters and vampires are their favorite thing!
When your Sim isn't at work, how do they spend their day?
They're always out on the town meeting new people.
They usually spend their day outdoors.
Work? Not my Sim!
They love to learn a new skill.


Just like us, Sims usually have a sense of style. That is, if you want them to! What kind of style will your Sim have?
My Sim will have a flirty-and-free style.
Mine will wear bright and bold clothes.
My Sim will have a casual, laid-back style.
My Sim's style will be really outlandish and different.
Is your Sim a famous superstar or will they enjoy a life of anonymity?
They'll try to keep a low profile, but they'll be well-known.
My Sim will be a superstar.
They will be a regular person.
They'll be pretty anonymous.
Our Sims have hopes and dreams just like we do. What will your Sim's aspiration be?
They'll be domestic for sure.
They'll be an outdoor enthusiast.
Who wouldn't want to be fabulously wealthy?
My Sim will be a muser.


Does your Sim love to go out on the town or are they more of a homebody?
There's no place better than the town!
They go out sometimes, but staying in is great too.
They like to stay home most of the time, unless going out is for research purposes.
They're all about staying home. People aren't their thing.
Sometimes, a little cheating is OK! Which cheat code would you use for your Sim most?
death.toggle (true/false)
Will their life be happy and peaceful or will it be riddled with tragedy?
Pretty peaceful, but with some bad mixed into it.
They'll live a very joyous life of no worries.
Lot's of tragedy, but with small periods of peace
It will be a mix of both.


Even Sims have problems in their lives. Which of the following will be a problem in the life of your Sim?
Romance, of course!
Problems? Not my Sim!
They'll always have troubles.
My Sim feels like there's never enough time in the day.
As their creator, how much will you alter your Sim's life?
I'll meddle in it when I need to.
I'll try to stay out of it as much as possible.
I'll play a large part in their lives.
I'll always be part of it!
Maybe they'll look like you or maybe they'll be one of a kind. Will your Sim resemble anyone?
They'll look a lot like their mother.
They'll look like a celebrity.
Not at all
They'll look like me.


There's the rich and the not-so-rich in the Sim world. What will your Sim's financial situation be?
They'll be pretty stable.
They may not have much in their bank account, but they're happy.
They'll be rolling in the dough.
They'll have a little wiggle room.
Is your Sim be a big spender or do they like to live modestly?
They are pretty good with their money.
They're pretty modest.
They're the biggest of spenders.
They spend a lot on things they want to learn or try out.
Does your Sim live a healthy lifestyle or do they love to fill themselves up with junk food?
They're mostly into the healthy stuff.
Healthy or nothing
Junk food, always
Mostly junk food, but they'll eat healthy now and then.


Everyone loves to get what they want. Will your Sim have a happy family?
Not at all
If it happens, it happens.
Sims have lifespans that can change at any moment. Will your Sim live a long and happy life or will they live fast?
They'll live a nice, long life.
They'll live to be quite old.
They might not live the longest life.
They'll have a moderately long lifespan.
Every Sim has a legacy that they're remembered for. What will your Sim's legacy be?
They were always very determined.
They were optimistic and kind to everyone that they met.
They left an impact wherever they went.
They were knowledgeable in many different fields.


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