Only 1 in 100 People Can Recognize The Biggest Life-Changing Moments In History From a Photograph! Can you?

By: Kennita Leon
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Only 1 in 100 People Can Recognize The Biggest Life-Changing Moments In History From a Photograph! Can you?
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About This Quiz

There have been certain events in the world that have shaped it into what it is today. Do you pay attention enough to remember what these moments are?
Invention of the internet
Which moment is this?
Invention of the internet
The creation of this incredible technological development was not a one-man job, but was the work of many researchers and organizations worldwide. Professor Leonard Kleinrock has been credited for laying the groundwork for the development of the internet, while Robert Khan and Vincent Cerf invented the Transmission and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) that acts as a communication medium between devices. Xerox is also credited for the creation of the ALTO computer and Ethernet protocol and the government also played a major role in this invention, through the Pentagon's Advanced Research Project's Agency Network (ARPANET).
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream” speech
Filming the MGM Lion
Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty
The rise of Hitler
Which moment is this?
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
The rise of Hitler
Hitler was a fascist who gained notoriety for his extreme beliefs and aggressive policies, such as the idea that he was a superior being and Jews were sub-human. This led to the death of over 6 million Jews in the Holocaust.
Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse
Queen Victoria's funeral
Hiroshima bombings
Which moment is this?
Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival
JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech
Hiroshima bombings
Towards the end of World War II, the allied powers and Japan were still fighting bitterly to gain the upper hand. As a final straw, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. The deaths of over 135,000 people as a result of the bombings prompted Japan's surrender and the end of the war six days later.
The first World Series Game in New York


Apollo 11
Which moment is this?
American Revolution
JFK's funeral in the Capitol Building
Suzanne Lenglen breaks Wimbledon record
Apollo 11
On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first two humans to walk on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission.
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Which moment is this?
Evacuation of Dunkirk
Hitler becomes German Chancellor
Pearl Harbor attacked
Fall of the Berlin Wall
The Berlin Wall was erected during the Cold War to prevent Germans from escaping to western Germany for refuge. For 28 years the wall stood, until it was dismantled in 1989 when the Communist Party decided to improve relations as the Cold War diffused. More than 2 million people celebrated this momentous occasion in Berlin's history.
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Which moment is this?
Germany invades Poland
D-Day landings
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Ferdinand was the Royal Prince of Bohemia and Hungary, who, along with his wife, was shot to death in 1914 by a young assassin from Bosnia. At that point in history, relations between Austria-Hungary and Bosnia were already strained and the assassinations created much tension and unrest. This was a catalyst to numerous events that led to World War I.
Launch of first nuclear submarine


The Great Depression
Which moment is this?
Roger Bannister breaks the 4 Minute Mile
The Great Depression
This 10-year worldwide economic downturn has been recognized as the worst in history. Many factors contributed to the depression, such as a recession that led to the stock market crash. Unemployment rates soared to 25 percent in some countries and the gross domestic product was halved. It came to an eventual end with the introduction of The New Deal by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Pele's World Cup Final performance
Manchester United players die in Munich Air Crash
The Holocaust
Which moment is this?
The Holocaust
This refers to the genocide of approximately 6 million Jews during WWII. It was executed by the leader of the Nazi Regime, Adolf Hitler, who regarded Jews as an inferior people. The Holocaust is regarded as one of the worst crimes against humanity.
First Man in Space
Pele's World Cup Final performance
Berlin Wall erected
The Wright Brothers' Flight
Which moment is this?
JFK assassinated
President Nixon resigns
The Wright Brothers's Flight
These innovative brothers are known as the men who created the first controlled and operative aircraft, which they flew in North Carolina on December 17th, 1903. They also invented three axis control which allows the airplane to maintain its position in the air and helps the pilot to steer the plane. They were not the first to fly test aircrafts but made history for the full functionality of their invention.
The Ethiopian famine


Attack on Pearl Harbor
Which moment is this?
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream” speech
Tiananmen Square massacre
Attack on Pearl Harbor
On December 7th, 1941, Pearl Harbor, The US Naval Base in Hawaii was attacked by Japanese air forces. This surprise attack resulted in the death of more than 2,000 American soldiers, the loss of hundreds of airplanes, several warships and vessels. One day after the attack, US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, declared war on Japan, and America entered World War II.
Queen Victoria's funeral
The signing of the Treaty of Versailles
Which moment is this?
The signing of the Treaty of Versailles
This peace treaty signified the official end of World War I, after four years of constant battle between the Allies and the Central Powers. It was signed on June 28, 1919, and required that Germany accept full responsibility for the damage it caused along with its allies. However, this clause and other aspects of the treaty were up for heavy debate.
Filming the MGM Lion
Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse
JFK's Assassination
Which moment is this?
JFK's Assassination
During a presidential motorcade in Texas in 1963, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was gunned down by former marine Lee Harvey Oswald. Two days later, Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby, who was intent on avenging the murder of the president.
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
Hitler becomes German Chancellor
The first World Series Game in New York


