About This Quiz
Does the thought of pineapple on pizza make you get the dry heaves? Your tastes in food can tell us a lot more about you than you think. It's possible to decipher the region you grew up it, how much you eat out, and how much you spend on groceries just from looking at the things you eat. However, we want to use your food choices to take an educated guess at your age.
Whether or not you are still sneaking food to the dog under the table at family dinner, can put you in nearly any age group. As we grow older, our tastes tend to change a little. You might have found baked beans absolutely disgusting when you were a kid, but you might suddenly find yourself craving them as an adult. Throughout this quiz, we will take a look at the things you would rather hide in your napkin than put into your mouth.
While some of you might have a palate more advanced than your actual age, we're sure we can guess your age fairly accurately. Tell us where you draw the line when it comes to food, and we'll take a stab at how old you are!
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