How Saucy Are You?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Saucy Are You?
Image: PBNJ Productions/Royalty-free/Getty Images

About This Quiz

The Oxford English Dictionary defines "saucy" in several ways. In Great Britain, saucy means "sensually suggestive in a light-hearted and humorous way," while in North America, sauciness refers to "having or expressing a bold, lively or spirited manner." In both locations, a "saucy" person is one who is cheeky and impertinent, but in a way that others generally find charming. Obviously, this is a very cool way to be, so we've written a quiz about it! 

If you're curious as to whether other people see you as a saucy minx or just another civilian, this quiz can help you find out the truth. We're going to ask you about whether you'd ever wear pants that have "DIVA" emblazoned across their rear, how you hashtag your selfies and if you've ever sat on an authority figure's desk. In exchange for your honest (and hopefully spicy) answers, we'll tell you if you're almost as saucy as Lizzo herself or if you need to heap some salsa on your everyday behavior. 

Ready to get smart-alecky, wild and sassy? It's time to drop everything else you're doing, put on "Bad Girls" by M.I.A and play this quiz! (We'll give you bonus points if you wink at a stranger while taking it.)

Like Zack Morris, were you famous for sassing your high school principal?
No, I was always respectful.
I participated in a school-wide walkout once.
I sassed him every time I got the chance!
My principal's therapist knows my name.
Have you ever worn fishnet stockings?
No, I think they're inappropriate.
I wore them once to a party.
I gladly wear them whenever they're in fashion.
Like Rocky Horror, I live in my fishnets!
Would you rather wear a pair of tracksuit pants with "DIVA" emblazoned across the rear or a long, shapeless muumuu covered in yellow and orange flowers?
The long, shapeless muumuu
Can I belt the muumuu?
The diva track pants
Diva track pants with a crop top!


What would you do if someone cut you off in traffic?
Grin and bear it
Quietly curse
Beep my horn at them
Engage them in a drag race
Let's talk body language. Have you ever pulled off one of these saucy moves?
Looking someone up and down
Flipping my hair
Wagging my finger
Which of these saucy celebrities do you identify most with?
Doris Day
Mila Kunis
Mick Jagger


Your ex-boyfriend and his new partner just walked into your party. What do you do?
Offer them hors d'oeuvre
Give them a cold look
Get my friends to make them leave
Loudly say, "What are you losers doing here?"
What's the riskiest Halloween costume you've ever worn?
A witch or wizard costume
A stewardess or steward costume
A naughty nurse or lifeguard costume
A Tarzan or French maid costume
Everyone has a type of person they don't like. What's yours?
Mean girls
Wet blankets


You've just tripped and fallen in front of a huge group of people, including your crush! What do you do?
Blush and run away
Roll my eyes at yourself then get up
Take a bow
Use the opportunity to show off my legs
How do you do your make-up?
I don't wear make-up.
I just wear foundation and blush.
I love a cat's eye and fake lashes.
I'm all about my scarlet lipstick!
Are your friends more Regina George or Rory Gilmore?
Rory Gilmore. Quiet and studious.
Paris Geller. Smart but independent.
Regina George. Sorry, but I love sassy popular girls.
My friends are so saucy, they make Regina George seem as boring as Rory Gilmore.


Do you think it's OK to ask for a raise after only three months at a job?
No. I've got to prove myself first.
Probably not, unless you've been promoted during that time.
Maybe! Depends on whether you think your boss will say yes.
Absolutely. What's the worst thing that can happen, they say no?
What's your go-to karaoke song?
"Stand by Me" by Ben E. King
"Son of a Preacher Man” by Dusty Springfield
"Like a Prayer" by Madonna
"F*** You" by Cee Lo Green
You're going out tonight. What will you be wearing?
Slacks and a button-down shirt
A cute top, pencil skirt and heels
A red dress with a short, flippy skirt
Leather pants and a tube top


Pretend you're an English professor. A random guy at a dinner party starts lecturing you about "The Great Gatsby." What do you do?
Meekly listen
Roll my eyes
Interrupt him to let him know I'm a professor.
Listen, then explain in detail to him why he's wrong.
How do you feel about gossip?
It's cruel and unnecessary.
It can be fun, but it can also be hurtful.
Gossip is the spice of life.
I'm a messy witch who loves drama!
Do you wear perfume?
No, I don't like it.
I like dabbing a little lavender essential oil behind my ears.
Used in moderation, perfume can be incredibly seductive.
I travel in a cloud of delicious musky perfume. Deal with it!


What do you think dating you is like for your partners?
Dating me is like riding a carousel.
Dating me is like riding a Ferris wheel.
Dating me is like riding a Tilt-a-Whirl.
Dating me is like riding a crazy rollercoaster!
Have you ever flashed someone?
No, of course not.
Does flashing my ankles at a gentleman count?
Once on the playground, while playing with other kids.
Dude, my friends and I used to streak through our college parties.
How do you eat bananas and Popsicles?
Neatly, with a fork
Uh, the regular way?
If my crush is around, I might do some excessive licking.
Let's just say it's not safe for work!


The hottest person in your school starts flirting with you. What do you do?
Run away! I'm not ready for this.
Blush and try to act normal
Brazenly flirt with them back
Ask them out immediately! YOLO, you know?
On a scale of 1 to Dita Von Teese, how kinky are you?
1. I'm as vanilla as Oreo filling.
3. I've experimented a little bit with the usual stuff.
7. I mean, I have a dungeon, you know?
11. I make Dita Von Teese look like the Pope.
Which of these Lizzo lyrics do you relate to the most?
"Mirror, mirror on the wall/Don't say it 'cause I know I'm cute (Ooh, baby)"
"If he don't love you anymore/ Just walk your fine a** out the door"
"Yeah, I got boy problems, that's the human in me/Bling bling, then I solve 'em, that's the goddess in me"
"I be drippin' so much sauce/Got a been lookin' like RAGÚ (Ooh, baby)"


If you wanted to make a text seem saucier, which emoji would you use?
Winky face
Winky face with tongue sticking out
Eggplant, y'all
Have you ever sat on an authority figure's desk?
No. I would never do that!
Only in my dreams
Once I sat on my teacher's desk. Then she yelled at me.
I sit on my boss's desk regularly (and she loves it.)
When you walk into the club, which song should the DJ immediately start playing?
"Barbie Girl" by Aqua
"Hey Big Spender" by Shirley Bassey
"Bad Girls" by M.I.A
"Run The World" by Beyoncé


Would you make out with just about anyone?
I could never kiss one whom I didst not love!
Nah ... I need to at least like my make-out partners.
If they're cute, sure!
Look, I love making out, OK? Don't judge me!
You're posting a selfie. Which hashtags will you choose to accompany it?
I've never posted a selfie.
#OOTD, #selfie #followme
#Model, #instahair, #swag
#Styleinspo, #beautydoesnthavetobepain, #iwokeuplikethis
What's your favorite kind of sauce?
Sweet barbecue sauce
Sunday gravy


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