Whether you loved or hated math when you were in school, math is a part of our everyday lives. Everyone needs to know how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide to complete basic everyday skills such as calculating tips or measuring ingredients for that fancy cake you want to bake! Some mathematical symbols are easy to identify, plus signs, minus signs, equal signs, and division signs, are some of the most common mathematical symbols you should be able to recognize. However, you may have forgotten some of the other mathematical symbols you learned in school. For example, do you remember what brackets are used for or what an exponent looks like? Do you remember what PEMDAS stands for or how to use parentheses?  Any idea what a spherical angle looks like or an arc? Can you draw the symbol for a parallel line or closed surface integral?
This quiz contains a mix mathematical symbols every math lover or scientist should know. A few of these symbols may seem easy to identify it, but most can stump some of the most qualified mathematicians. Think you can identify all of them? How quickly can you correctly identify them? Find out now by taking this quiz and then challenge your friends!
Which mathematical symbol is shown here?
It takes at least two factors to make a product. Factors are the numbers that are multiplied and product is the result. The terms "multiplicand†and "multiplier†are also used to show which number is being multiplied (the multiplicand) and how many times (the multiplier).
The term "less than†is used to refer to quantities (for example, 6 is less than 7). The term "lesser than,†however, is used to refer to quality, meaning one thing is inferior to the other.
The "greater than†and "less than†signs should really be thought of as a single sign which changes meaning based on its orientation. The sign always opens up to the side that is more and points to the side that is less.
Brackets come in several forms and have various uses in Mathematics. The types of brackets include parentheses or "round brackets" ( ); "square brackets" or "box brackets" [ ]; braces or "curly brackets" { }; and "angle brackets" < >.
"Less than†and "greater than†are true inequalities in that the two things being compared by them are never equal. While we often refer to "less than or equal to†and "greater than or equal to†as inequalities, they are not, in the strict sense of the word.
Bakers use the percent as a way to compare the amount of each ingredient to the amount of flour in a recipe. So, a recipe with 50% sugar does not mean sugar makes up half of the amount of ingredients but that the amount of sugar used is half the amount of flour used.
The equal sign (written as a pair of horizontal lines) was invented by Welsh physician and mathematician Robert Recorde in 1557. Even into the 18th century, a pair of parallel vertical lines was also in use to indicate "equals.â€
Ancient mathematicians have long known and worked with cube roots. There is evidence of the calculation of cube roots by the Babylonians from as far back as 1800 BCE.
The term "not equal†indicates that the two amounts being considered are never the same. The terms "greater than†and "less than†are more specific ways to show that the two amounts are not equal. For the possibility that they may be equal at some point, the terms "less than or equal to†and "greater than or equal to†are used.
The decimal point is used to separate a number into its whole and fractional parts. While a point is used in many countries, in some countries a comma is used instead (for example: 23.58 would be written 23,58). There are also countries where an apostrophe is used instead of a point (23'58).
Numbers in a subtraction have particular names. They are minuend (the number that is to be subtracted from); subtrahend (the number subtracted); and difference (the result of subtracting). So, minuend − subtrahend = difference.
The imaginary unit is defined as the square root of negative one (-1). Technically, it is the only imaginary number and it forms a complex number when multiplied by a real number (e.g. 5i).
Although often used interchangeably with the term "brackets,†parentheses are regarded as actually meaning round brackets. That is, as opposed to square, curly or other types of brackets.
The horizontal division line, or fraction bar, is sometimes called a vinculum (although this is not strictly accurate). When a slant line is used between two numbers to show division, that line is referred to as a solidus.
The calculation and use of square roots can be traced to several different ancient civilizations. The use of the modern square root symbol, however, is first recorded in print in the 16th century.
Both "less than or equal to†and "greater than or equal to†contain a combination of two symbols. They are the inequality sign (either < or >) and the equal sign (=). In some cases, the lower line is slanted to match the inequality, while in other cases it is left flat.
Pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, is an irrational number. It has a never-ending number of digits which go on with no perceivable pattern. It has been calculated to over 2 quadrillion digits.
