Is Your Personality More Army or Air Force?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Is Your Personality More Army or Air Force?
Image: HIGH-G Productions / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images

About This Quiz

We already know that you "aim high" and that you are always striving to "be the best you can be." Why else would you be considering a career in the military? But before you go waking up at boot camp, you should know which branch of the service is the best fit for your personality. 

As we march in formation through this quiz, we are going to do our best to figure out how you think and what sort of things you would bring to the military's table. Once we assess your skills and your strengths, we will run your numbers against the things that each branch of the military demands from its new enlistees. Even if you've already made up your mind about the branch you think is right for you, it's always good to know where you stand against military standards. 

While serving in any arm of the service is an honorable thing to do, being in the branch you are naturally most suited to join will help you rise through the ranks even faster than you thought. Answer our questions with your oath to serve and to protect in mind, and we'll let you know if you would be a better soldier or a better airman -- which one will it be?

Would you prefer going to a military band concert or a Civil War reenactment?
I would like tickets for both!
I would rather catch a game.
The Civil War reenactment sounds interesting.
I would rather see the Army band.
Which military issued weapon would you feel most comfortable handling?
M4 carbine
FGM-148 Javelin
M2 Browning
M203 grenade launcher
How would you rate your sense of self-discipline?
I do not need others to motivate me.
I need a big push from other people.
I'm reasonably self-disciplined.
I think it's above the national average.


What kind of driver are you in rush hour traffic?
I tend to go with the flow.
I'm rather aggressive.
I try to practice caution.
I don't drive any differently during rush hour.
Which first responder job do you admire the most?
911 dispatcher
Would you have a problem being away from home for long periods of time?
It wouldn't be my favorite thing to do.
I would enjoy getting away for a while.
It depends where I'm going.
I would do what needs to be done.


Which branch of the military do you find most admirable?
Air Force
How would you describe your marksmanship skills?
I never miss my mark.
I could use more practice.
If necessary, I could defend myself.
I'm a decent shot.
If you could drive a military vehicle around all day, which one would you choose?
Fighter jet


Which military-related film could you watch over and over again?
"Top Gun"
"A Few Good Men"
"G.I. Jane"
"Saving Private Ryan"
How well do you think you would do at boot camp?
The thought of it scares me a little.
I'm sure I would ace it.
I would struggle, but I could do it.
I won't know until I'm there.
What type of MRE could you eat every day for a month?
Elbows with tomato sauce
Beef brisket
Beef taco
Chicken chunks


Do you workout at least a few times a week?
I work out nearly every day.
I don't work out that often.
I do work out a few times a week.
I rarely ever work out.
How do you rate on the scale of tech savviness?
I love technology!
I'm great with my phone.
I try to keep up.
Are you a better leader or a better team player?
I can go either way.
I'm a natural-born leader.
I'm a better team player.
It depends on the task.


How many pushups could you drop and do?
At least 20
Maybe five
At least 10
I can go until you say stop.
Which of your personality traits makes you military material?
Sense of adventure
Have you taken any practice ASVAB tests?
That's a great idea!
I didn't know they existed.
I have taken a couple of practice tests.
I take them all the time.


Would you describe yourself as being calm under pressure?
I thrive on pressure.
Pressure makes me crack.
I'm good in emergencies.
Some pressure is good motivation.
If you were to lead a platoon, what sort of leader would you be?
Which famous veteran do you know the most about?
John McCain
Morgan Freeman
Mr. T


Which of these life skills is your strongest?
Math skills
Decision making
Do you know all the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner?"
I'm sure I miss a couple.
I only know the chorus.
I know the first verse.
I can sing the entire song.
How would your current boss describe your work?


How well-prepared are you for a widespread disaster?
I could survive for a few days.
I'm prepared to survive for a few years.
I could be a little more prepared.
I'm more prepared than anyone I know.
Are you a heavy sleeper or are you always on guard?
I'm a really light sleeper.
I could sleep through a tornado.
It depends how tired I am
I'm a light sleeper when I'm away from home.
How do you feel after watching the evening news?
I feel compelled to help our nation.
I'm terrified of humans.
I do my best to avoid the news.
I usually feel more hopeful after watching the news.


What do you like most about the Marines?
They are tough.
The Marines are highly organized.
They never leave a man behind.
They do their best to honor our nation.
Which country's military base would you like to find yourself stationed in?
Did you graduate at the top of your high school class?
I was the Valedictorian.
I was in the middle somewhere.
I was at the bottom.
I was in the top 25%.


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