About This Quiz
The grocery store is a magical place. Okay, maybe not *that* magical. But it does sell the essentials for maintaining human life, like food and water. Plus, it has all of the things that make life fun, like chocolate, ice cream, pancake mix and flavored sparkling water. Need some cheese? Yep, it's got that too. We're not kidding. It has everything! Well, not everything. You can't buy a car there or get your nails done. Not that we know of, but if you find a grocery store like that, clue us in!
Anyway, the things you get at the food store can really help determine how old you are. But age is just a state of mind, really. Just because you're shopping for a bunch of antacid doesn't mean you're 80. Maybe you just get heartburn a lot. Also, maybe you're buying all of that chocolate for you and not because you're a child. Maybe it's been a rough week. Who are we to judge?
Going to the grocery store can be an adventure. Time it right, and you can be in and out in an hour or less. But go when it's supposed to snow, or rain, or it's too sunny, or not sunny enough, and you'll be barging your way through the crowds wishing you were anywhere else. Pick up some things at the grocery store and we'll guess your age!
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