How Woke Are You in Bed?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
How Woke Are You in Bed?
Image: Kathrin Ziegler/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

In 2006, an activist named Tarana Burke founded what is now called the "#MeToo" movement, when she encouraged survivors of sexual assault to discuss their experiences starting with those words. In 2017, #MeToo went viral when activist and actress Alyssa Milano tweeted to her followers to say #MeToo if they had survived assault. As millions of women - and no small number of men - responded, the power dynamics of industries, relationships, and society were put under a spotlight, with many found wanting.

#MeToo didn't come from nothing, however. It is a tipping point, the product of generations awakening to the idea that our bodies are our own, and that only the body's owner can decide with whom to share it, when, and on what terms. This began with the idea, "No means no". It challenged centuries of thinking that said "no" was token resistance, or at most, the starting point of a negotiation. This evolved into the more nuanced, "Yes means yes", which understood that someone may be too intimidated, drunk, or shy to say no, but this doesn't mean "yes" can be assumed. This shifted the onus from the less-powerful partner and encouraged the more-powerful partner to proactively seek consent.

Being woke in bed means knowing this history, but instead of seeing consent as a legal or moral hurdle, embracing the beauty that is only possible when equal partners come together in mutual desire and respect. Nothing is sexier than a truly enthusiastic and freely-given, "Yes! I want you; I want this!" and nothing feels better than intimate encounters that include these sentiments.

Have you made the leap? Let's find out!

When you lean in for the kiss, do you pause to ask if it's okay?
Yes. It was so hot.
Yes. I felt a little silly, but they thought it was cute.
No, that's a bit weird.
No, that's weak.
When is a good time to ask someone on a date?
Once we've hung out a few times as friends.
After they say hi and we have a good convo.
When you see them smile at you from across the room.
Any time
Do you know how to politely refuse an invitation to go out with friends?
Yes, I'm very tasteful about it.
Yes, I always have a face-saving excuse.
No, I often hurt people's feelings.
I usually just end up going to the event.


Are you great at setting boundaries?
Yes, I can be firm and respectful.
Yes, though sometimes I over-assert myself in a way that's a little mean.
I'm about average.
No, and I'm not great at spotting them, either.
Do you tend to listen to your instincts?
Yes, even when they're telling me something I don't want to hear.
Usually, though sometimes I overthink until I don't!
Yes, but I can be blinded by what I want to happen.
Honestly, not really!
If your partner says stop, what do you do?
Stop. Is this a trick question?
I stop as soon as possible.
Slow down and check if they want me to stop fully.
Stop and then ask them to explain what is going on.


If your partner starts crying, what does this mean?
It could signify anything from pain to pleasure to goodness knows what else! I'll stop and ask.
It's probably bad but might be good. I'll stop and ask.
I should stop.
They think I am ugly.
Have you ever gotten into kink?
Yep. Consent expertise is required, and I have it!
A little, but it feels risky.
Not really
Where's your dream place to sleep with someone?
In a luxury hotel
On a fun getaway
On a beach
A mile high


What is the best kind of consent?
Enthusiastic consent
Affirmative consent
Any uncoerced consent
There's only one kind of consent.
What one word sums up how you feel about sex?
Have you ever had an encounter that involved a safeword?
Yes, many times. Serious varsity-level consent is required first but once you have that, it's hot as heck.
A few times. I'm still learning how to play that way in a safe, sane, and consensual manner.
Not yet but I know what it is.
I do not know what that is.


If your partner stops things in the middle, do you ask why?
Not at the time. I might ask later, but immediately I just tell them no harm done, and offer a nice cuddle instead.
I ask if they are OK. If they don't tell me, I don't push it.
I ask what's wrong.
Of course. I think a partner is entitled to know what is going on.
Do you feel weird asking for consent?
Sometimes, but I make a little joke out of it if that happens, and people usually like that.
Yes, but I know that is not an excuse for not doing it.
Yes, it ruins the mood.
If someone agrees to come home with you, does this mean they want to bang you?
Goodness knows. Better ask them to find out!
It means it's not impossible they want to.
It means they probably want to.
Sure. They might change their mind, but they're into it when they accept the invitation.


Are you good at dancing with a partner?
Yes, I can lead and follow well!
I can lead OR follow, but not either.
I'm OK, I think!
I have no coordination at all.
If a person said yes yesterday, would you ever consider that a good guide to what they're thinking today?
It's a guide, but no more - so I'd 100% check anyway.
It might be an indicator, it might not.
Of course.
How important is it that your partner have a great time?
It's second, after them having a safe time.
It's the most important thing.
It's equally important to me having a great time.
It's not as important as me having a good time, but it's not unimportant either.


If you're married or in a long-term partnership, do you still have to ask for consent?
Of course. You don't lose your right to control your body because you put a ring on it!
Yes, though it is less likely since you know and trust each other more.
I guess so.
Well, most people these days say technically yes.
Should men open the door for others?
Not unless they want to.
I always open the door for men.
I do that already.
It's just gentlemanly.
How many partners have you had?
I will never tell.
A few
I can count them on my fingers.
A great amount


What do make sure to you say to your partner the next morning?
I had a lovely time and I hope they did too.
I check if they're OK.
I thank them.
I ask if they want any coffee before they head out.
How do you usually break up with someone?
In person
Starting with: "I'm so sorry."
I'll call them.
Over email
Do you think there is such a thing as "blurred lines"?
If there are, you can unblur them.
Yes, so you should be careful when they come up.
Yes, all the time.


How ready are you to commit to someone?
I'm so ready!
I'm single and loving it.
Not yet ...
Commitment scares me.
What's your favorite bedroom addition?
What might your partner say other than "stop" or "no" that would make you stop anyway?
"Is that it?"


How good do you think you are in bed?
I'm always working to get better.
I mean, I'm curious, so that's good.
I'm great!
10 out of 10
Could consent ever be sexy to you?
It is a key component of things being sexy.
It's pretty sexy once you get good at it.
No, but it's necessary.
Not really.
What is the best thing about knowing you have consent?
You know that you are truly wanted and valued.
You know you are not hurting your partner.
You feel good after.
You don't go to jail!


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