How Immoral Are You?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
9 min
How Immoral Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

People have been studying and writing about morality for thousands of years. In Ancient Greece around 350 BCE, Aristotle wrote Nichomachean Ethics, still considered one of the most important works on morality ever written. A few centuries later, the emperor Marcus Aurelius and a slave named Epictetus defined morality as the pursuit of the highest self, no matter what one's circumstances, in a set of principles that would later become known as stoicism.

In the 1700s, German philosopher Immanuel Kant continued the dialogue by creating the "categorical imperative," the idea that people are driven by a set of morals that drives them towards fulfilling certain duties. Other well-known philosophers that have covered morality include John Stuart Mill and John Rawls.

But throughout history, there are certain behaviors that almost everyone agrees are wrong. They generally involve lying, stealing, cheating, or hurting others. Doing things like these make you immoral, but most of us have done them at least once or twice. What separates us into different levels of morality is how often we do them.

Are you used to stealing and breaking the rules to get your way? Or do you live by a strong code of morals? Fill out this quiz and you'll find out if you're an angel, demon, or somewhere in the middle.

You're at the end of a long line, which has started to move forward, except the person in front of you hasn't moved. What do you do?
Politely tell them the line is moving.
Clear your throat loudly so they move.
Just walk ahead of them.
Skip them, then look around for others who you can also cut in line.
Walking in a busy city, the person a few feet ahead of you drops some cash. How do you respond?
Pick it up and keep following them to see if they lose any more money.
If it's just a few bucks, I'd pick it up - they probably don't need it.
Grab the cash, catch up with them, and give it to them.
Call out to them so they are aware of what happened.
Someone stops you on the street and asks you for money. What's your next move?
Just ignore them and keep walking.
Give them as much as I can afford.
Evaluate them to see if I can take advantage of their hardship.
I might either give them some change or just politely decline, depending on how I'm feeling.


In a meeting at work, you are given credit for a good idea that was originally your co-worker's. How do you respond to the compliment from your boss?
In front of everyone I let my boss know that it was my colleague's idea.
I wait until the end of the meeting and privately let my boss know that it was my co-worker's idea.
I don't say anything - I didn't make the mistake, why not use it to my advantage?
I accept it and then privately start thinking about other ways to manipulate my boss.
When you are applying for jobs, how likely are you to exaggerate your resume?
My resume might as well be about a different person.
Let's just say I supplement the facts liberally.
Only about the smallest details.
I would never!
Stealing is one of the linchpins of immorality. Have you ever shoplifted?
One time I accidentally walked out of the store with something, but I immediately brought it back.
Yes, I'm banned from three or four different retail chains.
I couldn't even imagine shoplifting, let alone do it.
A few times when I was younger, but not in a long time.


You're spending time at a friend's place and notice a five-dollar bill on the floor that someone has dropped without noticing it. What happens next?
I pick it up and let my friend know I found it.
I just don't say anything, I'm not trying to interfere in their business.
I might pick it up if I'm left alone with it.
I'm grabbing the bill as soon as I can.
You're in a store parking lot unloading a shopping bag at your car and realize you had something that you didn't ring up. How do you deal with this?
I just continue with my day. The store won't miss a few extra bucks.
Planning to go back next time and "accidentally" get even more stuff.
I immediately turn around and go back to the store to make things right.
I'd probably go back unless I was in a real rush and it wasn't an expensive item.
One of your closest friends is set to get engaged. A few months before the wedding, you find irrefutable evidence that your friend's fiancee is having an affair. What do you do?
Immediately arrange a face-to-face hangout with my friend to tell them the news.
Agonize on it for a few days but ultimately decide to tell my friend.
I probably wouldn't say anything, why ruin love?
Try to figure out a way to blackmail my friend's fiancee with the evidence.


You're at a large box store and you see a person appearing to shoplift. What do you do next?
I'd let the store know after the person leaves so they don't get embarrassed.
Stop them and offer to buy the item for them.
Help them steal other stuff while taking a few things for myself.
Nothing. More power to them for beating the system.
An extended family member comes to you with an opportunity to make some money, but you get the sense that it may not be fully legal. What's your answer?
I'd accept immediately and then offer my own improvements to the con.
I'd probably say yes if I need the money.
I'd turn it down but wouldn't say anything or prevent them from doing it.
I'd immediately try to stop them from doing it, and if I couldn't, I'd report them. It's for their own benefit.
Generally speaking, do you think society as a whole has a responsibility to look out for those less fortunate?
It's not always possible, but when we can, absolutely.
Yes, we should care for the disadvantaged and help them get back on their feet.
Maybe, I'm not really sure.
No way, this world is every man for themselves.


