Procrastinate With This Quiz and We'll Guess Your High School Stereotype

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Procrastinate With This Quiz and We'll Guess Your High School Stereotype
Image: Universal Pictures, A&M Films, Channel Productions

About This Quiz

Remember "The Breakfast Club?" It's endured for years as one of the ultimate high school movies because it was so adept at trying to speak to all the different kinds of kids who would be watching it. Like it or not, when you go to high school, people lump you into specific categories. In the movie, the character of Brian fully embraces that at the end and even labels every one of the characters - a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Of course, other movies have expanded on those themes and given us class clowns, burnouts, art kids, chess club nerds, band geeks, emo kids and probably 1,001 others. Sometimes they cross from one stereotype to another, and sometimes they evolve in and out. Whatever the case, they're hard to escape.

Fact is, people want to fit in somewhere in life, and even those who don't end up getting lumped in with the other people who don't fit. For better or worse, and often it can be worse, those stereotypes never seem to want to go away. Since that's the case, we may as well embrace the whole thing for a moment here. Tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll tell you just what stereotype you got stuck with. You know, if you feel like it. For real though, take the quiz.

Nothing beats watching movies when you should be doing other stuff. What category is Netflix always showing you new movies in?
Sci-Fi Adventure
Slasher Horror
Rom Coms
Campy Movies
Of all the classes you took in high school, which one did you like the least?
Wood Shop
What would be an awesome and unique first date idea?
A museum
Roller coaster ride
A picnic in the park
A sculpting class


They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What's your breakfast of champions?
Coffee and cigarettes
Avocado toast
Captain Crunch
They're making a movie about your life! Who's going to play you on the big screen?
Benedict Cumberbatch
Vin Diesel
Margot Robbie
Zazie Beetz
What time are you rolling out of bed on a Saturday morning?
8 in the morning
I'm still up from Friday night.
I might sleep in til 9 or 10.
Sometimes after noon


Are you making your bed when you get up?
Of course!
I probably slept on the couch.
I'm just going to sleep here later so there's no need to make the bed.
How did you get to school in the morning anyway?
My parents drove me to school.
I got there on my own.
I rode with friends.
School bus
Tell us the most delectable treat from the cafeteria!
I took a bagged lunch.
I didn't eat lunch.
My school made a mean Sloppy Joe.


What are we going to find you doing at a party?
Having a great time!
Sneaking out the back
It's time to run for student government. What position are your running for?
Obviously class president
I don't take part in this farce.
If you could be doing any job in the world, what would it be?
Astronaut, for sure!
Retired billionaire
Etsy shop owner


If you're flying solo for dinner, what fast food joint are you most likely to hit up?
Five Guys
Taco Bell
Did you get bullied when you were in school?
I was more of a bully sometimes.
Everyone loved me.
I guess sometimes.
You can't learn if you're not in class, right? How was your attendance?
I probably skipped more than I attended.
It was decent.
Spotty at best


It's time for extracurriculars! What kind of after-school activity did you do?
I was in tons of clubs.
Not a thing
I was involved in student government.
I hung out in the art room sometimes, does that count?
How do you waste an afternoon these days?
On the couch
Playing with the dog
If you were a teacher, what do you think you'd be teaching a new generation of students?
Fashion design


Did you have a big circle of friends when you were in school?
Small but mighty
I had a couple of close friends.
I had a ton of friends.
Not really
You never gave the substitute teacher a hard time, did you?
I made them regret coming to my school.
I usually ignored them.
I couldn't have cared less.
What are you doing to get exercise these days?
I like to go for walks.
I don't do much.
I go to the gym.
I like to go swimming.


How much time do you devote to social media every day?
Less than an hour
I might check in once or twice a week.
I'm always on my phone.
Depends on the day.
What's the most important thing you learned back in school anyway?
How to change the oil in my car
I'm not really sure.
I can play a musical instrument, that's kind of cool.
Have you ever gone to the bathroom in your own home just to get a few minutes alone away from everyone else?
Why would I do that?
I'll just leave the house.
I do that a lot.
I can just go to my room.


How much time do you feel like you waste in a given week that you could have spent getting actual work done?
I'm pretty good with my time, to be honest.
Hours and hours and hours
Hard to say. Maybe an hour a day?
As much as I can.
Housework is a necessary evil. What's your least favorite household chore?
Mowing the lawn
Doing the dishes
Cleaning toilets
I hate changing kitty litter.
You're home alone for dinner again, but it's not fast food this time. What's your go-to meal to cook for yourself?
A can of soup
A nice TV dinner
Just a quick salad
Mac and cheese with tuna


Have you ever had a run-in with the cops?
I never have.
Oh, more than a few
Parking tickets
A few times but I feel it was unjust.
What did you do for Spring Break?
I went to camp.
Not a thing
I went to Mexico!
I told my parents I was going away then stayed with a friend.
Did you ever get detention?
I didn't!
I lived there.
Once or twice
I guess it happened a few times.


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