Make Some Adult Decisions and We'll Guess Your Dateability Percentage

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Make Some Adult Decisions and We'll Guess Your Dateability Percentage
Image: Mark Scott / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The world of dating is full of mature, responsible people who all seem to have their life together, right? Not necessarily, because the adult life is full of hardships, obstacles and changes that we all have to go through. And while it's not easy to conquer the adult world, you'll have to learn how to manage it to the best of your ability before you begin to date someone.

A loving relationship may seem like it's full of butterflies and unicorns, but this takes quite a bit of work. For starters, you may have to make time for your partner despite a busy schedule. With a career, hobbies and other conflicts that might get in the way, learning how to manage your time is essential for the longevity of a relationship. 

You may also find yourself tracking your finances more thoroughly as well. Dinner dates, recreational activities and movie nights may sound like fun at first, but these types of expenses add up quickly. So in short, the lessons you learn in the adult world will carry over into the dating world. In this real-life quiz, we're going to determine how dateable you are based on how you face the obstacles of life!

istetiana / Moment / Getty Images
It's 7 p.m. and you haven't eaten all day. What's for dinner?
A homemade meal
Fast food
Frozen TV dinners
Robin Skjoldborg / DIgitalVision / Getty Images
You're going on vacation in three days. When do you start packing?
Right now
The night before
The day of
brushing teeth
It's 11 p.m. and you're feeling super tired. Are you going to brush your teeth?
Of course
Yes, but I'll skip flossing.
Maybe in an hour
No, I'll do it tomorrow.


lunch with friends
d3sign / Moment / Getty Images
You're busy doing chores around the house when a friend invites you to grab lunch. Will you go?
No, I have to finish my chores first.
It depends on the friend.
How about dinner instead?
shopping with friends
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You notice a cute jacket on sale at your favorite store, but you left your wallet at home. What do you do now?
Forget about the jacket
I'll buy the jacket another time.
I'll ask a friend or family member if they can buy it for me.
Run home to get my wallet
Michael H / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You just cooked an epic meal for yourself! When will you be doing the dishes?
Right now
In a few days


RichLegg / E+ / Getty Images
You just won $500 in the lottery! What will you do with that money?
Invest it
Give it to a friend or family member
Save it
Spend it
wedding invites
tomfot / E+ / Getty Images
You were just invited to a wedding! Will you bring a gift?
Of course
It depends on the wedding couple.
No, of course not
Portra / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of these monthly bills would you get rid of to cut costs?
Netflix or Hulu
Gym membership
I'm not ready for that kind of sacrifice.


RUNSTUDIO / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Uh oh! It looks like you were just fired from your job! What now?
I'll start applying for new jobs.
I'll ask friends and family for advice.
I'll try to get my old job back.
Time to live that unemployed life
savings account
Prapass Pulsub / Moment / Getty Images
If your paycheck was $500/week, how much of that would go into a savings account?
flat tire
Plougmann / E+ / Getty Images
Yikes! It looks like you just got a flat tire! What will you do now?
Change the flat tire
Read my car manual for instructions
Call someone for help


Bambu Productions / DigitalVIsion / Getty Images
Your friend is coming over in 20 minutes ... but your place is a disaster! What room will you clean first?
Living room
lechatnoir / E+ / Getty Images
You just received a nice postcard from a family member. Will you call them to say "thank you?"
Of course
It depends on the family member.
No, it's not necessary.
twenty dollars
MICHAEL LOFENFELD Photography / Moment Open / Getty Images
What are you most likely to buy with an extra $20?
A book
A movie theater ticket
A video game


negative friend
Emir Memedovski / E+ / Getty Images
One of your friends has been super negative around you lately. What are you going to do about them?
I'll politely talk to them.
I'll tell them I don't want to be friends anymore.
I'll gossip about them.
stressed out
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
You're currently in a job that you absolutely hate. Will you make a career change?
Yes, eventually I will.
I don't know if I'm ready for that.
No, it's better to just stick with my job.
moving in
Ariel Skelley / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Is it better for you to rent or buy a house?
It depends on the location.
I don't want a house.


wedding planning
michael1959 / E+ / Getty Images
How much money are you willing to spend on your own wedding?
Between $1,000-$3,000
Between $3,000-$5,000
Over $5,000
Less than $1,000
getting ready to go out
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
You're going to a fancy party tonight, but all of your nice clothes have to be washed. What will you wear instead?
I'll quickly wash the clothes.
Another type of outfit
I'll go out and buy an outfit.
The nice clothes that need to be washed
Nora Carol Photography / Moment / Getty Images
It's tax season! Who's going to help you file your taxes?
I can do it myself.
I'll seek out a tax preparer.
I'll ask a friend or family member.
No idea


bad at parking
simonkr / E+ / Getty Images
On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your parallel parking skills?
writing cover letter
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Do you know how to write a cover letter for a job application?
Of course
Kind of
I'm not sure.
What's that?
buying car
mediaphotos / E+ / Getty Images
If you were shopping for a new car, would you be able to negotiate the price down?
Of course
I would definitely try.
No, that sounds scary.


woman with flowers
Eva-Katalin / E+ / Getty Images
You just received a nice vase of flowers from a friend. How often will you change the water?
Every day
Every other day
Once or twice a week
scared of spider
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You notice a big spider that's crawling on the floor! As an adult, do you have the courage to kill it?
Sure, it's no big deal.
I'll ask someone else to kill it.
I'll just leave the spider alone.
Manuel Breva Colmeiro / Moment / Getty Images
When doing the laundry, you notice that the colors and whites are mixed in together. Do you separate them?
Of course
Only if I have a lot of white clothes
I'm not sure.
No, this is pointless.


paying bills
urbazon / E+ / Getty Images
Your cell phone bill is due tomorrow, but you don't have enough money to pay it. Now what?
I'll call the company and ask for an extension.
I'll ask a friend or family member for some money.
I'll pay the bill when I get my next paycheck.
I guess I won't have cell phone service for a while.
feeling sick
chee gin tan / E+ / Getty Images
You've been feeling under the weather for the past week now. How are you going to get better?
I'll go to a doctor.
Lots of water and rest
I have no idea.
sending postcard
Henglein and Streets / Cultura / Getty Images
You want to send a postcard to a foreign country. Do you know how many stamps you'll need?
Of course
Let me just Google this really quick ...
I think I have a rough idea.


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