Invasion of Normandy
Which moment is this?
Hurricane Katrina
Invasion of Normandy
This occurred on June 6, 1944, when the Western allies launched their attack on Germany by invading Normandy in France. This successful attack was intended to set France free from the Nazi's grip. More than 150,000 soldiers took part in the attack -- later called D-Day -- a military term referring to an operation that will be launched.
Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty
Nelson Mandela dies
African American Civil Rights Movement
Which moment is this?
Roger Bannister breaks the 4 Minute Mile
JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech
Suzanne Lenglen breaks Wimbledon record
Civil Rights Movement
The fight against racial segregation and other forms of discrimination. Pioneers of this 1955 movement included Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks, who fought for the rights and freedom of black people. This historical movement led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Invasion of Poland
Which moment is this?
Manchester United players die in Munich Air Crash
Invasion of Poland
German soldiers swept down on Poland in 1939 with heavy bombing and warfare which marked the beginning of World War II. Their aim of capturing the country proved to be successful, as the Polish government soon retreated and transferred its people to Romania. The Germans had full control of Poland and the Second Polish Republic came to an end.
Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival
American Revolution


Cuban missile crisis
Which moment is this?
Pele's World Cup Final performance
JFK's funeral in the Capitol Building
Evacuation of Dunkirk
Cuban missile crisis
This was an intense period during the Cold War when the United States and the Soviet Union were at loggerheads over the installation of missiles in Cuba. The Soviets had installed these as a response to America's installation in Turkey and Italy. The 13-day impasse ended when both parties agreed to remove their missiles from the respective countries.
Victory Day
Which moment is this?
JFK assassinated
Victory Day
This is recognized as the day when Japan gave in to the Western Allies by surrendering unconditionally to them. This development marked the end of World War II and was known as Victory over Japan Day or V Day for short. Victory Day was observed on August 14, 1945, just a few days after the Hiroshima bombings by the US in Japan.
Pearl Harbor attacked
Launch of first nuclear submarine
Chernobyl disaster
Which moment is this?
The Ethiopian famine
D-Day Landings
Chernobyl disaster
In 1985, a nuclear power plant in the Ukraine caught on fire, sending currents up into the air for several days. The disastrous event happened during a safety test. Twenty-eight workers were killed and dozens of cases of thyroid cancer were also blamed on this disaster.


Sinking of the Titanic
Which moment is this?
First Man in Space
Berlin Wall erected
President Nixon resigns
Sinking of the Titanic
On the fourth day of Titanic's very first voyage, it sank soon after striking an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean. More than 1,500 of the approximately 2,000 passenger's p perished in what is recognized as one of the worst disasters to ever occur at sea.
Apartheid ends in South Africa
Which moment is this?
Apartheid ends in South Africa
This marked the end of legalized racial segregation in South Africa that ensured black oppression and white supremacy. It had existed for more than a decade. Nelson Mandela was the pioneer of this movement, which began through changes in legislature and governance. In 1994, Mandela subsequently became the first black South African president.
The first World Series Game in New York
Germany invades Poland
Hitler becomes German Chancellor
The launch of Sputnik
Which moment is this?
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream” speech
American Revolution
Queen Victoria's funeral
The launch of Sputnik
During the Cold War of the 1950s, the Soviet Union and the United States were exploring new technology that would improve their combat. At the time, the Soviets invented Sputnik- the world's very first artificial satellite. It traveled at 18,000 miles per hour and weighed about 184 pounds. However, it deteriorated in the atmosphere on its orbit back to Earth, a few months after its initial trip.


