The Ultimate Ferris Bueller's Day Off Quiz!

By: J.P. Naomi
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
The Ultimate Ferris Bueller's Day Off Quiz!
Image: The Movie DB

About This Quiz

Buelllllerrrrrr? It's time to head back to the good ol' 1980s for this Ferris Beuller's Day Off quiz! How well do you remember Ferris, Cameron and Sloane?
Who famously says, "Bueller?... Bueller?...Bueller?"
Ed Rooney
Economics teacher
He was taking roll call at the beginning of class - with no response.
Which actor played the leading role of Ferris Bueller?
John Hughes
Alan Ruck
Matthew Broderick
Matthew Broderick earned a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actor for his role in this movie.
Cameron Frye
Which famous actress plays the role of Jeannie, Ferris' sister?
Jennifer Grey
Jennifer Grey was the winner of the 11th season of Dancing With the Stars in 2010.
Mia Sara
Demi Moore
Cindy Pickett


What is the name of Ferris' sister?
Jeannie is younger than Ferris and suspicious of his antics.
Who is Ferris Bueller's girlfriend?
Sloan Peterson is played by actress Mia Sara.
What is the name of Ferris' best male friend?
Cameron Frye was portrayed by actor Alan Ruck.


Who owns the car that Ferris drives around in on his day off?
Ferris' Dad
Mr. Rooney
Cameron's Dad
Ferris convinces Cameron to let him drive his dad's 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California.
Sloane's brother
How do Ferris and Cameron get Sloane out of school?
Pretend her grandmother has died.
They pull up in Cameron's dad's car and Ferris is disguised as her father.
She calls in sick
Sneak her out of bathroom window
Doctor's note
Ferris is in which grade?
Ferris has a bit of the senior slump!


In which American city does Ferris Bueller's Day Off take place?
New York
Ferris attends a suburban Chicago high school, but travels into the city on his day off.
Los Angeles
After driving into downtown Chicago, where does Ferris leave the car?
At a parking meter
At the mall parking lot
At the train station
With two parking attendants
The two parking attendants then take the Ferrari for a joy ride, logging many miles on the car!
Downtown, what does Ferris impulsively jump in on?
A singing competition
The Von Steuben Day Parade
He starts off by lip-syncing to "Danke Schoen".
A flashmob
A bouncy house full of kids


What song does Ferris perform that gets the whole crowd dancing on their feet?
Feeling Hot Hot Hot
Beat It
Twist and Shout
It was the Beatles' rendition of the song.
Danke Schoen
What is the name of the school principal?
Mr. Wrigley
Mr. Rooney
Edward Rooney is portrayed by actor Jeffrey Jones.
Cameron Frye
Mr. Fisher
What is Cameron known for?
His long hair
His mustache
Playing baseball
Being a hypochondriac
Cameron is pessimistic and gets caught up in Ferris' games.


The school learned of Ferris' (fake) illness and started the "_________" campaign.
Save Ferris
They were collecting donations in honor of Ferris, and his sister was furious!
Ferris Bueller Foundation
Healthy Students
Get Your Rest
Who is Mr. Rooney's assistant?
Grace was portrayed by actress Edie McClurg who has a very cheery voice!
Ben Stein plays the role of Ferris' ______ teacher.
The role as Ferris' monotone teacher is known for launching Ben Stein's career!


Which of the following is NOT one of the stops on their day's itinerary?
Wrigley Field
Art Institute of Chicago
New York Stock Exchange
They did however visit the Chicago Mercantile Exchange!
Sears Tower
Who is the "Sausage King of Chicago"?
Ed Rooney
Abe Froman
Ferris used the name Abe Froman to gain a table at a French restaurant for lunch.
Patrick Swayze
Jeffrey Plano
Who is so suspicious of Ferris not being sick that they go to his house to check on him?
His economics teacher
His father
His mother
Mr. Rooney
Mr. Rooney encounters Jeannie at the house - she kicks him and calls the police.


Who gets arrested in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
Jeannie is arrested for prank calling on an intruder - Mr. Rooney.
During the movie, Ferris frequently 'breaks the fourth wall', meaning...
Speaks to the Principal
He likes boxing
He was part of the set construction crew
He speaks to the audience
Ferris Bueller's Day Off brought in more than $70 million at the box office!
Which actor plays the role of the drug dealer Jeannie befriends at the police station?
Patrick Swayze
Brad Pitt
Charlie Sheen
Charlie Sheen's character tells Jeannie to loosen up a bit and stop worrying about her brother.
Emilio Estevez


Who picks up Jeannie from the police station?
Mr. Peterson
Her Dad
Her Mom
Her mom is not happy about this!
In which year was Ferris Bueller's Day Off released?
Ferris Bueller's Day Off was released on June 11, 1986.
Why does Cameron become enraged at the end of the day?
He is failing calculus
He missed a quiz
He can't find the car keys
The parking attendants put over 100 miles on the car!
He and Ferris try to reverse the odometer by running the car in reverse.


What does one of the bus riders offer to Mr. Rooney on the bus ride home?
A gummy bear
The gummy bear was in her pocket.
A bottle of water
A comb for his hair
Who does Jeannie kiss in Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
Mr. Rooney
The police station drug dealer
Following her role in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Jennifer Grey starred in Dirty Dancing.
The police officer
Why does Jeannie drive home like a maniac?
She wants to beat Ferris home
Jeannie spots Ferris out on the street walking home and then he books it home!
She has to use the bathroom
She is mad at her mother
She doesn't know how to drive yet


What does Jeannie find on the kitchen floor proving that Mr. Rooney had broken in?
His notebook
His wallet
She throws it outside to where the family dog attacks Rooney again.
His car keys
His wedding ring
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, _________,"
It could pass you by
It passes you by
You could miss it
This is the most famous line from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
You'll be sorry.
Who wrote, directed and produced Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
Matthew Broderick
John Hughes
Hughes is also known for other great works such as National Lampoon's Vacation, Sixteen Candles and Weird Science.
Paul Hirsch
Tom Jacobson


By the end of the movie, what happens to the Ferrari?
It crashes through a glass wall
...and lands in a ravine! Totally destroyed.
Reversing the miles worked!
Cameron's dad never finds out about the day
Ferris buys him a new one.
When Ferris calls to speak to Mr. Rooney, Grace tells him that, "Ferris Bueller's on _____."
The phone
His death bed
Line 2
Ed Rooney thinks he is on the other line with Ferris pretending to be Mr. Peterson who is asking to release Sloane due to the death of her grandmother! But when Ferris calls in, he is caught off guard.
Your office phone
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