About This Quiz
"Grey's Anatomy" is an American medical television series created by Shonda Rhimes that has been airing on ABC since 2005. The show's name is a play on an old English human anatomy textbook, called "Gray's Anatomy," written by Henry Gray. Throughout its run, the show has won Primetime Emmy Awards, Golden Globe Awards and Screen Actor's Guild Awards, and it was the network's highest-rated and highest-revenue-earning drama show. The show is full of laughs in the midst of sad and dark moments that notoriously require viewers to have a box of tissues nearby.Â
The show is centered around an intern doctor named Dr. Meredith Grey, who wants to step out from under the shadow of her mother's medical success and make a name for herself in the field. It also focuses on the lives of the other interns, residents and attending physicians at the hospital, who try to manage their careers while trying to find balance in their personal lives.Â
How much do you really know about "Grey's Anatomy"? Did you just hop on the bandwagon, or were you one of their original fans? Do you remember how Dr. Derek Shepherd died or who left Dr. Christina Yang at the alter? Lets see how well you know one of the most popular series on television by taking this quiz!