How Well Do You Know Goldie Hawn's 1987 Movie, "Overboard"?

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How Well Do You Know Goldie Hawn's 1987 Movie, "Overboard"?
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No certified rom-com lover is worthy of their cinematic card if they don't know the '80s movie Overboard. Do you? Test your knowledge with our quiz, then!

Ah, yes, the romantic comedy or the rom-com as people tend to shortcut it nowadays. It's one of the most popular and universal genres the world over since it carries lighthearted themes with a mix of dramatic flair here and there. Rom-coms have been in Hollywood ever since Tinseltown was born. And why not? Falling in love, being in love, falling out of love, and laughing about all of these lovelorn stages is as human as breathing through your nose. It's a genre that has the usual elements: two people falling for each other, a circumstance or two that blocks their being together, and everything else in between and around them. But over the decades, each generation of filmmakers and actors give their own flavor and create their own branding of the rom-coms they find themselves making.

It's the same thing with the film Overboard. Released back in 1987, the movie was helmed by a late director of great Hollywood rom-coms. Guess who he is by answering the quiz question about him! But what we'll give you is this, though: Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn work their '80s charm in this film. The real-life and reel-life couple seemed like they had much fun shooting this one. Even if the film got mixed reviews, it's still a good film to see their chemistry.

So have we jogged your memory enough to take this quiz? Hey, don't go overboard, and just enjoy the quiz ride!

What kind of ship does Goldie Hawn's character fall from?
Goldie falls from a luxury yacht and then suffers from amnesia. From then on, she forgets that she's wealthy and is immersed in a life of domestic, humble poverty.
What trade is Kurt Russell's character employed in?
Kurt Russell's character is a lowly carpenter that comes aboard the yacht to fix Goldie's closet. The most famous image of his character is Kurt holding a chainsaw.
Animal husbandry
What's the name of the acclaimed director of "Overboard"?
Steven Spielberg
Alfred Hitchcock
Garry Marshall
Garry Marshall is responsible for some of the greatest comedies of the '80s. "Overboard" is a typical upbeat Gary Marshall romantic comedy.
Ridley Scott


When Kurt's character first meets Goldie's character on the boat, what is she wearing?
A catsuit
A ballgown
Nothing at all
A white swimsuit and coat
Goldie first appears wearing a bathing suit with a white coat. This ensemble is accentuated by gold military shoulder pads and a sparkly silver scrunchie.
Who plays Goldie's butler?
Roddy McDowall
Roddy McDowall plays the beloved butler. He's also an executive producer of the film.
Clint Eastwood
Forest Whitaker
Anthony Hopkins
In what state is Kurt Russell's modest cabin home?
New York
Rhode Island
His cabin is on the Oregon coast, where Goldie's yacht just so happened to get stuck, in need of repairs.


What's Kurt Russell's dream job in the movie?
To be a pilot
To build a miniature golf course
He and his friend Billy dream about opening their own miniature golf course, and by the end of the movie they get the chance to do it.
To open a cafe
To be a dancer
What did Goldie leave on the deck of the boat that caused her to fall overboard?
Her sunglasses
A shoe
Her wedding ring
Goldie is lying in bed when she realizes she left her wedding ring on the deck. She asks her husband to get it but he refuses, so she steps outside and answers to her fate.
A 100-dollar bill
How much money did Goldie pay Kurt to fix her closet on the yacht?
She refused to pay for his work because she wanted the closet made of cedar and he made it out of oak. He fell overboard after that, and she threw his tools in after him.


After her amnesia, what is Goldie told that her name is?
Annie Proffitt
She is told by Kurt's character that her name is Annie, and since he's pretending that Goldie is his wife, she becomes Annie Proffitt to his Dean Proffitt.
Charlene Green
Melissa Esposito
Jane Delatour
How many boys does Kurt Russell's character have?
He had four kids with his late wife. Two of them are twins, but all four of them are more than a handful.
What's Kurt's favorite hangout with the boys?
The horse races
The bowling alley
There are many scenes that take place in Kurt's favorite bowling alley. It's where he says he goes every night after dinner.
The local tavern
A strip club


When Goldie refuses to sleep with him their first night at his house in the woods, what does he reply?
Do you have a headache?
Can I hold you for a while?
What, no boom boom?
As Kurt pretends to be drunk and collapses on her, she refuses, so he says, "What, no boom boom?" She replies, "No boom boom."
Do you realize what you're missing out on?
When Goldie has a dream at night about her wealthy past, what is she doing in the dream?
Sitting on the beach in France
Drinking champagne on New Years
As Goldie lies on the couch with water leaking on her from the room, she dreams that she's at a New Years celebration, with a piano player nearby, and a glass of champagne in her hand.
Getting a pedicure
Shopping at Dior
In a rush to get the boys off to school, what kind of sandwiches does Goldie make for them?
Turkey with ketchup
Tuna and lettuce
Peanut butter, jelly and mayo
She hurriedly puts peanut butter and jelly on torn pieces of bread, and also adds mayonnaise. She puts these in paper bags with loose M&Ms.
Bacon and tomato


When Goldie uses a chainsaw in the yard, she manages to take the head off of what?
A scarecrow
Among the many things she ruins with a chainsaw in her hand, she takes the head off a scarecrow, and also rips through a basket, till finally working on a fence.
A bear
A bird
A crop of corn
What pet do the boys have that disgusts Goldie?
A rabbit
A snake
A turtle
The pet turtle ends up in her sink one morning, and then the next day it's in the bathtub.
A tarantula
Goldie's mother in the movie has a luxurious apartment where?
There are frequent calls to and from her mother, and these scenes take place within the mother's luxury Manhattan apartment, where she has servants and a little dog.
Newport, RI


