These IQ Questions Will Help Us Guess Your High School Stereotype!
By: Jennifer Post
3 min
Image: FatCamera/E+/Getty Images
About This Quiz
Testing someone's intelligence quotient, or IQ, is actually a technical process. There are carefully calculated questions to determine your overall knowledge on a wide range of subjects. You don't have to be an expert in something in order to have a high IQ, but if you do score unusually high in one area, you just might be a genius! There are IQ tests given at schools, ones that are given specifically to kids whose parents think they are really special, and ones that you can find and take yourself. The most important part of an IQ test is remembering that it differs from all of the personality tests you've taken. There's usually only one actually true answer and you'll have to think quick!
IQ can tell a lot about a person, but it doesn't tell you everything, especially when it comes to high school. You could have the smartest person hanging out with the burnouts because being smart isn't cool or they don't feel like trying. Or maybe someone who needs a little bit more help academically is part of the popular cheerleading squad in case they need something to fall back on. Which high school stereotype were you a part of? Answer these IQ questions and we'll guess!
Can you figure out the word that comes from rearranging the letters in "GALEENT