Do you know "The Philadelphia Story?" Let's find out!

By: Susan McDonald
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Do you know "The Philadelphia Story?" Let's find out!
Image: tmdb

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Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant and Jimmy Stewart together in one romantic comedy -- what could be better than that? The 1940 classic film "The Philadelphia Story" features three iconic actors and a fun plot with a few twists and turns. Do you remember the details?
When Tracy Lord tosses her husband, Dexter Haven, out of their house, which of his possessions does she damage?
His car
His golf clubs
The film's opening scene shows wealthy socialite Tracy Lord kicking her husband to the curb after a short, volatile marriage. As he leaves, she takes a club from his golf bag and breaks it over her knee. That's harsh.
His favorite suit
His grandfather's pocket watch
What is the current relationship between Tracy's parents, Seth and Margaret Lord?
They are happily married.
They are divorced.
They have been divorced but are now remarried.
They are separated.
Seth and Margaret are currently living apart, mostly because he has been having an affair with a dancer. Tracy is angry with her father and has not invited him to her impending wedding.
How does Tracy's younger sister, Dinah, amuse herself?
She plays with a yoyo.
As she inserts herself into the conversations of the adults around her, Dinah plays with a yoyo. It gives her something to do while she listens to the family drama surrounding Tracy's wedding.
She whistles.
She plays jacks.
She tap dances.


What is the name of the magazine Mike Connor and Liz Imbrie work for?
Mike and Liz are employed by Spy magazine, edited by Sidney Kidd. Neither is especially happy with their jobs, but it's a living.
How does Tracy feel about publicity about herself and her wealthy, prominent family?
She can't get enough.
She tolerates it.
She pretends to hate it but secretly loves it.
She hates it.
Tracy is used to being in the spotlight because of her family's wealth and social position. That doesn't mean she likes it though, especially when it involves her upcoming wedding.
How good are George Kittredge's horseback riding skills?
He is terrible and can barely mount the horse.
Although the Lord family's estate includes a large stable area, George has not yet mastered the art of horsemanship. When he and Tracy go riding, he can barely get onto the horse's back, much less direct the animal.
He's an average rider.
He's an expert, medal-winning equestrian.
He has never ridden a horse.


What is Liz's job at the magazine?
Liz is a photographer, although it isn't her first choice of a profession. She is assigned to team with Mike, a writer, on the story of Tracy's wedding.
From where has Dexter just returned?
Buenos Aires
Tracy's ex-husband has recently returned from Buenos Aires, where he has been working for the magazine and spending time with Tracy's brother, Junius, who is a diplomat there.
Where did Tracy and Dexter spend their honeymoon?
In Hawaii
On the Queen Mary
On a sailboat
Tracy and Dexter's marriage started out well enough. They honeymooned on a sailboat he designed. The name, appropriately enough, was True Love.
In Spain


What is Mike Connor's actual first name?
Mike is not crazy about his given name, Macauley. He prefers to go by Mike, so of course Tracy taunts him by calling him Macauley.
What is Dexter's nickname for Tracy?
Despite having been divorced for two years, Dexter still calls his ex by a pet name -- Red, in tribute to her red hair.
What is the primary reason Tracy divorced Dexter?
He drank too much.
Tracy was not a fan of Dexter's heavy drinking and he makes no pretense of denying that it was a problem. He even says that as their relationship deteriorated, he drank even more, thus causing a vicious cycle.
He had an affair.
He was a poor businessman.
She fell in love with someone else.


When he brings them to the Lords' home, how does Dexter introduce Mike and Liz?
He says they are here to supervise the catering.
He says they are business associates of Tracy's father.
He says they are friends of Tracy's brother, Junius.
Not wanting to let anyone know they are here to cover the wedding for Spy, Dexter introduces the pair as friends of Junius. Since the Lords' son is safely tucked away in Argentina, there seems to be little chance their cover will be blown.
He says they are with Spy magazine.
How does Dexter convince Tracy to let the magazine cover her wedding?
He threatens to expose her father's affair.
Dexter knows that Tracy wants to protect her family's reputation even though she is furious with her father. By threatening to print a story about her father's affair with a dancer, he forces her to accept the publicity she does not want.
He threatens to expose the fact that she and George are living together.
He threatens to expose her brother's homosexuality.
He threatens to expose her mother's alcoholism
What is George's job?
Manager of a steel mill
Wall Street broker
Best-selling author
Manager of a coal mining company
George is not from a wealthy family like Tracy is. He started as a miner and now manages a coal company, which makes Tracy proud of his accomplishments.


What does Dinah do in an attempt to shock Mike and Liz shortly after their arrival?
Sings a bawdy song
After Tracy and Dinah learn who Mike and Liz really are, they decide to tease them a bit. Dinah entertains them by playing the piano and singing a rather suggestive song that seems inappropriate for her age.
Does a suggestive dance
Tells a dirty joke
Spills some family secrets
As they are talking with Tracy, what is Mike surprised to discover about Liz?
She and Tracy are distantly related.
She has a romantic interest in him.
She is divorced.
Mike and Liz are dating, but apparently they don't know each other very well. When Tracy asks if she has been married before, he is surprised when she reveals that, in fact, she is divorced.
She is from a wealthy family.
Why is Uncle Willie so surprised when he arrives at the Lords' house?
Tracy introduces him as her father.
The affable Uncle Willie arrives at the Lords' house to find some confusion. Because Tracy does not want Mike and Liz to learn that her father has not been invited to the wedding, she tells them Uncle Willie is her father, Seth, much to his shock.
Everyone is very drunk.
Tracy pretends not to know who he is.
He has been disinvited to the wedding.


