How Rich Will Your Future Boyfriend Be?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Rich Will Your Future Boyfriend Be?
Image: lechatnoir/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The course of true love rarely runs smooth, but as with so much else in life, how smoothly it runs may be profoundly affected by the amount of money in the mix. This means that, while it is very rare that a person only cares about how much money their partner has, it isn't completely unimportant, and a pragmatically-minded person may take it into account. Fortunately, these days, women have the means to their financial independence, which means it's far less essential to choose a man of means and easier to focus on whether a potential partner is a good guy with integrity, a sense of humor, and (hopefully) a set of killer abs.

Still, whether it's important to you or not, there are a few factors that impact whether you're likely to meet a man with money. Generally, people hang out with folks of a similar educational and socioeconomic background, meaning that the easiest way to snag a rich, high-earning man is to be a rich, high-earning woman! Wealthier partners also cluster in certain industries, neighborhoods, and hobbies.

That means looking at your lifestyle, preferences, and background is a great way to figure out what sort of guy you're likely to meet, and what kind of bank account he'll have - information that can help you adjust your choices toward a more target-rich environment in future. Of course, if you don't care what he has financially because you're doing fine yourself, you just don't mind about money that much, or you like the option of getting yourself a sexy stay-at-home dad who'll care for the home and put your career and dreams first, then you may not need to change a thing!

1 impulse purchase
pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
What is your ceiling for an impulse purchase?
2 meeting men
Ben Pipe Photography/Cultura/Getty Images
Where is the best place to meet men?
Through friends
At work
In a bar
3 husband material
boonchai wedmakawand/Moment/Getty Images
Does your next boyfriend have to be husband material?
Yes, please!
I'd prefer it.
No thanks!


4 stay home mom
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
How important is the option for you to stay home with the kids?
I love my career, but the option is nice in theory.
I'd like to know I could, for a year or two.
I'd love that, but I realize it is not likely to be possible.
Long term, I'd love to have a househusband who will do that!
5 romantic evening
valentinrussanov/E+/Getty Images
What is your idea of a romantic evening?
Boat ride and a fancy dinner
Dinner and a movie
A walk in the park at sunset
Making love on the beach
6 compare your life
SolStock/Moment/Getty Images
Do you compare your life to your friends' a lot?
All the time!
Not often
More than is healthy


7 neighborhood
Jordan Siemens/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What sort of neighborhood did you grow up in?
Private estate my parents owned
Nice affluent suburb
8 people in town
filadendron/E+/Getty Images
How many people live in your town?
Just a few in the village
About 100,000
About 250,000
9 work shoes
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
What kind of shoes do you wear to work?
Sneakers or Manolos, depending on who else is there.
Low heel
Steel-toed boots
Fashionable ankle boots


10 comfortable around money
thianchai sitthikongsak/Moment/Getty Images
Are you comfortable around money?
I pretend I am, and that's what matters.
I don't feel strongly either way.
No, and I can't hide it!
11 pay on first date
vgajic/E+/Getty Images
How do you react if he offers to pay on your first date?
I let him, but I say I'll get the next date.
I offer to split it, but I let him pay and say thank you nicely.
I appreciate it and offer to get the tip or the drinks.
I insist on splitting it.
12 financial position
Image Source/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Be honest - is his financial position important to you?
I'm not naive, but I am also a high earner myself, so it's not very important.
I do like nice things, so it is somewhat, yes.
It's important that he works hard, but I don't care what he makes.
I really don't care.


13 your financial support
andresr/E+/Getty Images
He's going through some stuff and needs you to support him for six months. What do you consider a good enough reason to do this?
He's taking an unpaid sabbatical to write a book and travel.
He's sick, or a close family member is sick.
He's injured.
I would never do that.
14 stay in shape
Hello Lovely/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How do you like to stay in shape?
I have a trainer and a nutritionist.
I go to the gym.
I lift and run.
I do yoga.
15 education
RichLegg/E+/Getty Images
In the course of your education, what's the fanciest piece of paper you've collected?
High school diploma or trade qualification


16 relationship advice
Flashpop/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Who was your primary source of relationship advice, growing up?
Favorite aunt
17 parents still together
Noel Hendrickson/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are your parents still together?
Of course
Yes, though there were rough times for them in the past.
No, but they get on fine.
No, and they hate each other.
18 how many kids
Tang Ming Tung/DigitalVision/Getty Images
How many children do you want?
Three or more


19 supporting him through a career
petekarici/E+/Getty Images
Would you be OK with supporting him through a career change if it meant he would earn a lot more at the end of it?
Yes, especially law, medical, or business school!
Yes, as long as it wasn't too lengthy and would definitely help.
No, I don't think we could afford that.
No, I don't care enough.
20 keep up with the Joneses
Ariel Skelley/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Is it important to keep up with the Joneses?
Nope. They're not very nice!
It is very important!
It is a good idea to try.
It's actively a bad idea.
21 planning ahead
Utamaru Kido/Moment/Getty Images
How far ahead do you generally plan?
My entire life
Many years


22 really poor
Carol Yepes/Moment/Getty Images
Have you ever experienced what it is like to be really poor?
No, and nor have any of my friends.
No, though I've had tough times.
Yes, always
Yes, briefly
23 career
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
If you had your dream job, what sort of space would you work in?
Fancy office
Any reasonably clean office
Warehouse or outdoors
Creative space
24 passport
andresr/E+/Getty Images
Is your passport up to date?
Yes, and it has many stamps in it!
Yes, though it has only one stamp in it.
I don't have one.
I don't think so.


25 debt
David Sacks/DigitalVision/Getty Images
What is your relationship to debt?
Mortgages are OK, other debt is not.
Some student debt or occasional credit card debt is OK, other debt is not.
I have more than I'm comfortable with, but I'm just about handling it.
It's drowning me.
26 making do and mending
Paul Viant/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you good at making do and mending?
No, I'd rather pay someone.
Not at all!
Yes, very good
I have a few skills.
27 bourgeois guilt
Volanthevist/Moment/Getty Images
Would you say that you suffer from bourgeois guilt?
Definitely no
More than is appropriate, considering that I don't have much money.


28 wealthy relative
OJO_Images/E+/Getty Images
What is the closest relation you have who is genuinely wealthy?
All of them
A cousin
I wish I had such a relative!
I have an aunt but we're not close, alas.
29 label in the dress
Hill Street Studios/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Does the label in the dress really matter?
Not really
Of course!
I couldn't care less.
I wish it didn't, but it does.
30 evil top dollar job
Jonathan Kitchen/DigitalVision/Getty Images
You meet a seemingly perfect guy who makes top dollar, but some people would say his job is evil (e.g. he's a lawyer for a tobacco company owned by a supervillain). Would you turn him down?
I do a job like that, so I don't mind!
Yes, but I'd be really sad.
No. I can't afford a principle like that.
Yes, and I'd enjoy telling him why.


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