About This Quiz
While the New Testament of the Bible most commonly brings to mind the narrative of Jesus' life, it covers a lot more ground than that. After the four gospels detailing the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the New Testament moves into the Acts of the Apostles-the story of what happened to Jesus' followers after his ascent to heaven. Following that, a series of letters gives the inside scoop on how the growing church worked out who they were and what they believed. The Book of Revelation caps all this off with a cataclysmic climax, prophesying how the end of the world and the entrance into the heavenly kingdom will go down.
OK, so do you have all that covered? Knowing the New Testament in and out is a lot more than remembering that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and died on Calvary. Besides the narrative of Jesus' life, we'll also grill you on your knowledge of the parables Jesus told, the fantastic adventures of the apostles post-Jesus, and the epic stories foreseen by John on the Isle of Patmos.
Are you ready for this? Take this quiz to find out if your biblical training stands up to the test.
Let's separate the wheat from the chaff!