How High Would You Rank in the Marines?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How High Would You Rank in the Marines?
Image: WikiCommons

About This Quiz

Step it up, soldier! It's time to find out what you're really made of! Are you as tough as nails, or would basic training send you crying to your mommy? Choose your answers carefully and with all the duty of our armed service members, and we'll be able to tell you how high you would rank in the U.S. Marines!

Being a member of an elite fighting force takes a lot of self-disciple and courage! Throughout this quiz, we're going to test out your ability to adapt, to improvise, and to overcome any given situation. We'll also examine your personality to see if you have what it takes to survive the world's toughest jungles and deserts. Once we get to know you better than a military doctor, we will be able to determine your highest rank in the Marine Corps! Will you make it past private and all the way to General? It all depends on you! 

Polish up your boots, and show us how tough and resilient you are! Let us get a sense of your true grit, and tell you where you belong in the Marines. You'll still have to enlist and rise through the ranks, but now you'll have motivation! 

If you woke up on a deserted island, what is the first thing you would do?
I would make a shelter.
I would look for water.
I would build a signal fire.
I would check for the sun's position.
How do you prefer your steak to be cooked?
Medium rare
Well done
I don't eat red meat.
Are you in good physical shape?
I'm fairly buff.
I could stand a few more laps at the gym.
I don't look bad for my age.
I'm an Adonis.


Which weapon would you choose to use in a zombie apocalypse?
Flame thrower
Could you be a sniper?
I am a pretty good shot.
My hands aren't steady enough.
My eyes are too bad to be a sniper.
I would give it my best shot.
How much do you enjoy camping?
It's okay.
I can think of a million other things I would rather do.
I love it!
I wish I could live outdoors.


If your survival depended on it, who would you eat first?
My dog
My annoying neighbor
My boss
I would survive on rats and flowers.
Which character from "The Walking Dead" are you most like?
Daryl Dixon
I'm tougher than all of them.
I don't watch it.
Rick Grimes
Which job would you be most afraid to try?
Crab fisherman
Daycare worker
Window washer


Have you ever been skydiving?
I would love to try it.
I'm afraid of heights.
I've done it once.
I have done it many times.
Do you have a daily routine?
I have a loose daily routine.
I go with the flow.
I have a solid daily routine.
I have a strict daily routine.
How would you find your way out of the Amazon jungle without a compass?
I would make friends with the natives.
I would stay put and wait for rescue.
I would follow the river out.
I would strap on to an anaconda and let it slither me out.


How many pushups can you do?
21 or more
Which branch of the military do you think is most intelligent?
Air Force
Are you a good swimmer?
I swim like a rock.
I can swim enough to get to the floating bar.
I'm a decent swimmer.
I was born swimming.


What kind of liquor do you like most?
I don't drink.
Would you swim through raging flood waters to save a dog?
You bet!
I would find a boat.
It depends on who the dog's owner might be.
I would lasso the dog and pull it to safety.
How would you start a fire without matches?
I would use an old camera lens.
I would have a lighter.
I would rub two sticks together.
I would use an old battery and some tin foil.


What is your favorite thing to do around a campfire?
I like to warm up!
I like to dry my socks.
I like to tell ghost stories.
I like to make S'mores.
How do you stay calm under pressure?
I take deep breaths.
I freak out, then spring to action.
I just spring to action.
I take control of the situation.
Are you a good team player?
I'm an excellent team player.
It depends on the team.
It depends on the task.
I'm a better leader.


Do you make your bed every morning?
I make it most mornings.
I make it on the weekends.
I make my bed every day.
My housekeeper makes my bed.
How tech savvy would you consider yourself?
Super savvy
Do you have an outgoing personality?
It depends on the crowd.
I'm not all that outgoing.
I'm moderately outgoing.
I'm really outgoing.


How much would you love to drive a tank?
I would totally love to drive a tank.
I'm not sure I could drive something that big.
I have, and it's a blast.
I would sell my dog to drive a tank.
How do you drink your coffee?
I don't drink coffee.
Cream and sugar
Cream or sugar only
Do you know how to iron your clothes?
I do a mean crease.
I have no idea.
Yes, you throw them in the dryer for a few minutes.
I could own an ironing business.


How organized would you say you are?
I'm mostly organized.
I could use some pointers.
I'm as organized as I get.
I'm very organized.
Which board game could your dominate?
Which country would you most like to visit?


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