About This Quiz
There's a difference between having self-confidence and being completely lost inside your own little world. This quiz is designed as a helpful tool to assist you in discovering where you are on the spectrum of egotism. Whereas those around you may be less inclined to speak honestly to you about your behavior, we will cut right to the point and give you an unbiased result.
To give you some idea of what we're looking for here, there are a few characteristics that people with enormous egos tend to embody. For example, you have a massive ego if you are always talking about yourself and you don't give space for anyone else to have an opinion, tell a story or share anything about themselves. When others are talking about subjects unrelated to people with gigantic egos, they will likely tune out of the conversation or interrupt with information that is way more interesting to them.
Note: Only read the following statement if you consider yourself to be the most amazing person who has ever lived.
If you recognize yourself in the above statement, there's a good chance that you will meet the lofty requirements necessary to be awarded the title of "Massive Ego." If you attain such an unbelievable and unheard of achievement, the history books are sure to sing your praises for generations to come, and the rest of us will simply feel lucky to inhabit the planet while you walk among us.
Let the display of awesomeness begin!
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