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About This Quiz
Do you love to watch Ghost Adventures or shows like it? Do you love to watch paranormal movies that are based on "real events"? Are you a paranormal investigator yourself? Prove just how much you know about the paranormal by taking this quiz!
What does the word paranormal mean?
of or relating to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena. (
beyond normal explanation (
Para means "beyond" and normal means conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. (
All of the above.
Broken down, para is a prefix that means "beyond, past, by†and normal is the "mean, natural, standard". Therefore, paranormal means something beyond what we view as natural.
When was the first known use of the word?
The term, however, may have been used earlier by the members of the Society of Psychical Research established in London in 1882.
What are the most notable paranormal beliefs?
Extraterrestrial life
All of the above.
All of the above including physic abilities, cryptids, demons, and so much more!
What is a cryptid?
A mummy that returns to life.
An ancient vampire.
An animal that has not been discovered yet or documented by scientists.
Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience that studies cryptids, animals that have been derived from stories with insufficient evidence.
An ancient werewolf from Eastern Europe.
What is an anecdotal approach to paranormal investigations?
Paranormal investigations based on collections of stories.
Due to lack of scientific evidence, many paranormal investigations are based on collecting stories of encounters.
Antidotes are created to fend up demons, spirits, and other cyrptids during investigations.
Evidence collected regarding the paranormal using the scientific model.
None of the above.
Who was Charles Fort?
One of the best known paranormal anecdotal collectors.
He published these stories in in five books, The Book of the Damned (1919), New Lands (1923), Lo! (1931) and Wild Talents (1932).
The President of the Paranormal Investigators Group of the World.
A man who wrote and published a collection of stories about how cats are reincarnated humans.
One of the most famous paranormal investigators in 2016.
What is parapsychology?
Parapsychology is a form of psychology where paranormal psychologists work with spirits to help them cross the other side.
"The study of the mental phenomena of unknowing beings such as spirits and cryptids."
"The study of mental phenomena that are excluded from or inexplicable by orthodox scientific psychology (such as hypnosis, telepathy, etc.) ("
Telepathy, clairvoyance, recognises, and psychokineses, are examples of what is studied in parapsychology.
I have no idea.
What famous prime minister met the ghost of Abraham Lincoln?
Tony Blair
Neville Chamberlain
Margaret Thatcher
Winston Churchill
Sometime after WWII, Winston Churchill stayed at the White House. During a bath in which he was smoking a cigar and drinking some scotch, Mr. Churchill encountered the ghost of Lincoln. Considering he was stark naked, Churchill reacted to the apparition of the president by saying, "Good evening, Mr. President. You seem to have me at a disadvantage." According to the story, Lincoln smiled and faded away.
What is the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry?
A committee of physicists and skeptics who investigate claims of the paranormal.
A committee in Alabama of local ghost hunters.
A committee founded by Winston Churchill after his numerous experiences with spirits.
The CFI is a transnational American non-profit organization that investigates controversial and extraordinary claims.
In 1975, Paul Kurtz, a secular humanist philosopher, and progressor invited as many skeptical researchers he could find to a conference that would later lead to the committee. After it had disbanded, many of the members came together to form the CPI. These members included, Carl Sagan, Isaac Asimov, B.F. Skinner, and Philip J. Klass joined Kurtz, Randi, Gardner, and Hyman.
What famous WWII scientist believed in telepathy?
Sigmund Freud
Alan Turing
The famous computer scientist believed in telepathy.
Albert Einstein
Marie Curie
What is an EVP?
Extrapolating Visions Phenomena
Electrical Vapor Phenomena
Evaporated, Visible Poltergeists.
Electronic Voice Phenomena
Thomas Edison suggested the possibility of creating a machine that would allow people to communicate with the dead.
What was the "Ghostbuster ruling"?
That every city with more than 5,000 people MUST have a local ghostbusters team.
That every Ghostbuster movie, and any other paranormal-themed movie created after must have a warning on it.
Before the move came out, a group of people from Indiana calling themselves, the Ghostbusters, sewed the writer and producers of th emovie by the same name for ripping off their real story.
In 1990 a man named Jeffrey Stambosvky bought a home before finding out that the home was haunted. He took the seller, Helen Ackley to court, filing an action filed an action requesting rescission of the contract of sale and for damages for fraudulent misrepresentation by Ackley and Ellis Realty.
Because he was from out of town, Stanbovsky had never heard of the stories told by the Ackley family about the existence of numerous poltergeists in the home. A New York Supreme Court dismissed the ruling. He was forced to forfeit the downpayment, but was no longer obligated to buy the house. Despite the loss to Stanbovsky, the New York Appellate court ruled that, because a routine home inspection would never uncover it, sellers must disclose that a house is haunted to potential buyers.
How many people experience some type of haunting or ghostly phenomena?
1 out of 10
1 out of 10 people reports seeing apparitions, sensing a presence, drastic temperature changes, or offensive odors
2 out of 10
5 out of 10
8 out of 10
In what year was one of the best known ghost photo taken?
Sybell Corbette took a picture at the Cobermere Abbey in Cheshire, England in an unoccupied room. In the photo, a man is sitting in a chair. He was later identified as a relative of Lord COmbere who had died in an accident 5 days earlier.
What is an aura?
All living beings have an aura that is generally 3 feet from your body.
People who have undergone trauma in their lives may have an aura that is 50 feet around them for added protetion.
urora Borealis (Northern Lights)?
Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
None of the above.
What is the difference between a poltergeist and a ghost?
A ghost energy is continuous over time while a poltergeist energy is built up over time.
Ghosts at the spirits of deceased human beings whereas poltergeists can sometimes be manifestations of negative energy.
Poltergeits like to move things and influence physical objects while a ghost simply makes an appearance.
All of the above.
