Tell Us About Your Morning Routine and We'll Guess What Kind of Guy You Attract

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Tell Us About Your Morning Routine and We'll Guess What Kind of Guy You Attract
Image: Hybrid Images / Cultura / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Which type of guy do you think you attract? Is it someone who is a hunk, someone who is nerdy, "the bad boy," or "the nice guy?" Whatever guy you think it is, we're about to tell you based on 30 questions about your morning routine!

A morning routine can range from a few short minutes to a few hours of planning and morning activities. Things like how busy a person may be or how much sleep they got last night can determine what their routine is like. Examples of morning activities include yoga, exercising, making breakfast, showering, brushing one's teeth and styling one's hair. For busy folks, their morning routine can be as simple and easy as putting on clothes and rushing out the door! 

Overall, it's important to note that if you start your day on the right foot, you're setting yourself up for success for the day ahead of you. You can also do this by planning your schedule the night before, journaling your thoughts and feelings in the morning or meditating with deep breathing exercises.

So, are you ready to find out which type of guy you attract? All you have to do is tell us about your morning routine, and we'll match you up to a potential dream man!

What time do you wake up in the morning?
7 a.m. - 9 a.m.
5 a.m. -7 a.m.
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Past 11 a.m.
Do you brush your teeth in the morning?
No, but I use mouthwash.
Yes, every morning
Sometimes, it depends on how tired I am.
Nope, I do it at night.
What do you normally eat for breakfast?
Egg whites with avocado toast


Do you ever get to sleep in?
Only during holidays
Very rarely
Only on weekends
Do you play any music in the morning?
No, I prefer silence.
Yes, but I play music through my headphones.
I don't play music, but I watch the news.
Yes, and I blast it for neighbors to hear.
Do you feel groggy or refreshed when you wake up?
Mostly refreshed, but I have some groggy days too.
It depends how much sleep I got last night.


Are you the type of person who feels rushed in the morning?
Only if I overslept
No, I follow a strict morning schedule.
Yes, every morning is chaotic.
Even though I'm always running late, I don't really care.
How long are your morning showers?
5-10 minutes
15-20 minutes
Less than 5 minutes
I don't take showers in the morning.
On average, how much sleep do you get per night?
6-7 hours
7-8 hours
4-5 hours
8+ hours


How often do you accidentally oversleep?
Once in a while
1-2 times a week
Accidentally? I oversleep intentionally everyday.
Do you meditate in the morning?
Once in a great while
Yes, it's important for my mental health.
I don't have time in the morning for that.
I don't even know what that means.
What's your beverage of choice during the early morning hours?
Orange juice
Hot water with lemon


How much time and effort do you put in doing your hair and makeup in the morning?
5-15 minutes
Over an hour
I have zero time for that in the mornings.
None, because I don't care how I look to other people.
Do you plan for the day ahead in the mornings?
Yes, I do this in the mornings.
No, I do that the night before.
I just make some mental notes.
Nope, I never do this.
Do you pack any snacks or meals in the morning?
If I have time, yes.
Yes, this is a great time for meal prep.
I just throw a bag of pretzels in my purse and call it a day.
No, because I'm too lazy for that.


Are you into taking vitamins during the morning hours?
I just take a multivitamin.
Yes, I take all kinds of vitamins.
If I remember, then yes!
No, I don't take any vitamins.
What is your source of light in the mornings?
My cheap light bulbs in the ceiling
I burn a few candles.
My phone light
Natural sunlight from my windows
What kinds of chores do you do after you wake up?
I'll do the dishes sometimes.
Mopping, laundry... anything that needs to get done.
I just make my bed.


Which of the following is used to wake you up in the morning?
My mom/dad or significant other
My alarm clock
My dog or cat
Natural sunlight
Which of the following do you use to motivate you in the mornings?
Motivational videos
I read a few good quotes.
Nothing helps with my lack of motivation.
Do you choose your outfit in the mornings or the night before?
I tend to do both, it just depends on my mood.
I choose my outfit the night before.
I choose what I'm going to wear in the mornings.
I just wear whatever is on the floor.


Are you disorganized and forgetful in the mornings?
It depends how much sleep I got last night.
Nope, never!
Yes, I'm a hot mess in the mornings.
A little bit
Do you go out for a walk in the morning?
Yes, that's always the best way to start the day.
No, who has time for that?
Nope, not interested
How long does your entire morning routine last?
30-45 minutes
1-2 hours
Less than 20 minutes
I'm out the door in just a few minutes.


How often do you hit that snooze button?
Only if I feel super tired
Never, it's a bad habit to get into.
1-2 mornings a week
Every single day
Do you like to socialize with people in the morning?
Only if it's necessary
Yes, that's the best time to do it.
Only after I've had my coffee
Nope, morning is not the time for that.
Do you prefer to eat out for breakfast or eat at home?
I like to eat out.
I always eat breakfast at home.
If I have time, either one works for me.
I never eat breakfast.


How do you get energized for the day ahead of you?
From something inspirational
From my appreciation for being alive
From my coffee
Energized? That's a foreign concept to me.
Do you stretch or practice yoga in the mornings?
I stretch, but I don't do yoga.
Yes, every single day
I have a couple of minutes to do some yoga and stretching.
Nope, that sounds so boring.
Do you have any pets that you feed or play with in the mornings?
Yes, I have a cat.
I don't have any pets.
Yes, I have a dog.
Yes, I have a fish or another type of pet.


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