The Black Death
Which moment is this?
Hurricane Katrina
Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty
The Black Death
In 14th century Europe, from 1346 -1353, 60 percent of its population (50 million people) were wiped out by this terrible disease. Yersinia pestis was the bacterium that was spread from rats to humans that resulted in plagues. The European population did not begin to recover until the 17th century and even then, the plague returned sporadically.
Tiananmen Square massacre
The death of Jesus Christ
Which moment is this?
Suzanne Lenglen breaks Wimbledon record
The death of Jesus Christ
Christ was crucified by Jewish elders and priests who deemed him to be blasphemous. He was pinned to a stake with nails through his ankles and wrists and buried when he died hours later. Christian teachings say Christ's death was the ultimate sacrifice, to save all human beings from their sins.
JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech
Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse
911 World Trade Center Attacks
Which moment is this?
JFK's funeral in the Capitol Building
Roger Bannister breaks the 4 Minute Mile
Filming the MGM Lion
9/11-World Trade Center Attack
This is widely acknowledged as one of the worst terrorist attacks in US history. In this unexpected suicide attack, the Islamic Al-Qaeda group hijacked four planes and flew them into four strategic locations in the US, including the World Trade Center. This attack claimed the lives of three thousand people and prompted the US to develop more sophisticated anti-terrorist attacks.


The Renaissance
Which moment is this?
The Ethiopian famine
The Renaissance
During this remarkable period in history, the focus was on humanism and individual goals and achievements which led to development in many areas such as art, philosophy and literature. Artists such as Leonard da Vinci and Michelangelo also rose to prominence during this era.
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
JFK assassinated
Discovery of penicillin
Which moment is this?
Pele's World Cup Final performance
Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival
Discovery of penicillin
In 1928, Alexander Fleming was a lab technician who happened to accidentally discover penicillin after returning to work from vacation. He found that a staphylococcus culture plate had been contaminated with mold, but this actually prevented the growth of bacteria, through a rare form of Penicillium notatum that had formed. Penicillin went through various experiments which were first conducted by Fleming. Then researchers at the University of Oxford began developing penicillin into the life-saving drug we know today.
US Declaration of Independence
Which moment is this?
Launch of first nuclear submarine
President Nixon resigns
US Declaration of Independence signed
During The Revolutionary War, the 13 colonies of Great Britain who wished to be free of her control, entrusted members of the Second Continental Congress to draft a formal declaration of independence on their behalf. The document was mostly written by Thomas Jefferson, submitted to Congress for editing and approval, passed on July 2nd with no opposing votes and formally declared on July 4th, 1776.
Nelson Mandela dies


Battle of Waterloo
Which moment is this reenactment from?
First Man in Space
Hurricane Katrina
Battle of Waterloo
French military leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, led his troops to Waterloo in the Netherlands to conquer the land and defeat members of the Seventh Coalition that were stationed there. However, the usually triumphant fighter lost bitterly to his opponents and this caused the disbandment of the First French Empire and marked the marked the end of his reign as Emperor of the French. Bonaparte surrendered himself to the Coalition and remained in exile on the island of Saint Helena, until his death in 1821.
Manchester United players die in Munich Air Crash
India gains independence
Which moment is this?
American Revolution
D-Day Landings
India gains independence
After almost 200 years of British reign, India was declared independent on August 15th, 1947 by Jawaharlal Nehru, who later became India's first prime minister. However, the Indian Independence Act divided it into two major countries - India and Pakistan, where Hindus and Muslims dominated respectively. This separation was much to the chagrin of Mohandas Gandhi - a peaceful ruler who wished to unite the two opposing sectors and despised the legal division that was made. Hundreds were killed in the riots that ensued after this separation.
Berlin Wall erected
Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel
Which moment is this?
Suzanne Lenglen breaks Wimbledon record
Evacuation of Dunkirk
Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel
During the High Renaissance era, Michelangelo was granted the responsibility of painting this large chapel in the Vatican in Rome. This masterpiece was completed between 1508 -1512 and depicts events of the Old Testament: The Creation of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden as well as the story of Noah and the Great Flood.
JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech


