Play a Game of "Would You Rather" and We'll Tell You Which Hair Color You Should Try

By: Teresa M.
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Play a Game of "Would You Rather" and We'll Tell You Which Hair Color You Should Try
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

If you didn't know, "Would You Rather" is a fun game filled with questions that allow us all to learn a lot about ourselves, The questions are designed to make us think about what our values are, and what is important to us. So obviously this game should be used to make sure that we figure out the things that matter to us most. One such example is what kind of hair color we should have! It is a pretty big decision to make, after all! 

There are just so many choices. Maybe you have been thinking of going more brunette or even going black, with some blue highlights. Or is it that you have been blonde for a while now, so long in fact, that people think you might actually be blonde in real life? What about being a fierce and fiery redhead? Or if you're not a fan of the whole "I Love Lucy" kind of thing, maybe something a bit more subtle because you aren't into really bold colors. The thing is, when it comes to hairstyles there are all sorts of choices that you can try, but what would be the best? Take this quiz filled with awesome "Would You Rather" questions, and find out. 

Would you rather shave off your eyebrows or grow a mustache?
I would rather grow a mustache.
Eyebrows can be drawn on.
I don't want to do either.
I'm not exactly the mustache growing type.
Would you rather eat a pound of raw Kale or eat nothing but pizza for a week?
I have eaten nothing but pizza for weeks.
I actually love Kale.
I'll just close my eyes and choose one.
Can I substitute okra for Kale?
Would you rather have jet black hair or platinum blonde hair?
I would like streaks of both.
I would have to go with the blonde.
I prefer the black.
I have done both in the past.


Would you rather cross a stage with toilet paper stuck to your shoe or walk naked through your office?
I work at home so I frequently go naked at the office.
I would choose going naked through the office.
I would choose walking across the stage.
I can't see myself in either scenario.
Would you rather wear fake eyelashes or have tattooed eyeliner?
Actually, tattooed eyeliner is not a bad idea.
I wear fake eyelashes sometimes.
I have tattoos but not on my face.
I would do both!
Would you rather babysit for 10 kids or drive a carload of your drunk friends home?
I am always the designated driver.
The kids would be less rowdy.
I'm not a kid person so I'll drive.
My friends don't drink.


Would you rather go on vacation with your boss or work for two years without time off?
I'm prepared to go to work!
I like my boss, but I wouldn't want to go on vacation with them.
I am the boss.
I have worked for two years without time off.
Would you rather have a Brazilian wax or get Botox injections?
There's nothing wrong with either.
I wouldn't mind having Botox.
I would prefer the Brazilian.
I've had both!
Would your rather have a manicure or a pedicure?
Why can't I have both?
I really need a pedicure.
That's a impossible choice.
I could use a manicure.


Would you rather get a facial or a massage?
Massages are much better for you.
I want them both.
I could use a facial.
I would rather do my own facial.
Would you rather eat a plate of hot dogs or a bucket full of salad?
I would need the salad after eating the hot dogs.
I vote for the salad.
I love hot dogs, but that's too many.
I would prefer a plate of hamburgers.
Would you rather use aloe vera or coconut oil as a moisturizer?
Coconut oil is much more effective.
I have a moisturizer with both.
I prefer aloe vera.
I prefer micellar water.


Would you prefer a naughty dream about your boss or a romantic dream about your best friend?
I've had both!
I'll take the best friend romance.
I actually wouldn't mind a naughty dream about my boss.
I will never sleep again after this quiz.
Would you prefer finding a spider in your shower or a mouse in your kitchen?
Either way, I'm moving out.
Welcome home, little mouse!
Spiders are easier to get rid of than mice.
I have not problem with either, but they need to start paying rent.
Would you rather be famous or be rich?
One kind of comes with the other.
I would much rather have money than fame.
Show me the money.
Both come with too many responsibilities.


Would you rather go to the opera or go on a pub crawl?
I would prefer the pub crawl.
I think I prefer the opera.
I would need a pub crawl after sitting through the opera.
Can I drink during the opera?
Would you rather give up shaving your legs or give up dying your hair?
I don't shave my legs.
I would give up dying my hair.
There's no way to answer this question.
I would give up shaving because I can wax.
Would you rather date Ross or Chandler from "Friends?"
I would rather date Joey.
I would choose Ross.
I wouldn't want to date either of them.
I would choose Chandler.


Would you rather give up sleep for a week or wake up with gray hair?
You really don't want me to go without sleep.
I would catch up on sleep.
I already have gray hair.
I would choose the gray hair.
Would you rather get a perm or a pixie cut?
I have a pixie cut!
I have had both in the past.
I would prefer the perm.
Break out the clippers!
Would you rather drink a cup of vinegar or a cup of pickle juice?
Vinegar is good for you.
Either of them would make me throw up.
Pickle juice contains vinegar.
I actually like pickle juice.


Would you rather cut off 6 inches of hair or never cut your hair again?
Hair grows back!
I wouldn't cut my hair again.
Everyone cuts their hair.
If I cut off 6 inches, I wouldn't have any hair.
Would you rather have neon green hair or bright blue hair?
I do not like either of them.
I got for neon green.
It would be cool to have both.
I would prefer the bright blue.
Would you rather have a day at the spa or a day at a ski resort?
I would choose a ski resort that has a spa.
I would hit the slopes!
I have no idea how to ski.
Sign me up for a spa day!


Would you rather walk across hot coals or lie on a bed of nails?
I'm too chicken to try either.
I've walked on hot coals.
No to all of it!
I would go for the bed of nails.
Would you rather listen to a cricket chirp all night or have insomnia?
I can control insomnia.
I like the sound of crickets.
Either way, I'm not sleeping, huh?
I can sleep through anything.
Would you rather have acrylic nails or manicured natural nails?
I have had both.
I don't like fake nails.
Acrylic nails are an art form.
Sign me up for the manicure.


Would you rather be told you have spinach in your teeth or find out for yourself?
My friends had better tell me about the spinach!
I always check for myself.
Who wants spinach between their teeth?
Just tell me!
Would you rather have an asymmetrical bob or beach waves?
The combination looks amazing!
I would prefer the beach waves.
I would go for the bob.
I would like a bob, but it should be symmetrical.
Would you rather do 100 crunches or do 10 miles on a treadmill?
Both sound like torture.
I already do over 10 miles a day on the treadmill.
I would choose the crunches.
This quiz is really cruel!


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