How Big Is Your Ego?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
How Big Is Your Ego?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

There's a difference between having self-confidence and being completely lost inside your own little world. This quiz is designed as a helpful tool to assist you in discovering where you are on the spectrum of egotism. Whereas those around you may be less inclined to speak honestly to you about your behavior, we will cut right to the point and give you an unbiased result.

To give you some idea of what we're looking for here, there are a few characteristics that people with enormous egos tend to embody. For example, you have a massive ego if you are always talking about yourself and you don't give space for anyone else to have an opinion, tell a story or share anything about themselves. When others are talking about subjects unrelated to people with gigantic egos, they will likely tune out of the conversation or interrupt with information that is way more interesting to them.

Note: Only read the following statement if you consider yourself to be the most amazing person who has ever lived.

If you recognize yourself in the above statement, there's a good chance that you will meet the lofty requirements necessary to be awarded the title of "Massive Ego." If you attain such an unbelievable and unheard of achievement, the history books are sure to sing your praises for generations to come, and the rest of us will simply feel lucky to inhabit the planet while you walk among us.

Let the display of awesomeness begin!

Which pronoun do you use the most?
Do you meditate?
I am a regular meditation practitioner.
I do once in a while.
I've tried it, but it wasn't for me.
I have no interest in meditation.
How do you feel when other people succeed?
It makes me angry. That should have been me.
I don't feel anything.
I tend to feel jealous.
I'm happy for them.


How many selfies did you take in the last week?
More than I can count
A couple
More than a handful
Is it appealing for you to be famous?
I sometimes fantasize about it.
It sure would be nice.
I really have no desire to be famous.
Honestly, that's all I care about.
How much stuff do you have?
I am a minimalist.
I have a ton of stuff.
I suppose I have some things that are not necessary.
I do have quite a bit of stuff.


Is your life filled with drama?
Oh yeah, it's one thing after another.
I probably have a bit more drama in my life than the average person.
I have some drama in my life, but no more than most people.
Not at all. I have hardly any drama in my life.
Is it always somehow about you?
It's rarely about me.
It's sometimes about me.
It's generally about me.
It's always about me.
What is your general reaction if someone else is getting attention around you?
I am bored and ready to do something else.
It's fine, as long as the attention comes back to me eventually.
I must divert the attention back to me immediately.
I have no reaction to that.


How often do you use the words, "best" and "greatest" when talking about yourself?
Those are my favorite words to use, because they are so true.
I probably use those descriptions once in a while.
I rarely, if ever, use those descriptors.
It's not an every day thing, but it's close to that.
How do you feel about spending time alone?
I don't mind it once in a while.
It's definitely not my favorite thing in the world.
I enjoy it a lot.
I can't stand it.
Is it hard for you to quiet your mind down?
There are times where it can be challenging, but I practice at it.
I'm amazing, probably the greatest ever at that.
Only when I'm really excited about something.
I find it almost impossible to shut my mind off.


Do you do any volunteer work?
I wish I had the time for that, but I'm so busy and important.
I never have.
I've done a little bit of volunteer work.
I do quite a lot of volunteer work.
How good are you at getting others to do what you want them to do?
I'm not manipulative like that.
I try to do that, but I'm not very good at it.
I have to admit that I'm pretty good at getting people to do what I want.
I am a total master at that.
Do you listen to advice?
Not really, I've got things pretty well figured out.
I might listen to someone if they're an expert in their field or something like that.
Why would I need advice?
I'm always open to hearing what suggestions others might have.


Is it difficult for you to apologize?
What would I need to apologize for?
I'm not a huge fan of doing it, but you just have to sometimes.
I don't find it difficult to do at all, especially if I was in the wrong.
I hate apologizing.
In general, do you follow the rules?
I usually follow the rules, unless I think they are really unfair.
I tend to be a pretty big rebel when it comes to rules.
It's pretty rare for me to break any rules.
Nah, I make my own rules.
What is your biggest weakness?
I suppose it would be my tendency towards perfectionism.
I don't have one.
There's a lot to choose from, let me think.
My biggest weakness is how jealous other people are of me.


What is your greatest strength?
That's hard, there's so many to choose from.
Probably just how generally awesome I am.
I'm not sure I have one.
I guess I'm a pretty good listener.
How appealing is the thought of being up on a stage with the spotlight on you?
That sounds pretty awful to me.
I'd really rather not.
I definitely think it's time that people got a chance to experience this greatness.
Wow, that sounds great. When are we doing that?
How much time do you spend in front of the mirror each day?
I'll probably check myself out for 20 or 30-minutes.
On average, I'm guessing about 10-minutes.
I spend a good hour gazing at my beautiful face.
Maybe a few seconds at the most.


How much do you enjoy watching reality TV?
That's my favorite form of entertainment.
There are a couple shows that I enjoy.
I'm really not a fan of those shows at all.
I want to be on a reality show so badly.
On the phone, how long does it take you to ask the other person how they are?
I'll ask them once I tell them this amazing story.
I might remember towards the end of the call.
That's the first thing I ask.
I'm sure they're fine.
How likely are you to blame others for your failures?
I take ownership of my mistakes.
What failures?
I might do that at first, but I apologize and take responsibility eventually.
I only blame them because it's their fault.


How comfortable are you talking about emotions?
Yuck, go away.
I'd rather not. How about that game last night?
I'm more comfortable doing that with certain people.
I'm very comfortable talking about how I feel.
Be honest, do you feel like you're better than other people?
Not at all, we're all just doing the best we can.
Maybe at some things, but not in general.
To be honest, yes.
I don't feel like I'm better than others, I am better than others.
Even if someone is talking negatively about you, do you kind of enjoy that they are talking about you?
Yeah, there's no such thing as bad press, right?
That sounds like a mental disorder to me.
I'd rather it were positive, but I do enjoy hearing my own name.
Nope, it hurts me to have people talk negatively about me.


How confident are you in your abilities?
I am the most confident person around.
I struggle with confidence.
There are times that I feel sure of myself and times that I have my doubts.
I'm definitely more confident than the losers of the world.
How would you react if you won an award?
I'd be pretty excited, but I'm not looking forward to getting up on stage.
Cool, I'm going to give an amazing acceptance speech.
I would be very grateful, and I'd use the opportunity to promote a charitable cause.
It's about time I got that recognition.
Are you regularly accused of being rude?
That's not something I hear.
I get that all the time.
I suppose I've been told that a few times.
It's not unusual for people to say that about me. They really need to get some thicker skin.


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