About This Quiz
Some people love cuddling so much that they almost don't mind who they cuddle. They'll cuddle anyone, even if that person has dubious hygiene, they've only just met or the person isn't necessarily the greatest person. Such people simply have a real faith in the restorative power of touch, and they derive pleasure from the closeness of another person.
Other people are wired to avoid the touch of another person as much as they humanly can. A handshake here and there, a fist-bump, maybe a high-five, and they're all set on contact. These folks may eagerly cuddle just about any dog they meet, and the friendlier cats, but they simply don't yearn for the touch of another person. Perhaps they'll cuddle if it's someone they know and trust really well, but they don't miss it if they have to go without it.
Most of us are somewhere between the two extremes. Wherever we tend to be on the cuddle spectrum, of course, we all have our own idiosyncratic approaches to cuddling. Some of us like little gentle touches all the time, a sort of simmer setting for cuddles, while others prefer short, intense bursts. As long as you and your boo can find a pattern that works for you, you're probably going to be just fine. Of course, identifying your own cuddle style up front is very helpful in finding such a pattern - and this quiz might just help point you in the right direction!
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