The main difference between a ghost and a poltergeist is that a ghost is the spirit of a deceased human being whereas poltergeists are considered forms of energy which a living person controls unknowingly.
What is an ectoplasm?
the more viscous, clear outer layer of the cytoplasm in amoebic cells.
a supernatural viscous substance that is supposed to exude from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance and form the material for the manifestation of spirits.
Ectoplasm is a supernatural viscous substance that is supposed to exude from the body of a medium during a spiritualistic trance and form the material for the manifestation of spirits.
The goo that comes out of the walls during a poltergeist haunting.
What portals are made of.
When was the first seance conducted?
None of the above.
While the date of the first séance is unknown, one of the earliest books on communicating with the dead was written by Geroge, First Baron of Lyttelton. His book, "Communication with the Other Side" was published in England in 1970. The seance became exceedingly popular with the founding of Spiritualism in the mid-nineteenth century
What is automatic writing?
Automatic writing is a skill developed during Elementary school.
Automatic writing is writing said to be produced by a spirit through a human conduit.
As with many paranormal things, it became popular with the Spiritualist movemement.
Automatic writing is writing said to be produced by an extraterrestrial through a human conduit.
Automatic writing is writing done by a possessed person.
What does an orb look like?
A fuzzy ball of fur.
A generally round ball of light that can be either translucent or transparent.
Orbs are often round and can be transparent or translucent. They hover and fly at will and are believed to be the spirits of the deceased. They are often seen in photographs. They are different that balls of dust.
Dust floating in the air.
The Cheshire cat.
How are Past Life Regressions conducted?
A seance is first conducted.
A priest does a ritual.
The subject is hypnotized into a trance. During the trance practitioners unvocer memorizes of past lives or incarnations.
Once hypnotized, the subject answers a series of questions to reveal identities and events from past lives.
None of the above.
What is a shadow person?
A human being living in the shadow of their past life.
Spirits of pets.
Another term for ghost or spirit.
Shadow people are completely black but have the shape of a human being.
Shadow people are completely black and move very quickly. Their silhouettes are often of a man, and they can be 2 or 3 dimensional. Some people believe that the shadow people are evil entities while others believe they are spirits.
Who was one of the first paranormal investigators?
Ed and Lorraine Warren
Chip Coffey
Zack Bagans
Athenodorus Cananites
2,000 years ago Pliny the Younger recorded Athenodorus tale of a haunting in a large home in Athens. The house was notorious and was quickly deserted. Out of curiosity Athenodorus bought the house and decided to investigate and spend the night. His experience in the house was recorded by Pliny the Younger.
What is an empath?
An emotional sponge.
A highly sensitive person.
An empath is someone who is affected by other people's energies.
All of the above.
All of the above! The are numerous traits that are associated with being an empath including being able to feel others feelings, not liking to be in crowded places, and strong intuition.
What is necromancy?
It involves magic.
Summoning a spirit from the dead.
It's purpose is generally for divination (telling the future).
All of the above.
Necromancy uses magic to raise a body from the dead in to discover some hidden knowledge about the past, present, or future.
What is paranormal about the Bermuda Triangle?
Cryptids swim in the water there, like the megladon.
Dozens of planes and ships have disappeared there.
In one disappearance, the pilots of a squadron of U.S. Navy bombers became disorientated while flying over the Triangle,They were never heard from again.
The triangle is the scene of various USO (unexplained submerged object_ sightings.
None of the above.
Which first lady hosted many seances in the White House?
Eleanor Roosevelt
Mary Todd Lincoln
After Mary and Abe's son had passed away, Mary Todd was never the same. She began to organise Spiritualist séances in the White House, which were attended by her husband and other prominent members of society.
Martha Dandridge
Abigail Smith
Can animals be ghosts?
No, there is no such thing.
Yes, they are called cryptids.
Yes, any living being can become a ghost.
There are many stories of deceased family pets that still like to cuddle.
Sort of but there is another word for it.
What is an ovulus?
A glass ball that mediums use.
The original magic eight ball.
An ovulus is an electronic speech-synthesis device.
This spirit communication device was created by Bill Chappel who creates many of the well-known devices for investigating the paranormal.
A portal to the other side.
What is DOP?
Disjointed orb phenomenon.
Disruptive orb phenomenon.
Deceased oligarch phenomenon.
Disappearing object phenomenon.
DOP is a common phenomenon in which an object seemingly disappears before returning.
What technology is used by contemporary paranormal investigators?
Infrared or Night Vision Cameras.
EMF Meter.
Digital Voice Recorder.
All of the above.
Digital voice recorders are used to capture EVPs, infrared or night vision cameras are used to capture spirits that the human eye wouldn't ordinarily see, and an EMF (Electromagnetic Field readers) is used to pick up electrically charged objects such as ghosts.
Which of the below people are popular mediums today?
Theresa Caputo
Chip Coffey
Tyler Henry
All of the above.
Most famously, Theresa Caputo is the eLong Island medium, Tyler Henry is the teen medium with his show on the E! network, and Chip Coffey has made many appearances and had his own show for a while about child mediums.
How many shows about the paranormal are currently on TV (20016)?
There are so many that I refuse to keep count!
The top 10 of 2016 according to one website include (in descending order) Haunted Collector, Ghost Hunters International, Paranormal Cops. Ghost Mine, Destination Truth (no longer airing), Paranormal Witness, Paranormal State (reruns airing), The Dead Files, Ghost Hunters, and the best, Ghost Adventures!
Which haunted object was made famous by Ed and Lorraine Warren?
The Annabelle Doll
Ragedy-Ann Doll
A Vampire coffin used by a modern day vampire.
All of the above.
The famous investigating couple, Ed and Lorraine Warren opened an occult museum where they display many of the terrifying objects that encountered on their investigations.
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