Ladies: Take This Quiz And We'll Guess How Dateable You Are!

By: Kennita Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Ladies: Take This Quiz And We'll Guess How Dateable You Are!
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Ladies, let's face it - not every guy or gal we like will like us back, and that's okay. But sometimes, we could be shooting ourselves in the foot with the things we say and do on and off dates. And based on those actions, the people we go out with can either classify us as extremely dateable or not. So which one are you, and where exactly on the dateable scale do you fall? Let's examine this further.

If you're the kind of girl who smirks at everyone, talk down to waiters, and make your dates feel inferior, you would be classified as not dateable. But if you're the kind of girl who smiles at everyone, has a great sense of humor, witty banter and isn't afraid to give or receive a compliment, you're a dater's dream. Of course, it isn't always one or the other, that's why we're trying to figure where you fall. 

So, we're going to ask you a few questions about your dating and relationship habits, the way you carry yourself, as well as what you like and can't stand, to determine just how dateable you are. If you're as curious as we are, it's time to start this quiz. 

How many dates have you been on for the past year?
Zero to five.
Six to 10.
11 to 15.
More than 15.
How do you usually meet your dates?
I usually meet them online.
I usually meet them at social events.
Friends introduce us.
I usually bump into them.
How soon after meeting someone do you go out with them?
A few months.
About a month.
A few weeks.
A few days.


How much does grooming matter to you?
It matters a lot.
It matters quite a bit.
It matters a little bit.
It doesn't matter at all.
Does your guy need to be more successful than you?
Yes, he does.
Around the same but not necessarily better.
Not really.
Not at all.
Do you and your guy's religious beliefs need to match?
Yes, all our beliefs should match.
Most of them should.
A few of them should.
Not at all.


What word best describes the way you flirt?
What's your dating personality?
The Cynic.
The Down-to-Earth Girl.
The Social Butterfly.
The Wife-to-Be.
Would you say that you're a catch?
Not for most people.
I think I am.
I'd love to think so.
Of course, I am!


Are you even looking for someone to date right now?
No, I'm not.
Not really.
I'm open to it but not looking.
Yes, I am.
How much effort do guys need to put in on the first date?
Their heart and soul.
Quite a bit of effort.
Some effort would be nice.
I don't need much.
Where do you you like to be taken on first dates?
Fancy restaurants.


What do you like talking about on these dates?
And what topics should your guy steer clear of?
If your guys suggests you two split the bill, what would you say?
"Excuse me, what?!"
"No thanks, bye."
"Um, okay...."
"It's no problem at all."


If your guy could not pay for the meal, for genuine reasons of course, what would you think?
I should have known better!.
I wouldn't know what to think.
I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
Do you kiss on the first date?
Only on special occasions.
Yes, pretty often.
What should your guy do after the date?
Text me.
Call me.
Ask for another date.


How dateable do you think you are?
I'm not the most dateable.
I'm kinda dateable.
I'm really dateable.
I'm the most dateable.
How would you describe yourself?
I'd say I'm serious.
I'd say I'm intelligent.
I'd say I'm funny.
I'd say I'm flirty.
What's the best thing about you?
My body.
My looks.
My intelligence.
My personality.


What's your weakness?
I'm very impatient.
I'm too detail-oriented.
I'm very shy.
I have high expectations.
Are you very forgiving?
No, I'm not.
Not really.
Sometimes I am.
Yes, very.
On a scale of one to four, where one is the least and four is the most, how fun would you say you are?


Are you high maintenance?
A bit.
Not really.
Not at all.
What are your Fridays like?
I'm usually working.
I usually stay in.
I'm usually out clubbing.
I'm usually out for drinks with friends.
What do you like to do to relax?
Watch T.V.


What do most of your exes say about you?
They'd say that I'm bitter.
They'd say that I didn't mean anything.
They'd say that I was a good girlfriend.
They'd say that they wish they could get me back.
How long was your longest relationship?
A few weeks.
A few months.
About a year.
Longer than a year.
Do you think you'll ever get married?
I already was.
I don't believe in marriage.
I don't know yet.
Of course, I will!


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