How Well Do Ya'll Know Your Southern Slang?

By: J.P. Naomi
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Well Do Ya'll Know Your Southern Slang?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Whether you're from the South or not, you might do well on this Southern Slang quiz. Let's get started to find out.

Just like any region, people in the South are notable for their unique way of expressing themselves. You may have picked up on some of these slang sayings, or you may have been born to speak the Southern way, but you've got to admit that each of these is unique, fun, and they don't always mean what they appear to mean on the surface.

For instance, "bless your heart," is a well known Southern phrase. On the surface, it appears that the speaker wishes the speaker a blessed heart... or, at the very least, a blessed day. Unfortunately, in the South, this phrase is not always as positive as it appears to be. In reality, the phrase "bless your heart," is typically used by Southerners as a somewhat sarcastic way to indicate that the speaker believes the speakee to be less than blessed with brains. So, if you're in the South, and you hear these words, try not to smile and say thank you. That will only show the speaker that you really aren't the brightest tool in the shed.

Ready to find out just how many of these Southern slang phrases you know? Take this quiz now.

If someone tells you to 'hold your horses,' they want you to...
Not sell the horses
Give them a hug
Be patient
Hold your horses is a less polite way to say, "Just a moment please!" The phrase actually comes from historic times when people would hold the reigns of their horse-drawn carriages until they were ready to go.
Eat the food on your plate
If you've got a "hankering", what does that mean?
You've got a hangover
You need to brush your teeth
A strong desire or want for something
"I've got a hankering for sweet potato pie tonight!"
You need some fresh air
If you're "too big for your britches", you _________.
Take yourself too seriously
If someone tells you that you are too big for your britches, you might think too highly of yourself and it is showing! Britches alone can mean pants.
Can't handle your liquor
Can't dance
Drive too fast


If someone is a bit "uppity," they are a bit ________.
Uppity is another word for 'snobby' in the South. It can often reference someone who is well-to-do by a less fortunate person.
If you describe something as "purdy" in the South, it is _______.
"That there girl's lookin' real purdy today!"
What is a "honky-tonk"?
School musical
A honky-tonk is a bar which may also have live country music. People come and dance there as well.
College graduation party
Children's play car


"Well, I'll be a monkey's _______!"
This phrase is used to express complete surprise, amazement or disbelief. It can also be used to express impossibility - as in 'when pigs fly'.
In the South, "fixin' to" means that you are ______.
Trying to fix something broken
About to do something
"I'm fixin' to go to the beach!" "I'm fixin' to call my sister and invite her over for dinner tonight."
If you tell your friend, "let's skedaddle", what are you going to do?
Get out of here!
"I've got to skedaddle out of work tonight, I've got friends coming over for dinner!"
Ride bikes


Somebody looking for ________ will tell you to "Give me some sugar."
A kiss
This phrased is used in a very fun and loving way often between well-established couples. You may also hear a grandmother say it to her grandchildren!
If something is "catty-corner" to you, which direction is it?
In front of
Up North, Yankees may say "kitty corner", but in the South they say "catty corner" - referring to that which is diagonally across from you or an object.
If you order a 'Coke' in the South, which beverage did you just order?
Any kind of carbonated beverage!
Up North, ordering a Coke will produce you a Coca Cola, whereas if you order a coke in the South, they may ask you, "Which kind would you like?"
Coca Cola
Ginger ale


In the South, who are "Mamaw and Papaw"?
Mom and Dad
Grandmother and Grandfather
Used a lot in Texas, Mamaw and Papaw is popular throughout all of the South as a variation of Grandma and Grandpa.
Twin puppies
Brother and Sister
Your "yapper" in the South refers this part of the body...
If you're runnin' your mouth off, an unappreciative Southerner may tell you to "shut your yapper!" Also a variation of "quit yappin'!"
If someone says, "As all get out", what do they mean?
They want to be alone
Very, or a lot
"This place is cool as all get out!" It's another way to say, "This place is very cool". It is also used as a replacement for 'totally', 'completely', and 'absolutely'.
A small amount


