About This Quiz
You can play a sport, but after a while the sport plays you. You begin to think along the lines of the sport, and even speak in terms of sport. You see life as the sport you played, and if you have the right framework, you might do well in life seeing things this way. Some people will refer to their successes as touchdowns. Other folks will look at failures and say that pro baseball players will fail seven out of 10 tries. Showboating at work could be termed spiking the ball, and one might call someone who works hard into the night "a grinder".
Sports become a part of us. We don't just root for the home team because we like their uniforms, we do it because they represent us, like medieval champions in a joust. Sports are ingrained in those of us exposed to them, and it shows in unexpected ways. We have devised a test for you. You will answer a series of scenarios in a "would you rather" format, and we will run your answers by our analysts. This will tell us, with nearly perfect accuracy, which sport, which activity that shaped you, was the one you played in high school.
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