Get A Taste For Nutrition! Quiz

By: Sarah Crozer
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Get A Taste For Nutrition! Quiz
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

There is tons of information circling around when it comes to dietary choices! Which foods should you eat? Which vitamins should you take? Test your Nutritional knowledge with this quiz!
What does organic mean when talking about food?
A type of fruit
Modified food
Free of synthetic additives
Organic produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation.
Fortified food
What is GMO?
Giant Medical Organism
Generally Modified Oats
Genetically More Organic
Genetically Modified Organism
Process where genes from the DNA of one species are extracted and artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant or animal.
What is any large group of organic compounds occurring in foods and living tissues and including sugars, starch, and cellulose?
Carbohydrates provide you with most of your energy, as they make up around half of your daily calorie intake and are converted into blood glucose or blood sugar by your body to be used for energy.


What is GF?
Gluten Free
A gluten-free diet is a diet that excludes gluten, a protein composite found in wheat, barley, rye, and all their species and hybrids!
Giant Food
Good Fat
Growth Free
What is celiac disease?
Sugar resistance condition
Autoimmune disorder
For sufferers, eating gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. The eight most popular foods to cause food allergies are: milk, eggs, wheat, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish!
Milk allergy
What is trans fat?
Amino fatty acids
"good" fat
"bad" fat
Unlike other dietary fats, trans fat both raises your LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lowers your HDL ("good") cholesterol. This combo effect increases your risk of heart disease! But not all fats are bad! "What did Mr.Avocado say to Mrs.Avocado? Honey, you're the good kind of fat!”
Found in fish oil supplements.


What are short breaks from eating called?
Eating window
It's making a conscious decision to skip certain meals. Intermittent fasting means eating your calories during a specific window of the day, and choosing not to eat food during the rest. This is helpful to your digestive system, by giving it a chance to rest and reboot.
Calorie reset
What are the substances obtained from food that are used by the body to provide energy?
Trans fats
Always aim to eat nutrient dense foods. Nutrients regulate growth, and maintain and repair of the body's tissue.
What is a benefit of drinking water?
Balance body fluids
Control calorie intake
Energizing muscles
All of the above
The average person can live about a month without eating any food, but can only live about 3 days without water.


The watery part of milk that separates from the curds, as in the process of making cheese is called what?
Omega 3
Ice cream
Whey protein is a high-quality protein naturally found in dairy milk. It is a complete protein containing all of the essential amino acids the body needs and is easy to digest!
What is anemia?
Vitamin C deficiency
Blood deficiency
Someone who is anemic has low levels of iron intake. There is two types of anemia, sickle cell anemia and iron deficiency anemia.
Sugar intolerance
Gluten intolerance
What is sugar?
A trans fat
Simple carbohydrate
Sugars are simple carbohydrates that our bodies break down and use for energy quicker than complex carbohydrates. Sugar is best for the body in small doses, but should come from natural sources like fruit!
Type of cholesterol


Sodium is _______?
A type of Vitamin C
Naturally in water
A portion of salt
Sodium is needed for cellular fluid balance and muscle retractions in the body. Products (like Gatorade) contain sodium in the mix to replenish and hydrate someone after exercise.
A natural stimulant
What is an omega fatty acid?
Fruit fiber
Polyunsaturated fats
There is Omega 3, 6 and 9. Omega 3's (fish oil) is the most commonly consumed supplement in America.
A type of lactose
A medical condition
This natural stimulant is found in coffee.
Found not only in coffee and tea, but natural chocolate can be very stimulating as well.


What is the name of organic, essential nutrients required by the body?
Refine sugar
Vitamin deficiencies are no joke! Vitamins can be defined as either water soluble or fat soluble. Most vitamins cannot be made by the body and therefore have to be obtained through the diet.
What is the title of a healthcare professional with training in nutrition and diet planning?
A dietician
Dietician's actually have the same amount of schooling required to be a doctor. After extensive schooling, they must pass a test to become licensed.
A chripractor
An acupuncturist
A psychologist
What is the condition name for lack of healthy foods in the diet?
Malnutrition is a very big deal! It is a chronic problem for the children residing in third world countries. Proper nutrition is essential for a growing body.


What substance are your nails made of?
Keratin is the protein that protects epithelial cells from damage or stress. It is essential for the health of nails and hair etc.
What is the name for the digestion and transportation of substances?
The speed of the metabolism will determine how much food is needed. Some people have faster metabolisms than others!
What is Iron?
A mineral
Iron is a mineral which forms an important part of haemoglobin, helping to transport oxygen round the body in our blood! Iron deficiencies are pretty common, and more prevalent in women.
A salt
A fatty acid
A sugar


What are whole grains?
Unprocessed grains
Applies to grains in which the whole grain, including the endosperm, bran and germ are not removed during processing. Typically, the less a food is processed, the better! It is important to eat foods in their most natural state for optimum nutrition.
Fortified food
GMO wheat
Food for chickens raised in farms
What are proteins made of?
Amino Acids
Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. They are important both structurally and functionally in every cell of our body including building muscle.
What is the measurement of energy and unit of heat?
Calories are found in fats, carbohydrates, proteins and alcohol. Different people require a different amount of daily calorie intake. For example, men typically require more than women!


What is the main carbohydrate in milk?
Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk made of 2 sugars (glucose and galactose).
What is a vegan?
A carnivore
A food specialist
Strict vegetarian
Vegans eat no foods from animal sources at all - they may also avoid clothing and other non-food products derived from animals!
A doctor
What does RDA stand for?
Ribo-dynamic Acids
Real Diet Association
Really Dense Aminos
Recommended Dietary Amounts
They are the estimates of the amount of vitamins and minerals which are sufficient (or more than sufficient) to meet the needs of an adult.


What is the FDA?
Food Dense Acids
Food and Diet Annonymous
Food and Drug Administration
The FDA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, advances the nation's welfare by protecting consumers against health hazards. They do things such as control nutrition labeling on food.
Federal Diet Association
What process removes harmful pathogens from various foods?
An example of a Pasteurized food is milk. All milk sold in grocery stores has been pasteurized and the process is required by the FDA.
A condition that occurs when the body can't use glucose is called what?
Celiac disease
People with diabetes either don't make enough insulin or their body's cells are resistant to insulin, leading to high levels of sugar circulating in the blood. This can be regulated with insulin injections.
High cholesterol


What is fortification?
Removing pathogens
Freezing food
Adding nutrients
Fortification is the process of adding nutrients to a food. Sometimes this has to be done by law, for example, nutrients are added to help the population meet their nutrient needs, e.g. breakfast cereals.
Regulation safety check
What is fiber?
A mineral
Indigestible part of plants
It helps to keep your gut healthy and prevent constipation. Soluble fiber is fermented in the colon and insoluble fiber moves through the gut undigested aiding defecation.
This is a waxy component of fat.
Amino Acid
It is an essential part of cell membranes in the body, however a high level of cholesterol is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, and it is important to monitor levels.


What is calcium needed for primarily?
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and is needed for strong bones and teeth. Calcium is found in dairy products (like milk and cheese) and also in dark leafy greens.
What is a BMI?
Bio-medical Intolerance
Body Mass Index
It  is used to calculate if someone is a healthy weight for their height. It is calculated by dividing weight by the square of the height. A healthy BMI is considered to be between 18.5-24.9 for the average adult.
A supplement
Balance and Muscle Interaction
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