How Redneck Are You?

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Redneck Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

The term "redneck" was initially created as a pejorative way of describing a white person from the South, who by virtue of their poverty and lack of education was required to work outside in the hot sun and thus got sunburn on their neck, making it red. However, unlike similar terms that look down on the white working class of the South and continue to be used in an overwhelmingly negative way, such as hillbilly, redneck has been reclaimed. 

While some rather ignorant people still use it to describe a culture they see as inferior, for those who wear the redneck mantle voluntarily, it has become a point of pride and a way of self-defining.

Redneck life is about a variety of cultural signifiers: it's associated with flatbed trucks, gun ownership, large families, and a life devoid of airs and graces. A redneck strings up Christmas lights on their porch and thinks they're dressed up when they're wearing the jeans without holes in. They may not be wealthy, but they have their community, their faith, and their unbeatable work ethic. 

A true redneck provides for their family and never asks for a handout. They give to the church and their friends when they're riding high, but most of the time they simply ask for a fair shake and a chance to do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. So let's find out how much of a redneck you really are!

What is the farthest you have traveled from home?
Down a few counties.
A few states over.
Across the country.
Europe or the Caribbean.
When did you learn to drive a stick?
12 years old or under.
13 to 16 years old.
17 to 25 years old.
I can't drive a stick.
How often do you hunt?
All the time.
Once a month or so.
I have been once or twice.
I've never hunted.


Which drink appeals to you the most?
Johnny Walker Red.
Domestic beer.
Craft beer.
A martini.
How scared would you be taking the subway in New York City at midnight in a bad neighborhood?
Not much, those guys don't scare me. I would tear them up if they messed with me.
I would be pretty nervous, but I would try not to show it.
I would be terrified.
Well, I would not be in a bad neighborhood that late, but if I was I would be fine.
How scared would you be walking through the woods if it was pitch black out?
I don't get the question. Scared of what?
I would not be scared at all.
I would be pretty nervous.
I would be terrified.


Have you ever hit a deer with your car?
Yes, he almost got away, but I got him.
No, but I have had some near misses.
No, but I have seen a few deer before.
No, I have never even seen a deer.
What is a the best use of a dog?
Darned if I know, mine just sits there under the porch and eats my food.
To help hunt.
To be a guard and family dog.
For companionship.
Can you change oil on a car?
Well yeah, who can't? I do it all the time.
Sure, but I don't usually.
Kind of, I probably could if I had to.
No way could I do that.


Where was your first time?
In a car.
On a couch.
In my bedroom.
What is your favorite kind of music?
Pop or punk.
Club music or rap.
What do you think of rap music?
I hate it, it doesn't make sense to me.
I don't like it, but to each his own.
I like the old school stuff.
I love all of it.


Who do you like better: Hank Williams or Hank Williams, Jr.?
Hank Williams, Jr.
Hank Williams.
I don't like either of them.
Who? I never heard of either of them.
What do you think of the song "Friends in Low Places"?
Love it.
It is a pretty cool song, Garth Brooks has done better though.
I don't mind it.
I have never heard it.
Which singer do you like the best?
Willie Nelson.
Johnny Cash.
Elvis Presley.
David Bowie


Which television show is your favorite?
"Duck Dynasty."
Anything on the Outdoor Channel.
"Dancing With the Stars."
"Breaking Bad."
What kind of steak would you eat when you go out?
Chicken fried steak.
Filet mignon.
Rib eye.
Have you ever shot at a beer can?
Of course, what kind of question is this?
Yeah, once or twice.
No, but I have seen it happen.
No, are you kidding me?


How many belt buckles do you own?
More than 5
1 or 2.
None, but i have thought of buying them before.
Who would buy a belt buckle?
Have you ever killed an animal for the purpose of food?
Well yeah, why wouldn't I?
Yes, it is the only reason to kill an animal.
No, I could never do that.
No, and the thought disgusts me.
What do you think of college?
Total waste of time. Why pay money when you can be out earning it?
It is fine if that is what you want to do.
You need a degree to make good money in this world.
If you don't have a college degree, you are a failure.


How are you at line dancing?
Not that good, but I know how.
I have never done it.
What are you talking about?
How often do you mow your lawn?
Once a month.
Once every two weeks.
Once a week.
I don't have a lawn.
Where do you and your buddies go for a night on the town?
We just grab some beers, build a fire pit, and hang out.
Go to the local bar, drink some beers, and play some pool.
We go to a sports bar.
We go out clubbing.


What do you think of mobile homes?
They are awesome.
Not bad, if that is all you can afford.
I would hate to live in one.
I would rather die than live in one.
Have you ever been in a fistfight?
Well yeah, lots of them.
Yeah, a couple.
Yes, once.
Do you lock your house at night when you are in it?
No, I don't need to. No one around here would break into my place.
No, I trust in the good of my fellow man.
Yes, of course, there have been some burglaries in my neighborhood.
Yes. Doesn't everyone?


How many baseball hats do you own?
10 or more.
Less than 5.

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