Run a Country for a Day and We'll Tell You Where You Should Actually Live!

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Run a Country for a Day and We'll Tell You Where You Should Actually Live!
Image: n/a

About This Quiz

From the socialist democracies of Scandinavia to the messy democracy of India, from the deliberately silly politics of Britain to the iron fist ruling Saudi Arabia, which pace would you like to rule?
How much democracy do you like?
A healthy amount
More than I can bear!
How decisive do you like your elections?
90% of the time, very, and 10% of the time, totally stupid and a mess
I do not like elections
Do you tolerate dissent?
Sure, it's fun
Sure, it's the law
No, it's immoral and bad
I like a lot of it, but not too much


How good is your transit system?
Pretty decent but I still complain
It comes and goes
How do you power the grid?
Oil, gas, coal, but more and more renewables
Solar, wind, and freedom
Oil, oil, oil! And solar.
We don't entirely have one
How important is girls' education?
The same as boys'. What a weird question.
It's immoral and bad
It's an afterthought, but a good one


Should the law tell people what to wear?
Only to stop them going around with their junk out
No, that's fascist
Yes, that is proper and honorable
No, but if they wear something skimpy and get attacked, the law should be cool with it
Is there a class system?
Of course, it's a bit silly really
Yes, it is God's will
There are a number of interlocking systems of class, caste, and race
What literacy rate is acceptable?
We should keep that as low as possible
We aim to cross 70%


How about numeracy?
Men should be numerate, women should explicitly not be
Ideally 100, but we'll take 70%
What do you want neighboring countries to envy about you?
Our prosperity
Our equality
The lifestyles of our ruling class
Our incredible economic growth
What weather challenge do you want your infrastructure to be able to, well, weather?
Rain and damp
Snow and a lot of it
Any at all would be a good start


How fair do you like society to be?
About 2/3 fair is a good rate
The goal is entirely
Fairness is not the point; morality is.
Fairer than not at all, that's for sure
Who do you want to admire your country?
We don't care about that
Who would you like to have as an enemy?
France, though they won't step up and play along
No one please
Iran, Israel, and whoever else is convenient


Do you prefer a country that sort of evolved, or one that was founded whole cloth on top of an existing culture?
Evolved please
A little of both please
We like one that was founded by a fundamentalist zealot working with a tribal culture to create a horrific hybrid of backwards thinking
We had the founding thing foisted on us, so we've gone with it
What rather silly rule would you like to implement, mostly just to see if you can?
Rosettes on our politicians, and also, any old idiot is allowed to stand for election and the silly ones go next to the serious ones and we announce the winner like a talent show
The princes and princesses need royal consent to marry
Making women legally about the same as children or glorified dogs. Try it - it's super fun!
Don't eat beef
Who will be a check or balance on legislative power?
The crown, and other parts of government
Other branches of government and our culture of decency
Why would such a thing be tolerated? That's dumb


How much will your government support technological progress?
Entirely - it is a big deal for us
Very much - it comes right after fairness
We talk a good game but act in a manner that will impede such innovation
We will invite foreign investment and invest in our own people too
Will your government embrace a changing society?
We will say so, but do slightly less than we say
Yes, completely
No, we do our best to prevent that
Yes and no - we go in fits and starts on that one
How will you punish thieves?
A smack on the wrist
Rehabilitative therapy
Prison and a fine


Would you have freedom of religion?
Of course, but we keep an established religion just because it's so funny to see all those men in the big hats
Of course!
No, that is immoral and bad
Yes, though we still mistreat people based on it
How about freedom of assembly?
Yes, that is foundational
We like that very much too!
LOL no
Yes, we're getting used to that idea
How friendly are you with your neighbors?
We're a little standoffish, but we get on OK generally
We love each other
We hate them because they are inferior, and they hate us because they are inferior
Not very, they keep trying to take our water


Would you suffer a society that requires bribery as a function of normal business?
No, we try to stamp it out
We have very low corruption
That's a great idea, then we rulers can enrich ourselves
We are sort of stuck with it at the moment
How much nepotism is acceptable?
Quite a lot, in practice
That is the only thing that is acceptable
A huge amount
How much socialism is the right amount?
About 30%
None, socialism is immoral and bad


How many nationalists do you mind having in your country?
Usually a few just to make fun of, but we are annoyed with them as they recently ruined our economy
Patriots we love; nationalists, no thanks
We are all nationalists because we are superior, except our women who should not take a position on this
We like a party or two of them
Will you support a religious movement that supports terrorism to keep the heat off your back?
Not officially - we think religion is quite silly
Not at all - we think religion is a drain on progress
Of course, that's a foundational principle - indeed, ruining the good name of our religion by supporting extremists and stamping on moderates is our idea of fun
Only occasionally
How much do you like drinking?
So much!
Quite a lot
We made it illegal because we love it so darn much we wanted to prove we'd keep doing it in the face of the threat of flogging
A little


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