How Sexually Impure Are You?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Sexually Impure Are You?
Image: PeskyMonkey / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Once upon a time, the greatest thing you could offer someone in terms of a sexual relationship was an utter lack of knowledge or experience. The idea of being "pure" was something many people coveted and, let's be honest, a lot of people still do. But is that the funnest option? Isn't everything just a little more interesting and a little sexier when you're not completely pure? After all, knowing what you like can go a long way. So can knowing what other people like. Look at it this way - do you want a master chef making you dinner or someone who can mess up when they try to boil water? It just makes sense to go for the experience; to enjoy being a little less "pure," if that's the word you want to use.

So, since we know that being a little impure is a lot more fun, the question now is, just how impure are you? Even you might not be sure. But we're here to help. Just answer a few questions about what you like and don't like, about just what makes you less pure, and we'll let you know. Take the quiz and see!

How open are you when it comes to talking about the details of your sex life?
I keep that to myself.
I'll talk about stuff with my best friend.
It's all out there for anyone to know.
I might bring up stuff anonymously or with trusted confidants.
Sex on the beach isn't just a delicious cocktail, it's a thing that happens on beaches! Ever tried either one?
Neither one!
Tried both, liked the drink more.
Both more than once.
Just the drink.
Would you ever consider performing on a cam site where people pay to watch you either alone or with a partner?
How much money are we talking?
I would love that!
Hmm. Could I wear a mask?


What's your overall opinion of hookup apps like Tinder?
I've never tried one.
They seem OK sometimes.
They're fantastic.
Not for me.
If someone comes up to you in a bar with a cheap pick up line and offers to buy you a drink, what do you do?
I'd probably shoot that down.
Hey, free drink!
I'll listen to them if they seem interesting.
Depends on how hot they are.
How many times in your life have you hooked up with someone for a one-night stand?
I haven't done that.
Probably more than I should have.
A lot
Oh, here and there.


Do you think you could be in an open relationship with someone?
I'm not even sure what that means.
I doubt it.
That's fine for others, but I'm not sure I'm interested.
If you were walking down the street and happened to see a couple getting busy in the back of their car, would you take a second look?
Absolutely not.
Are they hot?
Second, third, maybe 10th
Well, in the interests of satisfying curiosity, I might.
Is there a chance you'd ever get a little frisky with someone when you knew other people were watching?
Not a chance
Maybe if I had a drink or two in me.
I love to put on a show.


Ever received an unsolicited and very explicit picture of someone online?
Ugh. Yes.
Too many times.
Yes. Why do people do that?
Is it cool if your partner sends you some unexpected dirty texts while you're at work?
That's not appropriate.
I could get into that.
Yes, please!
I'd prefer they didn't.
Ever tried your hand at writing erotica?
I'm not much of a writer but I'll read it.
I'm writing some right now!
I haven't but I suppose I could.


Can you think of any scenario in which food might come into play in the bedroom?
No thanks!
I could imagine that.
You better believe it.
I'd rather not make a mess.
Have you ever had reason to go online and find out where you can buy a waterproof mattress protector?
I've never looked for one, no.
I know where to get one.
Are you comfortable watching a dirty movie with your partner?
Yeah, that can be fun sometimes.
I'd rather make one, but sure.
If I'm in the right mood.


If you and your partner are in different cities for a night, is phone sex a possibility?
I don't think so.
It could happen.
It better be.
I can wait until we're together again.
If your mom wanted to use your phone right now, would it be cool to let her scroll through your pics?
Of course!
Gonna say no to that.
I can't guarantee she'll be happy to see those pics, but go ahead.
I don't let people use my phone.
How family-friendly is your internet search history?
It's fine!
It's maybe a little PG-13. Or worse.
Yeah, no. Not friendly.
I always erase my history so we're good.


Do you have any toys in your room right now you'd be embarrassed for other people to see?
No, I don't.
You bet
I have toys but I'm not embarrassed about them.
I keep my stuff locked up, so...
What's your opinion on prostitution?
It's wrong.
I'm not into it, but whatever.
It should be legal.
If no one is being exploited I don't see the problem.
Where do you stand when it comes to the idea of a threesome?
No way.
With the right person, maybe.
Anything's possible.


Some people can turn dirty talk into an art form. What about you?
I'm not comfortable with that.
If my partner helps me out.
I love it!
It definitely has its place.
A shower helps get you clean, so maybe it makes sense to get dirty in the shower. Are you into it?
No thanks
That can be fun sometimes.
I'd rather play elsewhere.
One of the most popular fetishes in the world is bondage. Would you give it a try?
I'm not into that sort of thing.
It's not my favorite but sure.
I have and I will again.
Under the right circumstances that can be very nice.


Have you ever engaged in any kind of sexual activity with someone before you knew their name?
Yes, I have.
I like to know who I'm dealing with.
Do you have any interest in elaborate role play in the bedroom that includes costumes?
Not at all.
Costumes seem a bit extreme.
I really like that idea.
Depends on the role, I suppose.
There's something about being out in the fresh air. Ever thrown caution to the wind and had sex outdoors?
Of course not!
It's happened before.
Whenever I can.
No, I value my privacy.


Do you keep your fantasies to yourself?
Yes, that's private.
Some of them.
I'm an open book.
I try to find people who share my interests.
Do you think someone could ever talk you into skinny dipping?
Not at all
I could see that happening.
I'm probably talking other people into it.
I wouldn't bet on it.
Have you ever experienced a lap dance?
I have given one.
Many times
Not my scene


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