About This Quiz
"Steven Universe" is an American animated television series which first aired on Cartoon Network in the fall of 2013. The 11-minute show which is still being aired has been nominated for several Emmy, Annie and Kid's Choice Awards, and it is known for highlighting themes such as family life, body positivity, female empowerment, and LGBTQ issues.ÂÂ
The show is centered around a carefree young boy named Steven Universe who happens to be the youngest member of the Crystal Gems, a group who have sworn to protect the world as they know it. Steven who is half-human and half-gem lives in the fictional town of Beach City with the other Gems and magical aliens Garnet the leader, the fun-loving Amethyst and the intelligent Pearl, who help him on his mission to take down the Evil Gems.ÂÂ
How much do you really know about this cartoon? Will you be able to remember little details about specific characters, identify their family members or events that happened in the first season? Are you a die-hard fan or do you just watch the series in passing? The only way to test your knowledge is to take this quiz! When you're done, ask your fellow fan friends to take it so that you guys can compare results.