You accidentally receive a neighbor's package, which looks to be expensive. What's your next move?
Bring it over and knock on their door immediately to let them know.
Make a note to remind them when I get a chance.
Wait to see if they notice anything.
Keep it and see how much I can sell it for.
You're spending time alone with your spouse's friend and they suddenly come on to you blatantly. What's your response to the advance?
Just laugh and ignore it.
Let's see what happens - no one else is gonna find out, right?
Ignore it at the time, but tell my spouse about it later.
Shut them down immediately and leave the situation.
Which of these kinds of posts are you most likely to make on social media?
Promoting a friend's charity.
Celebrating a family member's birthday.
Trying to get people to buy something.
Letting people know about my pyramid scheme.


You're heading to work and see an elderly person struggling to cross the street. What's your next action?
Go up and help them, then try to con them for some money.
Just keep walking, they'll probably be fine.
Ask them if they need help.
Run over and help them get across.
Buying groceries at your regular store, a new cashier gives you a little too much change. How do you handle it?
Next time there I would let them know about it and give back some extra money.
Make a note of which cashier it is and remember to always go back to them.
I'd correct the error and give them back the change.
Ignore it - their problem, not mine.
Are you a highly religious person?
I'm active in my faith community.
I believe in God and pray sometimes, but I'm not super religious.
Not really.
No, but religious people usually make easy targets for cons.


By your personal standards, what is the point of working?
To make a positive impact on the world.
Earning a living to provide for my family.
Making as much money as possible.
To be a slave to a system that benefits people a lot richer than me.
When it comes to politics, do you tend to align with more liberal or conservative policies?
I'm much more liberal.
I'm a moderate.
I'm more conservative.
I support whichever party benefits me most.
You just got a paycheck at work, but you were overpaid by $500. What would you do in this situation?
Try to figure out how I can get extra money on future checks!
Nothing. I work plenty hard for the company - I deserve a little bonus.
I'd immediately let the accounting department know about the error, in private.
I'd tell my boss but make sure others know I corrected the mistake so that it improves my reputation.


You're the banker in a family game of Monopoly where no one is playing really close attention. How do you act?
I'm cheating as much as I can.
I play 100% by the rules.
I'd think about cheating, but wouldn't.
I might dish myself an extra bill or two - it's just a game, after all.
You are judging a contest between two people. One of them comes to you privately and offers to pay you to help them win. Do you accept the offer?
No, but I wouldn't tell anyone about it.
No, I would tell them I'm only judging on merit and then report them to the organizer.
If the amount is enough and the contest isn't that important, probably.
No, I'd try to get them to pay me more!
You're bringing home food for the family and you receive an extra entree. What do you do?
Eat it myself in the car and not tell anyone.
Tell my family I bought an extra entree for them.
Bring home the food and share it among the family.
Go back to the restaurant and tell them about the mistake.


When you were in school, did you ever copy homework from classmates?
Maybe once or twice when I was really under a lot of pressure.
I used to find the test answers and then sell them to my classmates.
Yeah, pretty often.
One of your friends is looking to give you a bunch of popular smartphones to sell, but you aren't exactly sure if their origin is legit. What do you tell them?
"Sorry, I'm not comfortable with this."
"Can you tell me more about where you got them?"
"I think I can do get rid of them for you."
"When can you get another batch?"
How often do you tell a lie?
Whenever my mouth is open.
Only when it's something I really care about.
Very rarely, unless it's to protect someone's feelings.


You're in the break room at work and you hear your coworkers making fun of someone. How do you handle it?
I tell them to cut it out.
Just ignore it and go about my business.
I'd smile and contribute a joke of my own.
I'd let the coworker know about it and play them off against the other group.
You are given a work task that is not completely legal, but will help your standing at the company if you do it. Would you accept?
I'd think for a long time, but probably not.
Yes - I do what I have to do to make a living.
Yup, but I'd also document it for future blackmail against my boss.
No, and I'd probably start looking for another job.
Is it ever okay to lie?
Of course! Lying makes the world go 'round.
From time to time, if it's not a big deal and will help me get ahead.
Almost never, unless it's to protect someone's feelings.
I don't think it is ever acceptable.


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