If you have a 'hissy' in the south, what just happened?
A tantrum
If you threw a hissy-fit, or a hissy, you may have been stomping your feet and yelling like a child. It probably didn't last long, but it made a terrible impression of you!
You drank too much lemonade
You sneezed
You gave birth!
If someone in the South is "knee-high to a grasshopper," they must be...
Really smart
Young and small
"The last time I saw you, you were knee-high to a grasshopper! You're all grown up now!"
When you "reckon" something, you ________.
Believe it to be true
I reckon my ex-boyfriend will be at the party tonight but I hope he doesn't go after all!
Desire it
Wreck it
Smell it


If you're not off to a great start, a Southerner may say that you're "off like a herd of ________."
Turtles are slow! This phrase denotes not just a slow start but sometimes a messy or unorganized start as well.
If you're "playing possum" in the South, you are _______.
Ditching school
Home sick from work
Playing dead or asleep
"I was home, I just didn't want to talk to him, so I was playing possum!" Also known as when you ignore someone or a responsibility because you just don't feel like it!
Playing soccer
If someone's been "hit with the ugly stick", you can expect them to be...
This is not the nicest phrase, but one that has been around for ages in the South.


I "rode hard and put away wet"...
I drank all night
I'm incredibly exhausted!
I'm like a sweaty horse that just got put back in the barn! This is a catchphrase that was originally quoted by Tennessee Ernie Ford.
I studied and passed the test
I did a triathalon
If you're with someone who "squeezes the quarter so tight the eagle screams," what type of person are they?
A less sensitive person may describe this type of person as simply cheap!
When you drive slowly to get a good look at a car crash or disabled vehicle on the side of the road, a Southerner may call you a ________.
If you turn your head so far, someone in the South might say you have a rubber neck! A rubber-necker is nosy and causes extra unnecessary traffic!


Northerners might call them "sneakers", but in the South, they're called _________.
Gym sneakers
Gym shoes
Tennis shoes
Though they are not necessarily for playing tennis, athletic footwear in the south is known as your tennis shoes!
Pull out the __________ if you've made a mess!
Sweeper is often the word used for vacuum in the South.
If someone asks where are your "stompin' grounds," they want to know...
Your favorite bar
Where you're from
I can't wait to go back to my stompin' grounds and visit my favorite places and see my old friends.
You're favorite movie theater
Where you work


Teenagers might get "gussied up" for this...
Senior prom
If you clean up and dress very nicely, or formally, in the south, you are said to have 'gussied up!" This comes from old American slang.
Soccer practice
Student Council meeting
If someone tells you to "poop or get off the pot," they're waiting for you to...
Make a decision
If someone becomes agitated and impatient with your lack of decision or action, they may say this phrase to you. It's not pleasant, but it sure gets the message across!
Turn at a stop light
Turn in your homework assignment
Call your mother
If you get the 'short end of the stick' in the South, what did you really get?
Mini candycanes
Fired from your job
A kid's baseball bat
Cheated on a deal
If you get the short end of the stick then things didn't really work out too well for you. You fell victim to the bad effects of the situation.


"I can't ride a bike any more, but I used to __________.”
Be able to
"Used to could" is a phrase common in the South which means the equivalent of 'used to be able to'.
If you have to hit the "commode", where are you going?
Commode is another word for toilet in North America, particularly the South. Historically, it is also known in the US as a movable washstand.
Shopping mall
Auto body shop
Grocery store
Everything will go as planned as long as "the _______ don't rise."
In 1955, Jerry Reed and Johnny Cash each recorded their rendition of "If the Good Lord's Willing and the Creek Don't Rise". "The creek don't rise" is an expression related to unforeseen circumstances.


If your "eyeballs are floating" in the South, where should you go?
To the doctor
To the local pub
"I drank too much water and now my eyeballs are floating!"
A baseball game
When you agree with your friend's opinion, you'd be a real Southerner to say __________.
"Me too"
"Dern tootin'!"
"Dern tootin'" has several variations, including the words dang, darn or dern. This expression is used to note agreement in a conversation.
"Ya'll too"
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