Plan a Cross-Country Road Trip and We'll Tell You Which Iconic Car You'll Drive

By: Jennifer Post
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Plan a Cross-Country Road Trip and We'll Tell You Which Iconic Car You'll Drive
Image: Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Cars define decades and generations just like clothes, makeup and music do. On top of that, movies and TV can either aid in a car becoming extremely popular, or fizzling out completely. The Trans Am was one of the coolest cars, and then "Smokey and the Bandit" came out and made it even more popular. "The Dukes of Hazzard" was known for the car. "Herbie Fully Loaded" brought back a nostalgic car. The bottom line is, if you're going on a cross-country road trip, you might as well do it in one of the most iconic cars of all time. It could even turn into a fun game of picturing yourself in that movie, in that car. How would the original driver act? Would they blast the air conditioning or roll the windows all the way down? It'll definitely add a fun activity to your long road trip!

But how are you supposed to choose one since there are so many? Well, it depends on what your intentions are for this road trip. Do you want to drive straight through, or make plenty of stops to see the sites along the way? Are you sleeping in your car, or parking at hotels? Also consider how much baggage you're bringing. (Physical, not emotional.) Ready to plan the ultimate cross-country road trip? Do it in this quiz and we'll give you an iconic car to drive!

Do you have a specific destination in mind, or is the journey the destination?
I know where I'm going.
I'm going to visit family out west.
I have friends on the East Coast.
I just want to see everything in between the oceans.
Are you bringing anyone with you for some company on this trip?
Just me, myself and I
My best friend is coming.
I don't think so.
Whoever wants to hitch a ride somewhere
What time of year is the best for a cross-country road trip?
Doesn't really matter since I'll be driving through different climates.
Fall is beautiful.
Not winter. That's all I know.


You'll need to stay overnight a few times. Where are you planning on catching some shuteye?
A nice hotel
Sleeping in my car
A cheap motel
Are you booking your rooms ahead of time to help you stay on schedule?
Yeah, I want a good view.
I'll wing it.
No need!
I don't want to be tied to a schedule.
Let's get to the fun stuff. What kind of road trip snacks are you bringing?
Beef jerky and sparkling water
Cheddar popcorn and homemade cookies
Candy necklaces, Mountain Dew and hot dogs
Turkey sandwiches and BBQ chips


Have you curated the most perfect road trip play list?
I have a bunch of CDs ready to go.
I'll let a music streaming service do it for me.
Down to the second
I'll pick as I go.
What kind of souvenirs are you picking up at the places at which you stop?
Fridge magnets
Local snacks
Probably nothing
Are you stopping at all the local watering holes along the highways?
If they have at least a 3-star rating
All the diners!
Especially the ones that claim they have the best pie
That's the best part of a road trip.


Are you going to resort to car games if you get bored?
Maybe "I Spy"
We'll play the alphabet game.
I rarely get bored driving.
I'll play truth or dare with myself.
Are there any landmarks that you are just dying to see?
The Grand Canyon
The Great Lakes
Just the long road ahead of me.
If there's someone else in the car with you, do they get to choose any of the music?
If they pick good music
Of course!
Only while they're driving


Do you find it exciting to look for different state license plates on the road?
Not really.
Yes! They're all so different.
I've never thought about it, but I can see how it would be fun.
I actually do, but don't tell anyone.
Are you paying attention to how much money you're spending versus what you set your budget at?
I have plenty of money.
Yeah, gas costs a lot.
This is definitely a budget trip.
It's just money. You can't take it with you.
Do you think it's childish to honk at 18 wheelers?
It absolutely is.
Nah, it's fun and whimsical.
It's so embarrassing when they don't honk back.
I didn't even do that as a kid.


How do you plan on documenting your trip?
I'll journal about it on my stops.
Lots of pictures
I want to vlog it.
I'll video and photograph the cool stuff.
How early in the morning are you leaving for your road trip?
Whenever I wake up
9am seems good.
I'm leaving at night.
Would you rather listen to podcasts or audiobooks if you get tired of music?
Audiobooks for sure
That would put me to sleep.
Only if they have to do with true crime.
I do love a good podcast.


Will you need to remember any identification documents for this road trip?
Not that I know of.
Just my driver's license
I'm bringing my passport just in case.
That's too practical.
Which classic route fits your road trip style the best?
Pacific Coast
The Oregon Trail
The Great Northern
Loneliest Road
Are you actually relying on directions to get you to your destination, or is reading road signs more your thing?
I have a map.
Directions on my phone
Road signs are plenty for me.
Not knowing where I'm going is part of the adventure.


How long are you planning on being on the open road?
About a week
A few days
As long as it takes
A couple of weeks
When it's nighttime, are you taking a pit stop to stare up at the stars?
I'll be resting.
You gotta stop and appreciate nature once in a while.
I even brought binoculars.
I'll have the best view from the bed of my truck.
There's someone on the road who needs a ride. Are you picking them up?
Not enough space
Definitely not.
We could become best friends.


Is there any food you're particularly looking forward to eating on your travels?
I want to find the best coffee in the country.
Best fried chicken in the South
Pancakes in as many diners as I can
I want authentic New York pizza.
What comforts of home are you bringing in your car with you?
Comfortable shoes
My bed pillow
Plenty of blankets
All my chargers
Air conditioning or open windows?
Air conditioning
Definitely open windows!
I'll switch back and forth.
Both at the same time.


Which scent of car freshener is getting put in your vent to keep the food and road trip smells at bay?
Rain water
None. They give me headaches.
Vanilla cake
What is one interesting road trip activity you're making a point of doing?
Collecting dirt from everywhere I go
Taking a pic at each state sign
Taking a rock from each place I stop
Marking each day with a sunset selfie
Did you pack the car the day before you plan on leaving?
I have some last-minute things.
I should have, but no.
I'm not that organized.


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