About This Quiz
Does your Zodiac sign cause you to act a certain way or do you act a certain way because of your Zodiac sign? Who really knows? It's like the conversation of what came first, the chicken or the egg? Maybe knowing that you're supposed to take on certain behaviors and react to situations actually causes you to do that instead of just doing what comes naturally. The idea of Zodiac determining actions and personality is disputed widely by groups of people who don't think it could possibly matter what the constellations were like when you were born. To them, horoscopes are something people read as a way to justify something they've done or draw connections that aren't really there.
But come on! It's supposed to be fun. When you read a fortune cookie, do you actually take it to heart? Probably not. But is it fun to crack open the cookie and see what Confucius has to say? You bet! Horoscopes and Zodiac signs are no different than that. For those who take them seriously, they are a way of predicting future happenings and behavior, but for those who take them for what they are, they're fun to read while waiting in line at the food store.
When you read a horoscope, you're most likely reading the one that matches up with your birthday. But what if that sign doesn't match how you really are as a person? Since there's no hard and fast science around it, that's a possibility. So whether you read horoscopes for fun or to give meaning to your life, it's time to determine just which sign you should be reading. Take this personality quiz, and we'll match you with your real Zodiac sign!
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