How Socially Awkward Are You?

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Socially Awkward Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Do crowds make you nervous or are you right at home when others surround you? This quiz stands to measure your level of social awkwardness by seeing how you respond to social situations. Whether you cower at your desk in the dark all day or you huddle around the water cooler gossiping with your coworkers, we are going to challenge you to see where you fall on the scale. 

Are you the type that refuses to go to the bathroom anywhere but your home? Do you usually find that you know the answers, but you don't want to speak up during meetings? The way you answer these types of questions will help us figure out whether you feel comfortable in your own skin or if you could use a little confidence booster. Not everyone is designed to be extrovert, but you should be happy with yourself no matter what circumstances you find yourself in. 

Share your innermost thoughts about others with us, and we'll be able to tell you about your comfort level with others. Try to answer as truthfully as you can, and we'll make the best estimate based on what you've told us. Ready to find out? 

When the teachers took attendance, how did you respond?
I raised my hand.
How do you react to seeing someone you know in the grocery store?
I pretend I didn't see them.
I hurry around another aisle before they recognize me.
I leave the store immediately.
I give a little wave or a nod.
What do you do when a strange number calls your phone?
If I recognize the area code, I answer.
I let it go to voicemail.
I decline the call.
I reluctantly answer it.


What area of your life would you like to improve?
What can you be found doing at parties?
I usually chat with my friends.
I hide in the kitchen making food.
I make an appearance, then go home.
I like to dance at parties.
If your boss asked to speak to you behind closed doors, what would you think?
"I wonder what he/she wants."
"What have I done?"
"Am I getting fired? I'm getting fired, huh?"
"I hope he brushed his teeth."


Do you hold doors for others?
It depends on the person.
I try to enter doors alone.
I sure do!
How much coffee do you require before speaking to people?
I don't drink coffee.
I need at least a cup.
I'm good after five cups.
Coffee or not, don't speak to me before noon.
What's your board game playing style?
I play to win.
I play quietly and win.
I don't like board games.
I just play for fun.


Which high school stereotype would you have fallen under?
What do you do while you are on an airplane?
I drink.
I pretend to be asleep.
I wear headphones and sunglasses.
I chat with my neighbor.
Where do you spend most of your time at work?
I spend a lot of time in meetings.
I spend a lot of time at my desk.
I hide out in the bathroom a lot.
I spend most of my time in the break room chatting with my coworkers.


How would your boss describe you?
What do you think when you see others acting shy?
"I wish they would pop out of their shell."
"I'm right there with you, friend."
"There are too many people in this room."
"I wish they would say something."
Do you always say what you think?
I give my opinion when I'm asked.
I can't help but blurt stuff out sometimes.
I only tell those closest to me what I really think.
It depends on the situation.


Are you more of an introvert or an extrovert?
I'm a little of both.
I'm a little more introverted.
I'm a total introvert.
I'm more of an extrovert.
Do you post a lot on social media?
I think I post an average amount.
I probably post too much.
I don't post much at all.
It depends what mood I'm in.
What kind of music do you like most?


Do you get anxious in big crowds?
Not really
A little
All the time
Not at all
Do you ever go out to eat alone?
I never go out to eat alone.
I go through the drive thru alone.
I don't mind eating alone.
I prefer to eat with others.
What do you think is your strongest personality trait?


How would you feel about walking up and introducing yourself to a stranger?
I do it all the time.
I would be scared, but I could do it.
I would rather do anything else.
I don't have a problem with it.
Are you a good team player?
I'm a better leader.
It depends on the rest of the team.
I prefer to work alone.
I am good in a group environment.
Are you an aggressive driver?
I am when I have to be.
I am extremely aggressive behind the wheel.
I don't drive.
I'm never aggressive on the road.


Where do you prefer to sit in a restaurant?
I prefer to sit at the first available table.
I prefer to sit in a booth.
I prefer to order takeout.
I prefer a center table.
How would your mom describe your fashion sense?
Who do you turn to when you need advice?
Dr. Phil
I talk to my siblings.
I talk to my best friend.
I talk to anyone that will listen.


Do you daydream a lot?
What? I wasn't paying attention.
I do daydream more than most.
I don't think so.
Would you ever do karaoke?
I love doing karaoke.
I would do karaoke after a few dozen shots.
I would never do karaoke.
I have in the past and I didn't enjoy it.
What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
A cruise
An isolated beach
A cabin in the woods
A resort


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