How Millennial are You?

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Millennial are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The Millennial generation is known for their focus on self and ensuring the world can focus on the same. No other generation has had such a focus on positive worklife balance (leaning toward work) than Millennials. So, how millennial are you? Take this quiz to find out.
How many hours of TV do you watch in a day?
One to two.
Two to three.
Three to five.
More than five.
How many tech devices do you own?
One to three.
Three to five.
More than five.
How long do you think you can go without using one of your tech devices?
A day.
Less than an hour.


What is your favorite device?
My rotary phone.
My flip phone.
My smartphone.
This isn't a fair question.
On what platform do you receive your daily news?
Local broadcast station.
Cable TV.
Social media.
When was the last time you played a video game?
Decades ago.
When NES first came out.
A few years ago.
I'm playing one while taking this quiz.


How many gaming systems do you own?
Way to many to try and count.
What kind of telephone do you use?
Flip phone.
What is the primary use of your telephone?
To talk to the grandkids.
To chat with friends.
It's my personal assistant.


How many text messages do you send and receive in a day?
Text messages? How do you do that?
Hold on...I'm making my first one now.
How do you pay your bills?
With a check, envelope, and stamp.
I pay over the phone.
I go online.
My bills are paid automatically.
Do you remember when bank cards could only be used to withdrawal cash from an ATM?
Isn't that what they are still used for?
Yeah, that was easy.
I've heard about that.
Wait, you did what with them?


Which of these answers is more important?
High paying career.
Job security.
Work-life balance.
Flexibility to pursue my own interests.
Have you ever participated in a peaceful protest?
No, the government doesn't do anything wrong.
No, but I read about them online.
I have been to a couple.
I protest anything I don't agree with.
How do you get places?
Drive my car.
Take public transportation.
Take an Uber or Lyft.


How many social media networking sites do you have?
I don't even know what those are.
One to catch up with friends.
Two to three.
As many as I can manage.
How religious are you?
I go to church, but only on holidays.
I'm more spiritual than religious.
I don't know what I believe.
How do you usually watch movies?
At the movie theater.
At the drive-in.
With DVDs and Blue Ray.
On one of my devices.


How do you watch TV?
I don't.
On my television.
A mix of online and TV.
I binge watch all of my shows from my tablet.
How do you buy your groceries?
By going to the grocery store.
Going to a retail and grocery store.
I shop for my groceries online.
I buy all my food at a farmer's market.
How would you like to change culture?
I am content the way it is.
Maybe promote doing nice things for people.
Broadcast and repost real world events.
Try to sway the government.


How have you decorated your body?
I wouldn't even know where to start.
I have a couple pierced ears.
I have a tattoo sleeve.
A wide variety of piercings and tattoos.
What are your political views?
Middle of the road.
How do you like to express yourself?
Just by acting myself.
Dressing for success.
Long discussions with strangers and colleagues.
Regular posting on social media.


How do you work?
Eight to 12 hours shifts at work for the same company my whole life.
In an office, but I might work for multiple companies over the years.
I work remotely most days of the week.
I am an independent contractor.
What is a passion of yours?
Never having to change jobs.
Going on a nice vacation.
Financial freedom.
Work flexibility.
Which of these outdoor events would you enjoy?
Reading on the front porch.
Sporting event.
A concert.
A protest.


How many online quizzes do you take in a week?
I wouldn't even know how to find them.
Maybe one.
Two to five.
Five or more.
Who influences your decision-making the most?
My family.
My friends.
Me, with some input from others.
Social media.
Where have you met most of your friends?
They are old friends I grew up with.
People I have met at work.
Strangers who share the same interests.
Mostly online.


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