Martin Luther King delivering I Have A Dream
Which moment is this?
Hurricane Katrina
Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty
Martin Luther King delivering "I Have A Dream" speech
This speech has to be widely recognized as one of the most powerful speeches ever delivered. Civil Rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr., delivered this infamous piece in 1963 at the March on Washington for jobs and freedom. It details the plight of the black people, pleads to end racism and the need for the civil and economic rights to be exercised. His powerful words and his vision of equality resonated with the crowd of over 200,000 people who came out to hear it.
Death of Fidel Castro
Which moment is this?
Death of Fidel Castro
Cuba's revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro, died on November 25th, 2016 after serving as a political leader in the country's one-party communist state for decades. He rejected American capitalist ideologies and governed Cuba with a Marxist regime. Many have debated if communism would remain a stronghold in Cuba after Castro's death and if his brother and current president, Raul Castro, would make any significant changes.
Tiananmen Square massacre
Germany invades Poland
Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival
Abdication of Tsar Nikolas II
Which moment is this?
JFK assassinated
Abdication of Tsar Nikolas II
On March 15, 1917, the last Emperor of Russia, Nikolas II, renounced his throne after serving for over 20 years as their leader. Though Nikolas inherited the throne from his father, he had neither the desire or the training to rule, which resulted in a number of tragedies: the downfall of the Russian Empire, the war against Germany where over three million Russians were killed, and the February Revolution in 1917. It was the latter that cost him his throne and his life; he abdicated soon after the revolution, then imprisoned and killed, along with his family, in July 1918.
The first World Series Game in New York
JFK's funeral in the Capitol Building


Spanish flu epidemic
Which moment is this?
Queen Victoria's funeral
Spanish flu epidemic
This deadly virus infected 500 million people in 1918 -19 and claimed the lives of an estimated 50 million people worldwide. Also known as ‘La Grippe,' it may have been spread easily during that time because the WW I was underway and the first victim worked in the military. It first appeared as a common cold before becoming deadly and claiming the lives of not only the elderly but healthy young adults as well. Despite its name, it did not originate in Spain but may have been given the name due to the widespread press coverage of the disease in Spain as compared to other countries.
Filming the MGM Lion
Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse
Fall of Stalingrad
Which moment is this?
Fall of Stalingrad
This World War II battle between the Soviet Union and Germany and its allies was for the USSR's city of Stalingrad. The Soviet Union was successful and retained its control of the city, thanks to a deadly battle that claimed the lives of thousands of civilians. The total death toll for this war was two million people and Germany retracted from other battles after their major loss of manpower and resources.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream” speech
Launch of first nuclear submarine
American Revolution
Edison invents the electric light
Which moment is this?
Hitler becomes German Chancellor
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
Roger Bannister breaks the 4 Minute Mile
Edison invents the electric light
Thomas Edison was a manufacturer, businessman who invented the incandescent light bulb in 1879. Although he was not the first to actually attempt this invention, he was the first to create one that was viable and could be sold commercially. The breakthrough discovery came after his research revealed that carbon filament made of bamboo could last over 1,000 hours and so Edison promptly began to market and sell his invention, through the Edison Light Company.


Nixon resigns
Which moment is this?
Pearl Harbor attacked
Manchester United players die in Munich Air Crash
Pele's World Cup Final performance
Nixon resigns
Nixon served as The 37th President of the United States and went down in history as the first president to ever resign from his post. This was in the wake of the Watergate scandal, where the Democratic party's offices and phones were bugged and highly classified documents stolen and compromised. This was all part of Nixon's administration's attempt to gain leverage over the opposition, but they initially denied their involvement fully. Two years later, the damning evidence resulted in Nixon's resignation and the arrests of dozens of his associates.
The first Olympic games
Which moment is this?
The first Olympic games
Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a French historian responsible for the revival of the modern day Olympic Games in 1896. Coubertin had the desire to create a multi-sport event that both men and women of any nationality could participate in, as the Ancient Olympic Games only allowed Greek men. The first modern day Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece in the Panathenaic Stadium, where The United States won 11 gold medals and Greece won 46 medals overall.
Berlin Wall erected
American Revolution
Launch of first nuclear submarine
The Challenger explodes
Which moment is this?
President Nixon resigns
First Man in Space
The Challenger explodes
This 1986 tragedy involved the space shuttle Challenger and the seven occupants who died when it exploded mid-air after 72 seconds in flight. The tenth mission of this spacecraft was cut short due to an engine that malfunctioned caused by cold weather that day. NASA temporarily suspended all missions in wake of the disaster that claimed the lives of astronauts, specialist, a pilot and a civilian school teacher who were on board.
The Ethiopian famine


