Can We Guess the Fast Food Restaurant That Matches Your Personality?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess the Fast Food Restaurant That Matches Your Personality?
Image: Todor Tsvetkov/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Every fast food restaurant has its unique style and characteristics. From the pricing on their menu to the advertising campaigns and mascots, there's an overall vibe that separates each of them from the competition. That differentiation is sure to help us pair you up with one of them, once we've gotten to know you a little better.

Perhaps you're someone who has a great sense of humor and hasn't lost the playful exuberance of your youth. If you also have a large circle of friends, McDonald's is starting to sound like it might be the perfect match for you. When you tell us that you still secretly wish you could get a toy with your meal, there will be little room left for doubt with this choice.

Alternatively, maybe you're someone who spends the bulk of their time each day on the computer. If you also drink more than one cup of coffee a day and a trip to Seattle sounds highly appealing, then Starbucks seems like the logical result. Should you also mention that you're writing a screenplay or some other creative work, then America's most popular coffee shop seems just about right.

Can I take your order, please?

Do you eat more beef or chicken?
I eat way more chicken than beef.
I eat a ton of beef.
I eat equal amounts of each.
I don't eat either.
How regularly do you address people with "sir" or "ma'am"?
It's almost unheard of for me to use either.
I use both, but I'm usually being sarcastic when I do.
I use them once in a while.
I use both of them all the time.
How strong are your spelling skills?
I have excellent spelling abilities.
I just struggle with some of the more advanced words.
My skillz are pretti week.
I mostly use auto-correct on my computer.


Which part of the United States fits your personality the best?
The South.
The West Coast.
The East Coast.
The Midwest.
For here or to go?
To go, definitely.
Usually to go, but it's possible that I might dine in.
For here, and I'm going to be a while.
It could go either way.
How likely are you to order from the discount menu?
Yeah, right. I wish there was a discount menu.
I'm not really interested in the stuff on that menu.
I'll get a few items from that menu.
That's pretty much all that I order.


What time of the day are you most likely to order fast food?
How much time do you spend on a computer each day?
I'm on a computer almost all day.
I spend a few hours sitting at a computer.
I'll spend an hour or so on a computer every day.
I'm hardly ever on a computer.
How many cups of coffee do you drink each day?
More than two.


Of the following, which kind of music is most appealing to you?
Which holiday fits your personality the best?
Cinco de Mayo.
4th of July.
How popular are you?
I'm a pretty big deal.
I have a few friends.
I am popular in my own circles.
It seems like everyone wants to be my friend.


Of the following places, which would you most want to visit?
Atlanta, GA.
Chicago, IL.
Irvine, CA.
Seattle, WA.
Do you telecommute for work?
Yes, I work remotely from my computer.
I might answer some emails away from the office, but that's about it.
I don't do any telecommuting.
I do a fair amount of work away from my place of business.
How big of a hurry are you usually in when you stop for fast food?
I'm not rushing or anything, but I don't plan on spending much time there.
I want to get in and get out as fast as possible.
I'm not looking to spend all day there, but I'm in no real rush.
I'm in no hurry. I'll be here for a while.


How late are you usually out on the weekends?
I tend to be home before dinner, unless it's a special occasion.
I sometimes watch the sun rise before I go to bed.
I'm usually home by midnight or so.
I'm almost always home by the time it gets dark out.
How many people are you usually with when you're getting fast food?
I'm likely to be in a packed car full of drunk people.
There's usually three or four of us.
I'm generally there by myself.
I'm usually meeting one or two other people.
How spicy do you like your food?
I can do a little bit of spice, but I generally keep things very mild.
I like a good kick to my food.
I like quite a bit of spice.
I don't like spicy food at all.


Which mascot fits your personality the best?
A cow with poor spelling skills.
A clown.
A Chihuahua.
A mermaid.
Which item would you rather have for dessert?
Blueberry Scone.
Cinnabon Delights.
Apple pie.
Do you speak Spanish?
I know a few words, but that's about it.
Nope, I don't speak any and have no plans to learn.
I speak a little Spanish, but I'm not fluent.


How many alcoholic drinks do you have in a typical week?
None. I don't drink.
I lose count on the weekends.
I have a glass of wine or something like that once in a while.
I usually have a few adult beverages at the end of the day.
How healthy is your diet?
I eat healthy most of the time, but I do tend to binge on some really unhealthy stuff too.
My diet is getting healthier.
I eat an extremely healthy diet. Only local and organic for me.
I eat a lot of fried foods, let's put it that way.
Do you enjoy clowning around?
I have a good sense of humor, but I wouldn't call it "clowning around."
No, I'm not here for your amusement.
I do become pretty funny stuff after I've had a few drinks.
Yeah, I'm totally hilarious.


How much fast food to you eat each week?
I'll definitely be in there a few times a week.
I usually eat fast food at least once a day.
I might eat it once or twice on the weekends.
I hardly ever eat fast food.
How would you feel if a toy came with your meal?
Which size drink are you most likely to order?


What does "bless your heart" mean?
It means that the person you're talking to is kind of pathetic.
It's kind of along the lines of "you poor thing."
I'm not sure, but it sounds nice.
It's a blessing that you give to a person you care about.
How good are you with kids?
I can handle kids once in a while, but let's not make it a regular thing.
Kids really seem drawn to me.
I'm not a fan of kids, and they can tell.
I do alright, as long as they're not too annoying.
How big is your appetite?
I just nibble on things. I have a tiny appetite.
I guess I have an average appetite.
My eyes are always bigger than my stomach.
I have a huge appetite.
