Is Your Relationship Doomed?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Is Your Relationship Doomed?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Whether it's a new relationship or a longer-term one, there are certain indicators to look for when it comes to figuring out if you have a future together. Is your relationship headed for doom? Play on to find out!
How long have you been in your current relationship?
Less than 3 months.
More than 3 months, but less than 9.
More than 9 months, but less than 2 years.
More than 2 years.
Are you happy?
Yes, I'm very happy.
I'm somewhat happy, but not the happiest I could be.
I'm not that happy.
I'm incredibly unhappy.
Do you think your partner is happy?
No, I don't think so.
I'm not sure.
I think so.
They certainly seem to be.


Are there any major, fundamental differences between the two of you?
Yes, a lot.
No, we agree on everything.
We have differences, but nothing major.
A few.
Do you feel like you can be open about your thoughts and feelings with your partner?
No, not usually.
Yes, I always feel as though I can.
Most of the time, yes.
How old are you?
Under 18.


What was your longest relationship thus far?
A couple months.
6 months to a year.
More than a year, but less than 3 years.
More than 3 years.
What's your role in the relationship?
We don't have set roles. Each of us does what we're better suited for.
I'm more decisive/organized/responsible than my partner, so I take care of the bigger decisions and boring stuff.
I support my significant other by helping with their chores whenever I can. They're very busy with other stuff.
I work a lot, but when I have time to spare, I spend it catching up with my partner and helping them out.
How often do you see each other?
Before/after work nearly everyday.
Once a week, on the weekends. Twice, if we have the time.
We try to hang out everyday.
Whenever we both have time.


Do your friends/family approve of the relationship?
Most of them do.
My friends and family don't know my partner.
Eh, not so much.
Are you comfortable with farting in front of each other?
Well,'s a natural bodily function.
My partner enjoys farting in front of me.
Ew, no that's gross.
We usually excuse ourselves to the bathroom.
Do you feel like you can be yourself with in the relationship?
Yes, absolutely.
Most of the time, yes.
Not really.


How often do you fight/argue?
We've never fought before.
Probably an average amount.
How do you resolve conflict within the relationship?
We walk away from the topic and don't talk about it again.
We argue for a while and then calm down and make up.
We both share how we feel about the situation and try to find a solution that works for both of us.
One of us concedes and apologizes and we move on.
Is jealously ever an issue for either one of you?
Not so far.
No, definitely not.
Yes, for both of us.


How often do you laugh together?
All the time.
At least a few times whenever we get the chance to see each other.
It depends on our moods when we see each other, but we don't seem to be laughing too often.
When's the last time you had a date night?
I can't remember.
Within the last couple of weeks.
Within the past few months.
Many months ago.
Are you at a stage in your relationship where you discuss personal finances? If so, how's that going?
We aren't at that stage. It's too early in the relationship.
We are at that stage, but still avoiding the topic.
One of us handles the money. It works okay.
We're both very responsible, and agree on most things related to finances.


How do you prefer to spend time together?
Taking some sort of class together (e.g. yoga, cooking, etc.)
Cooking or going outside together.
Cuddling and talking or watching a new movie.
Watching television.
Do you share much in common?
Other than our attraction to each other, no.
Yes, we share pretty much all the same hobbies and beliefs.
Yes, but we also have our own separate interests.
A few things, but not that much.
Are you hoping your partner with eventually change anything specific about themselves?
No, I like them just the way they are.
There's a couple things that would be nice, but it isn't necessary.
Yes, there are a few major things.
Yeah, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Do you have a satisfactory sex life?
No, not at all.
Eh, it's okay but could definitely be better.
We aren't at a stage in our relationship where sex is appropriate.
Are there any substance use issues within the relationship that you're concerned about?
No, not that I know of.
There were, but it's no longer an issue.
Yes, one of us has issues.
Yes, both of us have issues.
Does your partner remember important events and dates?
Most of the time.
No, not usually.
It's 50/50.
Yes, they've never missed one.


Are you best friends with your partner?
We're getting there.
Could you see yourself sharing the rest of your life together?
Most likely.
It's a bit early for that.
Maybe, but I don't know.
Do you have fun together?
Not always, but sometimes.
Usually, yes.


Do you cook together?
Neither of us has much time for cooking.
Yes, frequently.
Sometimes, but one of us usually does most of the cooking.
No, we cook separately/at our own residences.
How would you describe your partner?
Do you and your partner talk about what a future together might look like?
Yes, we talk about it all the time.
We try to, but it doesn't go well.
We haven't yet.
Yes, we discuss it when needed, like when we're making big decisions or something of that nature.


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