Expecting Moms: What Is Your Pregnancy Spirit Animal?

By: Khadija Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Expecting Moms: What Is Your Pregnancy Spirit Animal?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Whether you are a first-time mom-to-be or you are on your way to delivering your sixth child, there is no proper way to prepare for a pregnancy. From the moment you become pregnant, your body begins to change in every sense of the word, from way down to the hormonal levels and feedback mechanisms in the brain to some people's taste and olfactory sensors. A woman's body goes from being just that to a home which is suitable for the growth of another lifeform. 

There are many websites and books out there which tell you what you should expect when expecting, but not very many focus on the personality changes that come with pregnancy. Some people change and become more bold and adventurous, while others become shy and empathetic.

Which of the many animals found on this planet is your spirit animal when you are pregnant? Will it be an animal which just as protective as you are, one which is known for its large appetite? Or will it be an animal which is always happy and one which is looking forward to the arrival of the baby? If you would like to find out, then this is the quiz that you should take. 

How did you find out that you were pregnant?
I had some weird food cravings and aversions to others.
I missed my cycle.
Nausea and vomiting.
I just had a feeling.
What was your reaction?
I was a little upset.
I was happy.
I was scared.
I was confused.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how surprised were you about your pregnancy?


Who was the first person that you told you were pregnant?
My parents
My partner
My doctor
My best friend
How ready are you for this baby?
I think I'm ready,
Fairly ready
Very ready
I'm not ready.
Are you having a boy or a girl?
I haven't found out yet.
I don't want to know until the birth.


Which of these colors will you be painting the baby's room?
Blue or pink
What will your baby's zodiac sign be?
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Tauris, Virgo, Capricorn
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
You can already tell that your baby is...


Would you like to have multiples?
I don't mind.
I don't know.
What is the best thing about being pregnant?
The special feeling (that only pregnant women feel)
Eating as many carbs as I want
Knowing that there is a life growing inside of me
The attention I get
Which of these things have you experienced most?
Constipation/constant peeing
Temperature sensitivity


What is the worst thing about being pregnant?
The mood swings
The length of the pregnancy
The morning sickness
The weight gain
Which of these behaviors did you have to stop or cut back on when you found out you were pregnant?
Changing cat litter
The amount of coffee I drink
Stop certain medications
Stop smoking and/or drinking
Which of these "out of character" things have you done while pregnant?
Crying at dog commercials
Change in interests/hobbies
Eating flowers or dirt
Thinking that I had superpowers because I could smell things that I didn't before


What have you been craving most?
Ice cream
How have you been preparing for the baby coming?
Making a budget and/or checklist
Reading many books
Go to birthing classes
Go window shopping
Which of these books have you read or do you want to read?
Mayo Clinic: Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy Day by Day - Maggie Blott
Strong as a Mother - Kate Rope
Pregnancy, O.M.G.! - Nancy Redd


Who will you be asking for maternity advice?
My mom or grandmother
The doctor
My friends who have children
Which of these words describes you as you are pregnant?
Which of these age groups do you fall into?
48 and older
37 to 47
26 to 36
Teen to 25


How do you feel when people touch your belly?
I don't like it.
I don't mind it.
It depends on who the person is.
I love it.
What kind of birth are you hoping to have?
A vaginal birth
A water birth
A C-section
It doesn't matter to me.
If you were to have one of these TV doctors/nurses deliver your baby, it would be...
Dr. Christina Hawthorne
Nurse Jackie Payton
Dr. Arizona Robbins
Dr. John Dorian - "J.D."


On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is your pain threshold?
When did you pick a baby name?
After I gave birth
The same day that I found out that I was pregnant
I had a list in the event that I got pregnant.
I let my partner or family member pick the name.
Will you be breastfeeding?
Yes, but only for a few months
Yes, for as long as they want
No thank you
I have not decided.


How many children do you want to have?
6 or more
3 to 5
1 or 2
Only one
What do you think that you will miss most about being pregnant?
The quiet
Eating as much as I want
The kicking
Do you think that you will make a good mother?
I hope so
Only time will tell


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