How Much of a Sinner are You? Quiz

By: Jody Mabry
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
How Much of a Sinner are You? Quiz
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll can get you in a lot of trouble. But, how much depends on how hard of a ride you take. Are you an arm-chair sinner or are you bound to get in a fight riding through Sturgis?
Which do you believe most in?
Mother Earth
What is the last item you've shoplifted?
A pack of candy
A pair of jeans
I don't steal, I'm an angel
What is your drink of choice?
Sex on the beach
Bloody Mary
Whiskey straight-up


If someone starts a fight with you, the first thing you do is?
Punch first
Begin to cry and beg
Take them low
Run away as fast as you can
What is your favorite vacation destination?
Hidden away in the mountains
A tropical island
A foreign European country
A Harley ride to Sturgis
How often do you indulge in sweets?
Once a week
Once a month


How often do you eat until your body aches?
At least once a week
Once a month
Only on holidays
I only eat small salads
Have you ever killed anyone?
Once, but I got away with it
In the field of battle
Nobodies caught me yet
I'm not really the killing type
How many times a day do you swear
Oh jeez, I don't know if I can count that high
Just a handful
Only when I stub my toe
Swearing is for sinners, not me


Who is your favorite Disney Princess?
Ana from Frozen
Who is your favorite villain?
Johnny from Karate Kid
Skeletor from He-man
The Governor on the Walking Dead
Hannibal Lector
What time do you show up to work?
10 minutes early
10 minutes late
Right on time
When I want to


Do you give money at church?
When I can afford it
Every time, whether I can afford it or not
I steal from the collection plate to buy cigs
What's your favorite ride?
A low-rider with massive hydraulics
A Harley
An old ‘vette
My comfortable and safe Volvo
What kind of animal do you have at home?
A snake
A pit bull
A cuddly little cute kitten
I hate animals


What organization would you donate money to?
Habitat for Humanity
Alcoholics Anonymous
Boys and Girls Club
National Rifle Association
How do you vote?
Way left
Way right
In the middle
However I damn well please
Have you ever been in a fight?
Yes, once
Yes, many times
Maybe, I was pretty drunk


Would you consider yourself intimidating?
Very. I'm big, strong, and bald
Maybe. I look big, but am a teddy bear
Not really, unless I pull out my gun
Nope. I might as well be a gummy bear
If you need to pick a direction, which do you go?
If you had to pick a limb to have cut off, which do you choose?
An arm
A finger
A foot


How does road rage affect you?
I keep a gun in the glove box
My knife is attached to my thigh
My middle finger is like a jack-in-the-box ready to pop
I keep it cool
What is your favorite kind of day?
Sunny and hot
Raining all day long
Partly cloudy
Terrifyingly mighty storms
Who is your favorite singer?
Michael Bolton
Michael Jackson
Britney Spears


How old do you predict you will live?
Until they catch me
What yard work are you best at?
Mowing the lawn
Weed whacking
Hiring someone to do the work
Digging the hole, know.
What kind of a leader are you?
Stick to the rules
I do what I can to get to the top
Hope you're strong because I'm going to step on you


When you see a hot person from the opposite sex, you...
Follow them home
Stalk them online
Call them dozens of times and hang up
Nothing. I'm not a nut
What did you do after high school?
Got a job
Joined the military
Went to college
Bummed a cig and left town
If I insulted you, how would you respond?
I'd punch you in the face
I'd laugh
I'd insult you back
I'd show you where you can stick your comment


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