The world of Pokemon was created in 1995 and it was a universe where humans, sometimes called trainers, would catch these Pokemon and keep them as pets. The added feature of the plot of the cartoon was that these pets would not only become the trainers' dear friends, but they would also be trained to fight mostly friendly battles against other Pokemon owners. The winner of the fight would often win a badge, competition or some other kind of honor. Over the years, the franchise has grown exponentially and there are now over 800 Pokemon and all of them have different abilities and personalities. The question we (and we're sure you) want to know is: Which Pokemon are you?
Are you an electric type like Pikachu, a psychic type like Psyduck, a fire type like Ponyta or a grass type like Bulbasaur? There's really only one way to find out which of these Pokemon you are and it's here in this quiz! Are you ready to find out who or what you are? And remember, you gotta catch 'em all, but you don't gotta be all of them. You just need to be one, and it's time to find out which one it is now!
The professor offers three Pokemon for you and your friends. Who picks first?
Why is that even a question? Me of course!
I'll let them go first, because I'm such a nice person.