Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Navy Seal?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Navy Seal?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The bar you have to meet to become a Navy Seal is one of the toughest: you have to have stamina, speed, strength, smarts, and skills. Do you have the goods?
How many pushups can you do?
All of them. I can do all of them.
I can do loads if they are knee pushups.
How far can you run?
All the way. I stop when I get there, not before.
Ten miles.
Four miles.
One mile.
How many pull ups can you do?
A thousand.


What is your resting heart rate?
52 beats per minute.
58 beats per minute.
68 beats per minute.
74 beats per minute.
How easily do you give up?
I will let you know if it ever happens. Which it won't.
I did once but only because my bone was broken and sticking out through the skin.
After I try a number of times.
I don't want to answer that question, thank you.
What do you fear?
Letting down my team.


When you are afraid, does it stop you?
It hasn't yet.
I don't know, I'm never afraid.
I hate that it does, but sometimes, yes.
Do you love the outdoors?
Of course!
Very much.
Ew, no, there are bugs out there!
How long can you hold your breath?
Two minutes. I am part fish.
One minute.
Twenty seconds.
If I try, I get hiccups.


Do you believe in truth, justice, and the American way?
Yes, but not in a stupid way where I never think about what that means and why it's important.
YEAH! 'Murika!
Sure I do, why not?
Sounds a bit elitist to me.
How many calories can you eat daily and not gain weight?
I can get away with eating 4,000 calories.
I can get away with eating 3,000 calories.
I can get away with eating 2,500 calories.
I get fatter just by looking at a cookie.
Do you mind extreme danger?
I love it in a smart way.
I love it in a reckless way.
I can handle it.
Eeek no! I am sweating just clicking on this answer.


How are you with heights?
Love them.
They don't bother me.
I can deal if I must.
Not so great.
Can you fly?
I fly lots of things: planes, helicopters, I'm even good with drones.
I'm taking lessons.
No, but I'm really good at flight simulator video games.
I am a nervous flier.
Do you know the beauty of true camaraderie?
Yes, it's like nothing else.
Yes, it's great.
No, but I want to.
I'm not sure.


How's your vision?
Very good.
I don't need glasses, so there's that.
I wear contacts.
Are you good with guns?
Yes, and responsible too.
I sure am! Yee-haw!
I'm okay with guns.
I guess.
Have you ever left a man behind?
Absolutely not.
I haven't had to face that choice.
No, but I can't say I would never.
I might have once.


Have you ever cheated on a test?
I'm not answering that.
Did you finish high school?
Of course. Top of my class.
Yes, I was a middle of the class student.
Yes, thanks to summer school.
I just about scraped by.
Do you need public credit for everything you do?
No, I know who I am and what I've done.
I like it but don't need it.
I adore it.
I need it.


Are you happy being apolitical?
Yes, I am not interested in politics.
Mostly yes.
I guess so.
I'd have to delete a lot of social media!
How patient are you?
Very. I'm like stone.
I can outlast almost anyone.
I'm pretty good.
I can get impatient depending on the issue.
What's your idea of success?
Service to my country and comrades.
Kicking bad guys' butts.
Being the best of the best.
Winning fights.


Do you like to travel?
I love traveling.
I like to travel.
I like it up to a point.
I am willing to do it.
Do you know how to party?
I sure do! And I am a great host and cook.
Yes, just don't make me host.
I guess I'm good at it.
I show the willingness to learn.
Do you mind being yelled at?
I love it so much, it's motivating.
No but I know I need it.
It's okay.
It's upsetting.


Can you take orders?
Of course.
Yes, though sometimes I need to get clarification a few times.
I can, but I do not like it.
No, not at all.
Do you pick up languages quickly?
Oui. Si. Ja. Yes. See what I did there?
I speak Spanish.
I know restaurant Italian.
I can code a little.
Do you look good in multiple shades of blue and or green?
Those are my best colors. My eyes are even green.
I can make that work.
Blue yes, green, no.
I am more of red or orange person.


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