Columbus reaches the new world
Which moment is this?
Columbus reaches the new world
This discovery was made by accident, as Columbus was sailing through the West to get to the Eastern World in search of gold and spices, but his incorrect calculations landed him in the Caribbean islands we know today. Columbus believed that he had discovered the East and returned to Spain with natives he called Indians and the treasures he had found. He was highly rewarded for his efforts which helped build the mighty Spanish empire.
Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival
President Nixon resigns
D-Day Landings
Circumnavigating the earth
Which moment is this?
Germany invades Poland
Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty
Suzanne Lenglen breaks Wimbledon record
Circumnavigating the earth
In the early centuries, many historians believed that the earth was a flat surface surrounded by water but, this theory was debunked by astrologers who believed it to be round due to the shape of the moon and sun. Their theory was later strengthened by the voyages of Ferdinand Magellan and Sebastian Elcano. Magellan's journey began in Seville, Spain travelling to East Asia through the Americas and was continued by Elcano in Borneo, Asia after Magellan's death. Elcano completed the first circumnavigation of the Earth in 1522 along with a small group of men.
Death of Osama bin Laden
Which moment is this?
American Revolution
Evacuation of Dunkirk
JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech
Death of Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden, the leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group, was captured and killed by US Special Forces on May 2, 2011 in Pakistan. This marked the end for this dangerous leader who had evaded capture for ten years, after he initiated the 9/11 attacks.


Boston Tea Party
Which moment is this?
Queen Victoria's funeral
Hitler becomes German Chancellor
Boston Tea Party
The Tea Act of 1773 gave the British East India Company full control over tea sales in the colonies, making it the only company to sell this product in the Americas and at a heavily taxed price. In protest, the Sons of Liberty raided a ship and dumped the entire shipment of tea into the Boston waters. This rebellious act angered Britain and led to America's fight for independence.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I have a dream” speech
Which moment is this?
The Woodstock Music Festival took place on a farm in Southern New York from August 15-17, 1969. It is regarded as one of the biggest music festivals at that time, attracting half a million people. The event was later featured in movies and albums.
Pearl Harbor attacked
Emily Davison Throws Herself Under The Kings Horse
Filming the MGM Lion
Smallpox is eradicated
Which moment is this?
JFK assassinated
Neil Armstrong walking on the moon
JFK's funeral in the Capitol Building
Smallpox is eradicated
The variola virus was the cause of this highly infectious disease that killed millions of people in the 19th and 20th century. The World Health Organisation (WHO) coordinated a global health campaign in 1980 that led to the eradication of smallpox in 2011. It is the only infectious disease that has been given this recognition. The last known case was in 1977.


The Berlin Wall erected
Which moment is this?
The Renaissance
Berlin Wall erected
The wall was a concrete barrier, heavily guarded, that divided West and East Germany. It featured a wide area, dubbed the Death Strip, where no vehicles could pass. The wall had trenches and other defense systems as well. It went down in 1989.
The first World Series Game in New York
Roger Bannister breaks the 4 Minute Mile
US Constitution signed
Which moment is this?
First Man in Space
US Constitution signed
This important document was signed on September 17th, 1787 with the representation of 12 states and 39 delegates. The constitution took 100 days to drafted and was written in part by James Madison, one of the only other presidents present at the signing, apart from George Washington. US politician, Benjamin Franklin, was 81 years of age at the time and the oldest person present to sign the constitution.
Manchester United players die in Munich Air Crash
Pele's World Cup Final performance
Nelson Mandela released from prison
Which moment is this?
Launch of first nuclear submarine
Suzanne Lenglen breaks Wimbledon record
Nelson Mandela released from prison
Mandela, renowned activist, was imprisoned on more than one occasion: first in 1962 for illegally leaving South Africa. In 1964, he was convicted of sabotage and sentenced to life in prison. He served 27 years of his time, 18 of which were spent at the brutal Robben Island prison in South Africa. Four years after his release, on February 11, 1990, Mandela became South Africa's first black president.
D-Day Landings


Princess Diana car crash
Which moment is this?
Pearl Harbor attacked
Crowds at the original Woodstock Music Festival
Queen Victoria's funeral
The death of Princess Diana
The Princess of Wales died on August 31, 1997, in a car crash in Paris, France that also claimed the lives of her boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul. The car was reportedly traveling at a high rate of speed with an intoxicated driver before it crashed into a pillar at Pont D' Alma Bridge. Diana's bodyguard was the only occupant who survived, she succumbed to her injuries and her boyfriend and their driver died instantly.
The victory of President Obama
Which moment is this?
Barack Obama wins the U.S. Presidency
Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008. He became first black president in America's history. In November 2012, Obama was re-elected into office, winning the electoral vote and the majority of the popular vote for the second consecutive time.
American Revolution
JFK giving his famous "Ich bin ein berliner" speech
Wilbur Wright flies around the Statue of Liberty
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