Why does Tracy turn over a table of drinks?
To create a diversion so George can slip out
To ruin Dexter's expensive shoes
To ruin the film in Liz's camera
Although she has agreed to accept the publicity, Tracy still is not happy about it, especially now that she has created confusion about who is who in her family. When she knocks over a table of drinks and glassware, Liz's camera pops open and her film is ruined. Oops!
To keep her mother from drinking more
Why does Tracy go to the public library?
To read Mike's book of short stories
As she becomes more interested in Mike, Tracy learns that he has written a book of short stories. She quietly sneaks off to the library, where she finds a copy and is impressed with his work.
To escape from the chaos at her house
To meet Dexter secretly
To look for her sister
What career would Liz prefer to have?
Both Mike and Liz have other ambitions beyond their current jobs, but they work at Spy because they need to earn a living. Mike reveals to Tracy that Liz would love to be a painter and is quite talented.
Opera singer


What does Tracy offer Mike in order to further his career as a fiction writer?
To introduce him to some editors in New York
To let him live in a house she owns
Tracy knows that Mike can't quit his job to write full time because he needs the money, so she makes him an offer. She owns a small house and he can live there free of charge. He refuses, however, because he says the days of writers and artists having patrons who support them is over.
To pay for the publication of his novel
To use her father's influence to help him
Why is Dexter surprised that Mike doesn't drink much?
He thinks all writers drink.
Dexter, who is no stranger to alcohol, assumes that all writers fall under the category of heavy drinkers bordering on alcoholics. He's surprised when Mike reveals that he drinks very little.
He thinks he has smelled alcohol on his breath.
He thinks Mike has a dissipated appearance.
Liz indicated that Mike is an alcoholic.
What happened the first time Tracy got drunk on champagne?
She crashed Dexter's car.
She fell into the pool at a glamorous party.
She slept with Dexter's brother.
She went onto the roof naked.
Dexter reminds Tracy that during their marriage, she got drunk for the first time and climbed onto the roof naked to see the moon. She has no recollection of the event.


What is the reason Tracy gives for wanting to marry George?
He is the heir to a fortune.
He is different from Dexter.
Tracy is tough on everyone, but she is particularly hard on her first husband. She admits that she is attracted to George because he seems to be the opposite of Dexter.
He shares her desire for children.
He reminds her of her father.
What is Dexter's main criticism of Tracy?
She is intolerant of human frailty.
Tracy is a strong personality and Dexter has no problem with that. However, he tells Tracy that she can't accept faults or failings in anyone, making it very difficult to be in a relationship with her because no one is perfect.
She is elitist because of her family's money.
She is too close to her family.
She doesn't respect his career.
What is Dexter's wedding gift for Tracy?
His mother's diamond necklace
The house they lived in together
A small crystal vase
A model of a sailboat he designed
Dexter is a sailboat designer and among his creations is the True Love, the boat on which he and Tracy spent their honeymoon. As a reminder, he gives her a model of the boat.


What does Tracy tell George she wants most in the world?
A happy family
To be truly loved
Tracy pushes people away with her expectations of perfection, and perhaps she realizes this to some extent. In a moment of self-reflection, she tells George that all she really wants is for someone to truly love her.
To be understood
Why does Tracy's father say that men have affairs?
To retain their youth
Tracy is angry with her father because of his affair, but he explains it quite matter-of-factly. He tells her that men cheat because it helps them feel young, and Tracy's mother seems perfectly OK with that.
To get more sex
To exert their masculinity
To impress their friends
What does Mike take from Uncle Willie's party?
A small crystal duck
A bottle of whiskey
A bottle of champagne
Although he has already had plenty of alcohol, enough is never quite enough. Mike leaves the party with a bottle of champagne and a glass, and he heads straight to Dexter's house.
A silver cigarette lighter


Arriving at his house in the middle of the night, what does Mike tell Dexter?
He has dirt on the editor of Spy magazine.
Mike reveals to Dexter that Sidney Kidd, Spy's editor, has a few skeletons in his closet. Together they plot to force Kidd to drop his blackmail threat against Tracy's family.
He has dirt on Tracy's brother, Junius.
He has dirt on Dexter.
He has dirt on Tracy.
Where do Mike and Tracy share their first kiss?
At Uncle Willie's party
At the stable
In the parlor
At the pool
After drinking far too much champagne, Mike and Tracy confess their attraction for each other while talking next to her swimming pool. After kissing, they go for a middle-of-the-night swim, leading to further complications.
Why did Tracy and Dexter not have a proper wedding?
They eloped to Maryland.
Tracy and Dexter had planned an elaborate wedding, but the event never occurred. Instead, they eloped to Maryland, leaving the guests wondering.
Her father refused to pay for it.
They eloped to France.
She didn't want all the fuss.


What does George's letter to Tracy say?
He still wants to marry her despite her kiss with Mike.
The wedding is off unless she can explain her behavior.
After falsely believing that Tracy slept with Mike, George sends her a letter on the day of the wedding. He tells her that unless she can offer him a satisfactory explanation about the previous night's events, he is calling off the wedding.
He can't marry her because he loves someone else.
He can't marry her because he is already married.
What does Mike offer to do to help Tracy save face?
Explain the situation to the guests
Sneak her out of the house
Marry her
As Tracy, Mike, Dexter and Liz stand outside the venue, Tracy wonders what to do now that George has called off the wedding at the last minute. Mike offers to save the day by marrying her himself, but she turns him down and marries Dexter instead.
Tell everyone George is to blame
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