If you select any two points on the circumference of a circle, they will divide the circumference into two arcs. When the two points are directly opposite each other, the arcs are equal in length. Otherwise, they are a major (longer) arc and minor (shorter) arc.
The number being used in repeated multiplication is known as the base. The number of times it is used is called the power, exponent or index (plural: indices). Powers of 2, 3 and -1 have the special names of square, cube and reciprocal, respectively.
The word "angle†refers to the amount of turn between two lines (or rays) that share a common end point. The lines are sometimes called the arms of the angle while the common end point is the vertex.
The division symbol of a line with two dots (one above and one below) is known as an obelus (plural: obeluses or obeli). In division, the terms "dividend", "divisor" and "quotient" represent the number being divided, how much it is being divided by and the result, respectively.
Leonhard Euler (pronounced "oilerâ€) was an 18th century Swiss mathematician, astronomer, engineer, logician and physicist. Euler's number is just one of the many concepts named after him.
Both uppercase and lowercase sigma have several meanings in Mathematics. Uppercase sigma is most commonly used to show summation, while lower case sigma is best known to mean standard deviation.
A vector is an object that has a magnitude and direction. Vectors are not only useful in solving math equations, they are also used in various science disciplines such as physics and engineering.
The tilde is often written to mean "approximately†but has wider usage in several areas of Mathematics, including statistics. Outside of Mathematics, the tilde has a wide range of uses, such as changing a letter's pronunciation in some languages.
The Laplace transform was discovered by Pierre-Simon Laplace, a 19th century French scholar. His work in mathematical physics and astronomy led to his often being referred to as the French Newton.
For two objects to be congruent they must be the same size and shape. That means one would fit perfectly over the other even if it needs to be flipped or rotated to do so.
In addition, the terms "augend" and "addend" are used for the numbers being added. The augend is the first number, while the addend is the second one. Most often, however, addend is used for both. The term "sum" is used for the result of addition.
A ray is a part of line that has a starting point (represented by a dot). The ray goes on into infinity, without end. Interestingly, the name given to the starting point of a ray is "end pointâ€.
A simple definition of a spherical angle is that it is the angle formed by two intersecting great circles on a sphere. More precisely, however, it is the angle formed by the planes that contain the great circles.
Line segments are generally identified by capital letters that name their end points. In coordinate geometry, however, this is taken a step further and the coordinates of the end points are considered necessary for identifying a line segment.
The use of 360 as the total number of degrees in a full rotation (a circle) has been traced back to several ancient civilizations. It is thought to be linked to their use of a base sixty, sexagesimal, system.
Epsilon is the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet. Most persons who study Mathematics may associate lowercase epsilon with set theory, meaning "is a member of†or "is an element of."
The caret (or inverted v) symbol is very useful when showing exponents in printed form. Exponents are typically written in superscript beside the base. The caret allows both the base and exponent to be placed on the same line with the number after the caret being the exponent.
Perpendicular lines meet at a right angle, that is, 90 degrees. While a small arc is normally drawn to shown the angle made by two lines, for perpendicular lines, the angle is denoted by a small box.
While all vectors have a magnitude (length) and direction, unit vectors are special in that they have a length of 1. A unit vector is normally named be a common letter with a ^ placed over the letter.
Uppercase delta is most commonly used in Mathematics to show a change in a value. A river delta, in nature, is so named because of its triangular shape which resembles the letter.
Theoretical physicist Paul Dirac introduced this function. Hence it is sometimes called the Dirac delta function or Dirac's delta function. In the strictest terms, however, the delta function is not a true function but more of a distribution.
In Mathematics classes, finding derivatives of functions is often taught first and then finding the integrals is introduced as the reverse operation. The stylish "S†symbol for integral conveys the idea of finding a sum.
The symbol for the closed surface integral is made up of a single closed loop and two integral symbols. It is related to the closed line integral, which has a single integral symbol, and the closed volume integral, which has three.
Although, by definition, a line has no width, this is not how it is in practice. Even the thinnest line you draw, will have a thickness - no matter how minute!