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About This Quiz
With so many ways to wear a scarf, it can be difficult to make a quick fashion choice first thing in the morning. Take our quiz and discover which scarf style you should rock!
How often do you forget where you put your keys?
Maybe once in the last year.
Never, I keep them attached with a handy chain.
Twice already today.
Rarely. I always put them down in the same place.
What is your ideal afternoon?
Out on a date.
At the beach soaking up some sun.
Meeting new people.
Having some "me" time.
What would you do if you were mayor for a day?
Give everyone free ice cream!
Make everyone take a day off.
Give everyone free books!
Throw a giant party downtown.
You just won a million dollars! What do you buy first?
A new ride.
The freshest wardrobe known to man.
Google glasses.
A new house.
What's your favorite attraction at a carnival?
Roller coaster.
Kissing booth.
Fortune teller.
Which of the following would you like to cross off your bucket list?
Learning to surf.
Road trip across the country.
Write a novel.
Raising a child.
When things don't go your way, what do you do?
I wallow in my room and put on some tunes to cheer myself up.
I cry, I'm only human.
I grab a cup of tea and think by myself.
I invite my friends over, they'll cheer me up!
When is it acceptable to lie?
Anytime, as long as no one finds out.
Only white lies are okay.
For the most part never, unless it might save someone's life.
It's never okay to lie.
What would be your reaction if someone tried to mug you?
Beg for your life, giving them everything you have.
Fight them off.
Run like hell!
Use pepper spray and cry for help.
What do you usually do at parties?
Wait until I am introduced to someone.
Stick with my friends.
Dance with all the cute boys.
Help the host.
What is one accessory that you always carry with you?
A watch.
Please, I don't need accessories.
How would you describe your sense of style?
I wear tight-fitting, skin bearing clothing..
I love wearing flashy designer clothing.
Anything black.
I'm usually dressed in reserved casual clothing.
What is one description that you'd think of when it comes to your style?
Modest and classic.
Sweet and romantic.
How fast do you drive?
I am a regular race car driver.
I am faster than most.
I drive the speed limit.
I drive like my grandmother.
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