What trick do the four boys play on Goldie?
They steal her clothes
They glue her hands to plates
When the boys glue her hands to plates, she serves them a pie on one of the plates and then douses them with a hose in revenge.
They dye her hair
They put a lizard in her bed
What illness do the boys get sent home from school for?
Food poisoning
Poison Oak
The nasty teacher thinks the kids are malingering, but once Goldie shows up to school, she points out that the boys are itching from head to toe. Once home to treat them, Goldie discovers that she has poison oak as well.
What foreign language does Goldie start speaking out of the blue, surprising the bajesus out of herself?
Goldie is heard speaking French at the beginning of the film, and out of the blue at a barbecue she begins to speak it again, not remembering that she could speak French in the first place.


Kurt's best friend Billy wants the miniature golf course to be called "Sink 'Em and Drink 'Em," but instead, Goldie suggests what theme?
Grimm's Fairy Tales
The Seven Wonders of the World
By suggesting the seven wonders, Goldie sparks the men's imaginations and begins to design the themed course herself.
The jungle
Island paradise
When Kurt lies and says that he's out bowling, where else does she catch him?
At a hothouse
Working a second job
One night he goes bowling without his bowling ball, and she discovers that he's working a second job hauling fertilizer.
Living in a second house
Working on a secret carpentry project
When she is teaching the youngest boy to read, what gift does he give to Goldie?
A paper flower
A picture of a dragon
A Transformers T-shirt
A macaroni necklace
Goldie puts the necklace on with pride, and the little boy asks her if she's ever going to leave, because "sometime moms leave."


What do Goldie and Kurt toast with on her fake birthday?
A glass of beer
A $7 bottle of champagne
Goldie and Kurt go outside onto the patio to look at the water and make a toast, sipping a $7 bottle of champagne that Goldie exclaims cost a fortune. She exclaims, "I've never tasted anything quite like this."
Dom Perignon
Kurt tells the story of two fictional lovers who are reunited at sea. What are the names of the pair?
Romeo and Julietta
Greg and Mallory
Catarina and Arturo
Catarina and Arturo are two characters that drown searching for each other in the ocean. At the end of "Overboard," Goldie and Kurt emulate their story by jumping into the water and reuniting.
Constance and Willoughby
When Goldie asks Kurt how old she is, he lies and tells her she's 29, but how old was Goldie Hawn in reality?
Goldie Hawn was 42 when she made "Overboard," and she seemed quite pleased when Kurt lied to her and told her she was only 29.
It's a mystery


What does Goldie find in the glove compartment of Kurt's car, which makes her think he's cheating?
A bottle of perfume
The photo of another woman
A pair of panties.
Goldie finds a lavender pair of panties with the initials J.S. She thinks this means that Kurt is cheating, but she doesn't realize that the panties are her own.
Kurt's best friend, "Bad Billy Pratt," says which of these genius lines?
Annie, I'm a bum, and there ain't no changing me.
Ain't nothing come between me and a six pack, except a chocolate cake
Annie, I'm sorry. I got horny. Do you hate me?
Billy says this to Goldie when he lies, telling her the panties were from some girl he slept with. Apparently, he said they did it in the back of Kurt's truck.
I'm building a fort out of empty beer cans
"Overboard" takes place in the fictitious town of Elk Cove, OR, but where was the film actually shot?
Portland, OR
Seattle, WA
Entirely on a soundstage
Mendocino, CA
That's right! Filmed in picturesque Mendocino on the Pacific coast, the location provided lush redwood forest and plenty of water access for filming the yacht.


After Goldie rediscovers who she is and returns to the yacht, what bachelor meal does Kurt make for dinner?
Blue box mac n' cheese
Frozen pizza
SpaghettiOs with Ritz crackers on top
Kurt makes a meal in frustration, now that Goldie is gone. At a loss for how to cook, he puts two cans of SpaghettiOs in a pot and throws in a handful of Ritz crackers.
Pasta noodles and ketchup
What kind of drinking does Goldie teach the crew of the yacht?
How to drink a car bomb
How to do a body shot
How to drink a beer bong
How to take a shot of tequila
While her husband is upstairs, Goldie goes down below and shows the guys how to take shots of tequila, using salt and lime.
When Kurt decides to get Goldie back, what does he use to get out to her yacht?
A rowboat
The Coast Guard
Kurt and the kids ride out on a Coast Guard boat towards Goldie, to win her back. Apparently, his character had friends in high places.
A helicopter
A Jet Ski


When Goldie returns to her true husband, Grant, what does he say he was doing in her absence?
Playing hooky with floozies
Burning the candle at both ends
Whacking the donkey with painted ladies
Incensed, and insisting that other women are attracted to him as Goldie tries to escape, Grant admits that he was, indeed, whacking the donkey with painted ladies.
Living like Louise XIV
What iconic garment is Goldie wearing when she jumps off the boat to reunite with Kurt?
A Chanel suit
A two-piece bikini
An elegant kaftan
A gold sequin dress
While wearing one of the most stunning outfits in the movie, Goldie jumps into the water. She's wearing a gold sequin gown and the macaroni necklace the young boy gave her. The Coast Guard says, "Woman overboard! She's wearing an evening dress, sir."
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